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august 2018 isssue #4


Do your friends have A 6-Step Guide to Why Ethical Non-Monogamy
more friends than you? not Panicking! is not same as Cheating
Does it influence whether Your popularity index ‘What consumes your What is Ethical Non-
or not you’re single? and what it means! mind, controls your life’ Monogamy?

How to use self-doubt

for positive change in

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Dear Readers,
Welcome to this edition of New
Generation Psychology!

A dash of fresh iving in an era of digital month’s cover story ‘Screwed up?
thinking, reverse change, I have seen a rapid Relax, people care far less about it
change in how humans than you think they do’ talks about
thinking, big, function. First, there is regular screw-ups in our day to day
bold ideas and a an inevitable surge of discover- living, that tends to pose a judgment
ing one’s own self, and second the on our own self-critique. Paranoia,
new, more diverse ever-evolving ways of fighting odds anxiety and under-confidence are
and inclusive for misfits, contrarians, underdogs some of the most commonly recog-
and the anti-heroes! They just seem nized symptoms of giving a ‘damn’
approach to to stay into their own. I have also about too many things at a time, and
sustaining a witnessed an up-rise of the rebel: we are exactly going to talk about
those who don’t play by the nor- this!
millennial life mal rules, who flourish in chaotic,
New Generation Psychology invites
is our point of unpredictable times and welcome
you to spend some of your valu-
uncertainty without fear. This new-
discussion in this look issue of NGP is dedicated to
able time exploring these pivots,
and other fascinating connections
issue. those people, the curious revolu-
between self-doubt and positiv-
tionaries who practice and preach
ity, friendship and popularity, and
differently! shyness and outbursts. Also, just
so you know, we take serious, loyal
A dash of fresh thinking, reverse
readership as our most precious
thinking, big, bold ideas and a new,
asset. We’d be fools to trifle with the
more diverse and inclusive ap-
agendas we’ve been talking about,
proach to sustaining a millennial
by making change for change’s sake.
life is our point of discussion in this
But there’s also the puzzling ques-
issue. The issue is loosely based
tion, in this moment of emotional
on the theme of change and we’ve
and mental millennial crisis, if we
spent days validating experiences!
Editor: Sachin MITTAL can only intensify the experience of
Do we have to do it the same way reading a magazine, or make a dif-
as we always have? More often than ference in living!
not we concluded that no, we don’t.
Precisely why, this time, we chose Staying all ears for your valuable
to talk about some breakthrough feedback, and hoping to get my
concepts of millennial living such mail box brimming with all
as ethical non-monogamy, late your memories, black and white,
marriage and weird phobias. This etched on ink!

ISSUE No:4 2/ August 2018 Multi magazine


December 2016 3

Issue #4, August 2018

Does it influence whether or not you’re single?

15 Weird Phobias:
that you might not even know you have

How to use self-doubt
for positive change in yourself!

Why Ethical Non-Monogamy
is not same as Cheating

Marriage: Not on the cards
or just a tad bit later?

A 6-Step Guide
to not Panicking!

Do your friends have more friends than you?
– Your popularity index and what it means!

ISSUE No:4 1/ August 2018 Multi magazine

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Shyness - Does it influence
whether or not you’re single?
uperficially, by shyness we mean
a common response or feedback
Where does shyness Dating Scene for Shy
to when being exposed to unac- come from? People:
customed situations or meeting new
people. Shy people have feelings of Low self-esteem, low self-confidence Shy people have a tendency to experi-
anxieties or discomfort when they are ence social circumstances in a more
and worthlessness are few of the main
distant, anxious and awkward manner.
around others whom they don’t know causes of shyness. It majorly is based These especially arise when they are
well. They find it very difficult to talk to
on the craving to be perfect, trust is- meeting new people. Due to their shy-
people they don’t know.
sues and possibly everyone else is more ness, they usually take longer time to
In the real sense, shyness is an over- perfect, which puts undesired pressure open up and come close to new people
which in turn majorly affects them to
powering feeling of worthlessness on the shy person to feel undeserving
form new relationships.
and is the chief hindrance to leading to be in some else’s company. Shyness
a great and wholesome life. It stems in a mild form can be handled by pro- Hence, dating for the shy people is a
from a sense of unease with the self very difficult thing. Since in dating one
gressively looking on the outside and
and not loving the skin you’re in. They has to meet new people and majorly
attain greater self-confidence whereas
have trust issues but not with others shy people feel scrutinized and mostly
but mainly with themselves. They don’t if shyness becomes extreme then it fear that they will do something that
know the right things to say or do when becomes social phobia against people might humiliate them further. Dat-
they come in contact with strangers. and things. ing becomes a very overpowering and

