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13.2 On intellectual property on 03/27

Interviews of a broad range of (bio)medical professionals focusing on the
topic of intellectual property will be conducted by Mariana M., Lauren H.,
Justin R., Kara G., Ashwin K., Don H., Dylan R., Zoe Z., Elaina E., Andrea
A., Lucas E., Tabitha H., David C., Jordan S., Ben R., and Ethan B.

Questioning them in some significant way will be Stefany E., Weilin L.,
Cyrus N., Margaret P., Maggie K., Alec S., Ashley G., Mitchel C., Rachel
L., John G., Jake S., Thomas P., Jiseon L., Alyssa M., Emily F., Suliyat O.,
Ahsley P., and Vlad M.

1. Who was interviewed and why? In what way(s) does the person engage
with intellectual property?

2. What is intellectual property and (in what ways) is it distinct from

other kinds of property?

3. In the United States, how is intellectual property generally handled

(and especially w/r/t medical technologies)? Please consider this from
either your perspective, your future perspective, or the perspective of
the person you interviewed.

4. Why seek out intellectual property protection?

5. How important do you feel intellectual property is to the current field

of medicine?

6. In what way(s) do you believe you will engage with intellectual prop-
erty in the biomedical field in the future?

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