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Kumbh, also called Kumbh Mela, in Hinduism, religious festival that is celebrated four times over the
course of 12 years, the site of the observance rotating between four pilgrimage places on four
sacred rivers—at Haridwar on the Ganga River, at Ujjain on the Shipra, at Nashik on the Godavari,
and at Prayagraj at the confluence of the Ganga, the Yamuna, and the mythical Sarasvati river. Each
site’s celebration is based on a distinct set of astrological positions of the Sun, the Moon, and
Jupiter, the holiest time occurring at the exact moment when these positions are fully occupied. The
Kumbh Mela at Prayagraj, in particular, attracts millions of pilgrims.

The Kumbh Mela takes place in an approximately 15-20 km area on the flood plain of the Yamuna
and Ganga river and on defense land behind the old Kila at Allahabad (popularly known as parade
grounds). Kumbh is supposed to be the biggest conglomeration of human beings on the Earth. As
per the survey of Economic Times, estimated worth of the Kumbh mela 2019, were 4200crore
rupees, and expected number of visitors to be 150 million. Mauni Amavasya traditionally attracted
the largest crowds at the mela. The current Kumbh Mela was held on 15th January 2019 at
Allahabad. Kumbh mela area was divided into 10 zones and 25 sectors.

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