ISSUE No:4 / August 2018

terrifying thing as it adds fuel to their
anxiety fire.
■ Acceptance:

The key to all of this is acceptance
not only towards others but most
Pro-Dating Study for importantly towards you. Focus on
one’s self-worth and accept all the
Shy People: aspects, be it flaws or the good qual-
? !? ities of one’s self. This acceptance
There is another set of people who
opens you to enjoy relationships
believe that shyness doesn’t affect if
with others.
you are single or dating. Few years ago,
a study to understand the behavior ■ Emotional Intelligence:
of shy people was released. The study
had various subjects who presented This nervousness increases by only
information relating to shyness, feel- focusing and worrying about the
ing of love and their dating status. The future and the past. The shy person
study exposed that a person’s degree overthinks about situations so much
of shyness had no effect on whether or emotional attachments towards others. and starts to fear if things won’t go
not the person was dating someone. Shy people are more likely to escape wrong in the future. If one feels this
Basically this means, that if someone’s emotional problems which are associ- way, take a different route called –
shy there is always someone else to ated to loneliness or low self-worth. conscientiousness. In this route, one
make the first move. makes a conscious effort to majorly
emphasize on the present moment
Ways to cope up with rather than the past or future. Living
Types of shy dating anxieties: in the present moment with accep-
tance minus the judgment leads to
people in romantic For people who are shy and nervous in a superior emotional mindfulness.
relationships: other’s company, need to follow these This is the main aspect of emotional
techniques to basically overcome these intelligence.
Shyness is linked with two types of
dating anxieties:
passionate forms: The first one being
the ‘storge’ which is the demonstrative
■ Practicing opening up:
love that cultivates from friendships
and the second one is ‘mania’ which is If shy people want real and strong At some point of our
the fanatical; over protective kind of relationships, then they have to lives, we all might have
love that crosses the creepy level. practice to open up to their dates. felt shy or nervous when
Sharing is the access to intimacy as meeting new people, but a
it lets you come closer to each other
The Attachment as both parties reveal something or
lot of baggage comes with
extreme shyness. Building
Theory: the other from their respective lives.
confidence in one self
Good relationships with approachable ■ Go low on the judgment: and keeping an optimistic
and receptive partners help develop attitude about relationships
confident attachment styles such as One of the main problems with the helps one to learn how
given below: shy people not opening up to new
to share their lives with
people is because they fear being
SSSelf-Assured others. This war between
judged. This fear or threat is the root
intimacy vs loneliness is one
cause of all the societal nervousness.
SSNervous of the major challenges that
The shy people blame themselves if
SSIndifferent – avoidant something goes wrong during their this generation is facing and
date. They are very hard on them- shy people have the most
SSTerrifying – avoidant selves and beat themselves up for difficult time in meeting
Apart from secured attachment style, any mistake. They always assume this challenge. So don’t shy
the other styles are developed due to that people are judging them and away to take your chances
problems faced by shy people in creat- are more focused on their defects when you are meeting
ing stronger relationships with others. or faults. Since they have a very someone new. This could
All these attachment styles are majorly low self-esteem about themselves, be your only opportunity to
connected to the core beliefs about love hence they inevitably assume nega- have a better and secured
and dating which can in turn regulate tively about themselves and also feel
how probably people are to create solid that others feel that too.
15 Weird Phobias
that you might not
even know you have
e all have our own fair time don’t even know it till it surfaces yourself and for once forget that you
share of fears and phobias. up. Here’s a list of some weird and don’t have your phone with you. Maybe,
Commonly, phobias are a bizarre phobias that you might not if that happens you are going to give
usual type of an anxiety disorder. Gen- be aware of. So read on and see if you your undivided attention to your family
erally what defines phobia is: Irrational don’t suffer from them too: and friends. So try it out once, to see if
fear and anxiety around precise objects you suffer from Nomophobia.
or situations, triggering its complete #1: Nomophobia
avoidance. For example, a person #2: Pogonophobia
with a severe phobia of spiders will We are living in a digital age, where the
always make it a point to avoid places entire generation is on their phones By Pogonophobia we mean, the fear
where spiders might be found. Not all from a very young age. Hence, the very of beards. Yes, you read that right,
fears are from the destructive experi- first phobia is living a life without your BEARDS! There are some people who
ences, sometimes fears or phobias just phones. Sounds scary right? People suffer from this phobia where they
happen to be there, without a way to who are constantly stuck on their won’t get near anyone with a beard. It is
understand where it came from. Such phones day in and night, will find it definitely illogical, stubborn and often
phobias can just crop up anytime and very hard to imagine their life without unjustified fear of beards. There are
anywhere. There are bizarre phobias their favourite accessory. But nothing is many reasons why this phobia is caused
that people suffer from most of the impossible! It’s not too hard to distract and listing down few of them for you:

