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Draft 2 Dialogue in a Restaurant

Presented by
Javier Alexander Burbano

International Virtual University

Business Administration Career
Ipiales Nariño
February 2019
Draft 2 Dialogue in a Restaurant

Presented by
Javier Alexander Burbano

International Virtual University

Business Administration Career
Teacher Diana Patricia Mendoza
Draft 2 Dialogue in a Restaurant

Restaurant and Ice Creams the Strawberries

Empleado: Good evening my name is Javier i will seving you today

Cliente: good evening may i have the menu?

Empleado: of course, here you have (few minutes later)

Empleado: may i take your order?

Cliente: yes, can you bring me and a large salad please?

Empleado: do you like something to drink?

Cliente: sure, bring me an apple juice please.

Empleado: okay in a few minutes i will back with your order

Cliente: thank you very much.

(Minutes later)

Empleado: would you like anything else?

Cliente: No, thanks I’m full. Can you bring me the check, please?

Empleado: sure, here it is

Cliente: take it. I will come again thanks Good bye

Empleado: you are welcome, see you soon.

Thank you very much teacher.

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