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Emanuel Garza

Period 2
Weebly Writing Portfolio Reflection: Rhetorical Analysis

The assignment was the Weebly Writing Portfolio Reflection: Rhetorical Analysis Essay. I
believe I met my expectations of the Rubric well because I got a high meets and met most of the
expectations that I wanted to meet. I believe I was pretty prepared to complete this assignment
because of the previous quick write sweven done which made me a idea of what to do and
helped me. Just doing them a lot helped me in general in writing and the discussion we had
because you get another perspective of a classmate and also helped me out in general in
writing . Some things I would do different during the pre work is looking for more pieces of
evidence because I noticed that I didn't have all the pieces I needed and I could of had them
before which could of been easier.
The essay was easy then I thought it would be because I already had all the information
and new the background information so all I really had to do was to plug it in explain myself. I
came up with my thesis just by just using what I think and just explained my lsef using the texts
and used text evidence. Something I would change if the we held our piedeia is nothing
because I spoke enough and asked a question to get a 4 overall.

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