ISSUE No:4 / August 2018

In the past, there might have been
a negative or disturbing event in the
victim’s life which might be linked with

men with beards. The mind then cre-
ates this phobia as a defense mecha- Basically, Arachibutyrophobia means
nism to avoid people with beards fear of peanut butter or as a matter of
fact anything stuck to one’s roof of the
The unshaved look is lined to mouth.
illness, misfortune, unhygienic or with
homeless people #11: Haphephobia
Some feel that men with beards The fear of being touched is known
are not trustworthy and will cause you as Haphephobia. Mostly, this fear is
harm. triggered by strangers touch or touch
without one’s consent. This phobia
#3: Venustraphobia is caused by fear of germs or feels
nervous in the company of strangers
The fear of beautiful women is called fearing they would touch them in the
Venustraphobia. This phobia origi- crowded place.
fer from a little nervousness, while
nated from the Roman Goddess Venus
others suffer from panic attacks.
and she was connected with love,
gorgeousness and fertility. In this pho-
#12: Phobophobia
bia, a man feels a severe fear around #7: Gelotophobia Phobophobia is understood in couple
beautiful women to a point that he of ways – one the fear of developing a
Humour has been publicized as a
doesn’t want to be in their company as phobia and the second is fear of facing
solution that not only enhances the
well. This phobia can arise due to fear the signs linked to being scared.
immune system, smoothens your
of rejection and low self-esteem.
way to success at work but also helps
you exist longer. But for some people, #13: Philophobia
#4: Ergophobia humour is a nightmare. Such people
Philophobia is the fear of falling in love
suffer from gelotophobia or fear of
Persistent fear of work or work en- or committing to a relationship. This
being laughed at. Most people who
vironment is known as Ergophobia. phobia is illogical but still many people
suffer from this, either stay at home
People who suffer from this fear go cannot control this fear. This fear
so that no one makes fun of them or
through unnecessary anxiety about drives you into being lonely and leads
be in the company of their very close
the workplace even though they know a life of solitude. This fear stems from
friends and family whom they trust
that this fear is illogical. This fear the feeling of unfaithfulness in love as
stems from a lot of things such as fear well as not being secured in one’s life.
of failing in an allocated task or fear of
public speaking or maybe even min-
#8:Hexakosioihex- #14: Anuptaphobia
gling with colleagues. ekontahexaphobia
The fear of staying or remaining single
This is not a prank; this is definitely is known as Anuptaphobia. As a matter
#5: Kenophobia not a tongue twister or the fear of of fact, the entire generation is suffer-
tongue twisted words. By Hexakosioi- ing from this phobia. In this situation,
The fear of empty spaces is known one keeps on continuing with a toxic
hexekontahexaphobia it means fear
as Kenophobia. This fear gets trig- of number 666. In biblical terms, the relationship as they don’t want to be
gered by empty spaces or rooms. This number 666 was the devil’s number. single. Moreover, because you don’t
phobia stems from the overprotec- Hence, many religious people have a want to remain single, you keep on
tiveness mechanism as well as can be phobia of this number. choosing wrong people to get into a
some unsettled emotional conflicts in relationship which further hampers
the past.
#9: Scriptophobia your mental health.

