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1 Research Background

English for EYL is designation for English language learners who are in the age of 5-12 years
which is in the elementary school stage. Most people assume that teaching EYL is an easy thing,
actually, it is the wrong assumption. Teaching to children and adult or adolescent are different
because of children lose interest more quickly and are less able to keep themselves motivated on
tasks they find difficult. They will have a got an activity rather than they peer in group. Teaching EYL
is challenges for teachers because we need to know and need to handle the class well. When we use
monotonous teaching methods, children get boring, make a noise, and they cannot care about the
language that the teacher use in teaching.

Children like the active learning activities in which they can move, based on piaget, J (1981)
teacher should obviously provide opportunities for learners to explore and experience, by doing so
is encouraging learners new understandings in the case, the cognitive developments of enlish young
learners lay on the concrete operational stage. They thing logically and solve the problems by their
experience. It means they are able to solve a problem which are applied to concrete examples and
objects in real life.

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