#6: Glossophobia This is an illogical fear of writing, #15: Genuphobia

especially in public spaces. This phobia
The fear of public speaking is known arises from someone condemning or The fear of knees is known as Genu-
as Glossophobia. The fear is quite mocking one’s hand writing or fear phobia. It is a very rare phobia. The
common in our generation. It is of significance of writing down one’s main cause of this phobia is disturbing
believed that more than 75% of the thoughts in public. People suffering experience involving knees. People
population in some level or the other from this phobia are scared of rejec- suffering from this phobia fear seeing
suffers from this phobia. Some people tion, mockery, embarrassment and knees that are exposed or even might
suffering from this phobia might suf- criticism. be scared of kneeling too.
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How to use self-doubt

for positive change in
ISSUE No:4 / August 2018
here comes a time in ev-
eryone’s life when they feel
imperfect and emotionally ex-
avoidance are contrariwise related to
each other. This interrogative-ness
and curiosity helps in intellectual

mind to convert it into an experi-

ence that one is aware about. As and
when this curiosity bumps into a
hausted, even successful people have flexibility and strengthens spirit barrier or a wall then at that moment
gone through this feeling in their which is majorly related to superior self-doubt comes to the rescue. With
lives. There are a lot of us who have a mental health. With experiential persistent practice, self-doubt can
tendency to concentrate on the nega- avoidance, one avoids paying atten- break through these obstacles to self-
tive aspects and events in their lives. tion to one ’s self as it creates blind development as curiosity is a cure to
This self-doubt or self-loathing is spots about oneself and others. Using unawareness and guilt.
nothing but low self-confidence, low it as a protection, whatever it is we
self-worth and a very strong belief in are avoiding has a tendency to come As a process, self-doubt works very
one’s own incapability. A little voice in out in other forms such as non-adap- well with a component of empathetic
your head talks to into giving in this tive behavior. humour about oneself without bit-
self-hatred and doubt. Just because terness. It also works wonders in the
there is absence of confidence on Curiosity & Imagina- company of a secured self.
oneself, makes it very difficult to fight
this self-deprecating voice.
The inquisitiveness helps us to com-
Positives of self-doubt: prehend the facets of our lives which
have not been available to us. None-
A little self- doubt is normal and theless, this curiosity is frequently
sometimes even healthy. It some- escorted by nervousness about a lot
times prevents a person from going of things, feelings or emotions. This
beyond the line between over self- inquisitiveness is the base for experi-
confidence and arrogance. Hence, ential arrangement.
doubt and a little self-belief should
exist side by side for the develop- Hence, whenever this inquisitive-
ment of oneself. This inquisitive- ness is concerned, self-doubt is an
ness is imperative for existence as it important instrument which can cure
permits us to test our surroundings experiential avoidance. So question-
for safety and for steering through ing oneself can be a careful and con-
societal currents. In the real world, siderate check someone might make Being skeptical about
it is very essential to find out how to as a first stage in assessing someone.
measure honesty and being naïve can negativity & false posi-
make one a target for exploitation. Creating the uncon- tivity:
Self-doubt for narcissistic people can
be life terrorizing and hence can be scious conscious: Basically, when positive self-doubt
very problematic to utilize for their starts to challenge the negative self-
Inquisitiveness acts as a facilitator
growth. doubt, one becomes very curious
that performs on the unconscious
whether this self-doubt is destruc-
Understanding & en- tive. Doubting of any kind, be it one’s
own badness or goodness is very
quiring experiential important for a better mental health.
avoidance: Ignoring the experiential avoidance,
getting involved with experiences
By experiential avoidance we mean,
efforts to avoid or ignore thoughts,
A little self- doubt without getting absorbed in self-
obsessing might be a huge challenge.
feelings, memories, carnal sensa- is normal and But this might lead the way to a
tions and other inner experiences.
Avoiding these feelings or experi-
sometimes even healthier mental being.

ences harms oneself in the long run. healthy. It sometimes Helps to set goals:
What creates the problem is that if
prevents a person
we try and avoid difficult or negative Doubting your abilities has a very
thoughts, the more powerful these from going beyond paralyzing effect but on the other
thoughts become. Hence, avoiding
the line between over hand it also inspires you to find dif-
or ignoring these anxieties will only ferent ways to cope with your inner
make it more important as it leads to self-confidence and fears. Self-doubt can stimulate you to
a paradoxical consequence.
arrogance. set personal goals or targets or action
plans just to be fully prepared to take
Inquisitiveness and experiential
on any challenge that comes your way.
Improved Compassion: Self-doubts encourage going through
one’s mental checklist to ensure that
People who doubt themselves are gen- everything is in order. Moreover, it
erally and naturally much more sensi- also makes you aware of what one is
tive towards life, their surroundings and doing and what all things or skills are
their fellow human beings. Hence, this required to get that job done. Frankly,
self-doubt is essential part of personal
helps in creating compassion for them-
development and accomplishment.
selves as well as the people in their lives.
Devoid of it, we would make a lot of
spontaneous mistakes in pursuing our
Living the wholesome goals. Not having self-doubt we would
life: roam around confidently but without
any humility which in turn would affect
In life, you would definitely encounter our personal growth. It is a process
anxieties for sure. But tackling life with which helps you to see opportunities
a ‘I know it all’ attitude will not only limit for failure way ahead of time, but it
yourself but also will stop your personal also gives you innumerable possibili-
growth. In this life, it is very difficult ties for challenging and conquering
to know and accumulate all kinds of them. It inculcates you against the
knowledge but it also can become a things that might wreck or ruin you in
blessing in disguise as it helps one find the long-term. Hence, the choice is for
Assists you to find alter- creative and advanced solutions to chal- us to make, whether we approach it
natives: lenges leading you to a much fuller life. as an opportunity for self-awareness,
consideration and development or treat
Expanding your outlook and helping as a killer of dreams and aspirations.
Superior Work Ethic: Choose wisely!
your brain to always be on a lookout for
newer concepts and alternative solu- People who suffer from self-doubt will
tions is one of the important jobs of be motivated to work even harder. This
self-doubt. It can humble you and at the doubt transforms into an assurance NOT HAVING SELF-DOUBT
same time open your mind and heart as where the person will not take anything
it leads you to look for more perspec- for granted and try to make most of the
tives and question them as well. circumstances. CONFIDENTLY BUT WITHOUT

ISSUE No:4 / August 2018


Why Ethical Non-

is not same as Cheating

December 2016 10
hen it comes to cheating nogamous relationships en- contact. The tertiary partner
in relationships, there are gaging in recreational sexual connects with their lover
a wide range of scenarios activities which do not involve once or twice a year, or just
ranging from a man or a woman romantic or non-platonic by chance.
confide their deepest desires and in- components.
hibitions to a person who is societally Open Marriage – In this
NOT their ‘better half’, to the highly Polysexual – This term also type of marriage, both the
promiscuous seducer who can bed employs the Greek word partners agree that each can
anyone easily without being bound by ‘Poly’ and sexual, to form a engage in extramarital sexual
societal agreements, come to mind. word meaning many sexual relationships without it being
There’s emotional cheating, physi- partners. These relationships, considered infidelity.
cal cheating, psychological cheating, although sexually non-mo-
et cetera. Whatever particular form nogamous, are not emotion-
of cheating is involved, cheating is ally intimate. The Crux of Ethical Non-
any activity that violates the trust in
Poly-fidelity – Also called Monogamy
a relationship by breaking agreed
polyexclusive or polyfaith-
upon boundaries, whether implied or The crux of ethical non-monogamy is
ful, this kind of relationship
spelled out. So with all of the negative based on the premise of honesty and
resembles a group marriage. open communication of one’s sexual
connotations surrounding the idea
The word, invented by the and emotional needs with their part-
of cheating in relationships, can you
Kerista Commune sometime ner or partners. So, in theory, it
consider ethical non-monogamy a
between the 1960’s and 1970’s, eliminates the betrayal and incidence
viable alternative?
combines ‘Poly’ meaning of lying and sneaking around behind
many, and ‘Fidelity’ meaning each other’s back, which plague more
faithfulness. Polyfidelitous traditional relationships when one
What is Ethical Non-Mo- groups have three or more or both partners become dissatisfied
nogamy? participants, most often with their perceived level of fulfil-
involving more than one man ment from the union. But emotions
You may describe ‘Ethical non-mo- and more than one woman, are not controlled by agreements en-
nogamy’ as any number of relation- who consider themselves tered into between consenting par-
ship configurations that allow one married to one another. ties. They are instinctive and intui-
or more of the relationship partners They may live together, share tive, without reasoning or knowledge.
to fulfil their needs for companion- finances, raise children So what is the outcome when a wave
ship, intimacy, love and sex with together and share other of emotions takes over and jealousy
multiple people, albeit with consent responsibilities normally shoots up its ugly head?
and agreement from all the people associated with traditional
involved. marriage. All the participants
in these marriage groups
engage in sex exclusively with
other members of the group.
Types of Ethical Non-
Monogamy Primary, Secondary and
Tertiary relationships –
Let us now understand the various This is a polyamorous rela-
forms of ethical non-monogamy, usu- tionship structure in which a Jealousy is a given in
ally in practice. person has multiple partners most relationships
who are not equal to one
Polyamory – Polyamory can
another in terms of intercon-
today. Feelings of
be considered as a synonym
nection, emotional intensity, jealousy do arise
to ‘many loves’. It originates
from a combination of Greek or power within the relation- from time to time in
ship. The primary partner is
and Latin terms, ‘Poly’ (Greek) non-monogamous
meaning many or several, and the lover one spends the most
time with, and is generally relationships as well,
‘Amor’ (Latin) meaning love.
People who practice polyamo- the person who is engaged in but surprisingly, the
ry maintain multiple sexual the more mundane aspects of incidence of this is
their lover’s life. The second-
and/or romantic partners
ary partner usually enjoys relatively low.
regularly scheduled meet-
Swinging – Swinging is ings with their lover, and
referred to as partners in mo- they keep in pretty constant

ISSUE No:4 / August 2018

Jealousy is a given in most relation-
ships today. Feelings of jealousy
do arise from time to time in non-

monogamous relationships as well,

but surprisingly, the incidence of this
is relatively low. Part of the basis for
non-monogamous relationships is the
realization that one partner cannot ful-
fil all of the sexual and emotional needs
of another. It is a clear thought under-
playing in both parties minds. There-
fore, one’s partner engaging others to
satisfy the needs their primary partner
cannot meet is usually met with feelings
of relief, acceptance and understand-
ing. When irrational jealousy persists,
non-monogamous relationships, like
monogamous relationships, are pos-
sibly facing the end.

A Viable Alternative or
Forced Escapade?
So is an ethical non-monogamous
relationship a viable alternative to a
traditional monogamous relationship? If
the goal is to enjoy a loving and sexually
satisfying relationship while avoiding
the limitations of monogamy, and the
pain and repercussions of cheating,
can ethical non-monogamy be really
considered as a way out to sustaining
happier lives? Or maybe, a sought-after
forced escapade? The most reasonable
answer to put a period at the end in this
case would be “to each, his own”. Living
in an era, when nearly 50% of people in
relationships cheat; where sometimes
women outnumber men, sustaining
the spirit of liberty in friendships over
stringent norms and complexities of
conjugal companionships can be a more
rational approach. Furthermore, finding
a partner today is as easy as touch-
ing a few buttons on our smartphones.
Needless to infer, that why for more and
more people the answer is yes!
The Bottom Line
While ethical non-monogamy isn’t for everyone, if people can have
Ethical non-monogamy provides people
a relationship where they honour themselves, honour their partner,
with options – options to explore one’s
or partners are committed to open communication, mutual respect,
own desires without hiding one’s reality
to the other. It allows the freedom to compassion, and trust; you may as well go for it! Isn’t it better to have
embrace and express evolving ideas a partner who lets you know what they’re all about up front, than to
and preferences about sex and love, and negotiate truths after you’ve invested your precious time and emotions,
recognizes that two people who were to bloom a living out of a lie? The bottom line is to find clarity in thought
compatible at any one stage in their lives and needs. Also, to comprehend that ethical non-monogamy is not same
may not evolve in the same or compat- as cheating! However, if you cannot practice the basics of the quest
ible ways. Nonetheless, they could still honestly, you can never be able to practice the same ethically. Whatever
be together and evolve their compan- it is, just be sure you have consent to offer whatever you’re sharing!
ionship into newer sunny sides.

December 2016 12
Marriage: Not on
the cards, or just a
tad bit later?

ISSUE No:4 / August 2018

e are a generation that is
perpetually in transition.
We are a group of young

be compatible with. We get hooked

to what we think the future is going
to look like and try to control some-
people who are vested in our own one else so that our dreams work
self-actualization. We are rapidly out. None of this typically ends well.
transforming ourselves to adapt to a It is only beyond being irrationally
world where the conventional struc- optimistic!
tures of the past are being exposed as
institutions with rotten foundations.

We are people who want to indulge

In terms with the ex-
in free-spirited sexual relationships, istential truth
connect and relate in a loving way
with others, but cannot offer anyone We are a generation that is collec-
our commitment, probably because tively coming to terms with the exis-
we are always in a flux. tential truth that humans are species
that will forever be alone, together.
We are a generation which is far from prerequisites of what it takes to face, Simply put, because we have so many
rooting our beliefs in fairy tales - day in and day out, the great mirror avenues and options when it comes
‘happily ever after’, any sooner. We of another. It is tough call to make, to finding a mate, we are taking our
seem to be able to handle going-on- especially when you are on a quest of own sweet time to explore those op-
a-date once or twice a week. We can discovering ourselves first! Figur- tions rather than rush to the altar.
handle open relating; experimental ing out how to walk beside someone And, why not? This is not a complete
forms of relationship anarchy. What else without compromising your own abandonment of love as we know it,
we can’t as easily buy into is the discovery of who you might become because the truth is that we do want
expectation of forever. We are akin to if you were to know yourself first as committed love, but it is a different
creating our destinies our own way! self-assured, stable, and sovereign, and much slower process than past
In conquering worlds and scouting does not mean a thing, while in your generations are used to. Maybe this
for the best possible way of living, we mid-twenties. stance makes us selfish and imma-
have self-consciously cornered the ture. Maybe we’re missing out on the
idea of ‘timely marriage’. Oh for god’s sake! blessing of having an ally, through
thick and through thin, in this unpre-
dictable time period. But whatever it
What’s the fair is, we have made a conscious choice
Grow in or out of a to hold the reigns against the perils of
choice? early marriage.
Some people don’t want to take out
their own unresolved emotional is- To millennials, choosing someone
sues on others, who don’t want to get prematurely detours from their abil-
wound up in the kind of co-depen- ity to step into their full potential.
dent relationships that are created They need the freedom to ebb and
when we think someone else will shift and grow out of a connection.
fix our problems and restore us to a They don’t want to invest the pre-
sense of wholeness. cious commodity of time in someone
else, when they ultimately need to Millennials aren’t
Moreover, marriage for millennials is focus on themselves if they are to
not a capitalistic endeavour anymore; create a fulfilling life and do their necessarily afraid to
primarily because one is simply not part to aid in the transformation of
this brave, new world.
commit, they’re just
willing to merge his/her savings or
assets with someone else. Marriage is taking more time to
not considered the end goal for them, Forceful commitments often get
the only path to a life well-lived. burned. We end up sacrificing our weigh their options
Maybe, they’ve been saving every pie paths and purpose to take care of
to take a trip to the Alps! someone else, without figuring out and make a measured,
how to do it in our own case. Like a
lifelong decision than
Not marriage and babies at 26! bunch of naïve and vulnerable kids,
we are ‘societally recommended to generations past.
It seems like a well-justified fair form chemical attachments with
choice. On the other hand, some people before we could even under-
people seem to shy away from the stand the type of person we’d truly
When is the ‘right
When is the right time to get mar-
ried? Who dictates that? Who shoots
fireworks in the sky to hint at the
most suited time for an individual
to get hitched? And, people denying
acceptance of the wand of time are
often deemed phobic to the institu-
tion of marriage.

Millennials aren’t necessarily afraid

to commit, they’re just taking more
time to weigh their options and make
a measured, lifelong decision than
generations past.

So, people who are pushing fates to

a marriage post 30s are no longer
adamant on ensuring practicality, and
are rather finding a true partnership in
every sense of the word.

Such a hasty settlement is a recipe for manipulations and calculations are in

disaster. It can never bring you peace place, start regretting being too late
later in life. Settling for someone to have been involved in a familial
when you are young will only lead to relationship – a relationship that could
feelings of boredom and regret as you have bloomed beautifully with a wife
grow older. or a husband and a couple of kids a few
years back! Well! As it is said, the grass
While you evolve into a more mature is always greener on the other side.
person with each passing day, you are
ought to feel like you could have done Nonetheless, the economic, emotional,
better than your counterpart, and and relational implications of divorce
there is a good chance that the other are enough to make millennials want to
person will now be unfaithful to you. find that sense of certainty before walk-
No matter what age you get married, ing down the aisle. If that means taking
the idea of getting divorced is horrif- 20 more years to find it, then so be it.
ic. No one wants to feel like they have
wasted years of their life with the
wrong person. Moreover, the process
is emotionally difficult, time consum-
Endless Regret or Mo- ing, and expensive!
mentary Relief? When you get married young, your risk AND MORE OF A RESPONSE
of divorce absolutely goes up. You’re TO INDIVIDUALISM, AN
The idea of getting married sounds in- inexperienced, you may not have your ABUNDANCE OF PARTNER
credible. Sure, it is extremely fulfilling finances in order, you may not even re- CHOICES IN OUR DIGITAL AGE,
to dream about, but rushing into mar- ally know who you are yet, you still have AND THE SHIFTING CULTURAL
riage long before you are ready for it a lot of growing up to do, and so does
can prove catastrophic. You may think EXPECTATIONS OF MARRIAGE.
the person that you’re marrying. IT IS ABOUT DECONSTRUCTING
that you really, truly do love a person,
and you will never want anyone else. THE MYTHS OF TIME.
So, a momentary relief of getting mar-
You might get pregnant and start to ried at the ideal age can never surpass BABIES CAN WAIT! IN
feel secure in a relationship. You may the joys of sustaining a more healthy MILLENNIAL LIVING, THERE
even feel the pressure coming from marriage when you and your partner IS ABSOLUTELY NO ROOM FOR
family or friends. Or you might think both have seen the best of four seasons REGRETS.
that you will never find anyone else, TOGETHER. However, some people
and so you just decide to settle. who literally get married after all the

ISSUE No:4 / August 2018


A 6-Step Guide to
not Panicking!
December 2016 16
Since we are discussing about this attack as they may continue for days,
topic, it’s imperative to clear out few weeks, or even months.
Statistically, up to 75% patients who
Difference between anxiety are admitted to the emergency room

‘What consumes attack & panic attack: Many with the symptoms of massive chest
pain might be suffering from anxiety
people confuse between anxiety
your mind, and panic attacks and feel they are
the same thing. Both these condi-
controls your life’ tions are very different from each
If you are also one of these specimens
who overthink and want everything
- Anonymous other. The panic attacks can happen
suddenly and it contains extreme
under their control then here is a
guide for you to worry less and live
and frequently overpowering fear. more:
Moreover, the symptoms include
pounding heartbeat, pain in the 1. Turn off your mental

chest, giddiness, hot flashes, queasi- alarm: Start by recognizing
he quote above conveys a very
ness, sweating and short of breath. the signals that your body
brutal truth that in our lives
A panic attack sufferer mostly alters and mind are giving you. Also
we cannot control everything
their behavior in response to a fear of try and keep yourself stress
that happens and we need to ac-
the attack such as the sufferer tends free to prevent involuntary
cept this truth to lead a happy and
to avoid those locations or circum- panic attacks. If your body is
peaceful life. Inexorable anxiety and
overthinking can be devastating and stances that basically trigger another stress free, you would have a
can totally drain you physically and attack. This anxiety avoidance only better control over the body’s
emotionally. There are people who helps to comfort the sufferer for a responses. Paying close at-
have taken it as a habit to overthink very short time and also will direct tention to dizziness, pound-
and worry. Moreover, they micro- the sufferer to even more lifelong ing heart etc, means that you
manage, since lack of trust they don’t fears. This vicious cycle of anxiety identify the hindrance that is
delegate tasks and try their level best and avoidance can regulate as well as obstructing your way.
for people to change according to adversely impact the sufferer’s over-
all mental health. 2. Awareness. Acknowl-
them. For them, if they gain control
over other people or even the cir- edge. Education: The
While panic attack happens suddenly, things that are adding to
cumstances, they can avert adversi-
anxiety attack mostly happens with your fear of panic attacks
ties from happening.
extreme worry. The symptoms are are your lack of knowledge
Another set of people, think that less strong than those of panic attack. as well as an understanding
since nothing is in their control so The symptoms include being easily of your fears. One needs to
they overthink to a point where they alarmed, chest pain, lightheadedness, know and understand the
keep themselves so occupied that exhaustion, numbness and muscle symptoms to devise ways to
all their time and energy is wasted pain. Moreover, the symptoms of get past that. If you have a
just on overthinking. The common anxiety last longer than the panic good know-how about panic
reasons why your mind goes into this
nervous and anxious mode is:

zS Tendency toward anxiety-

sensitive DNA

zS Late nights spend on the


zS Inflexible, solid, uncompro-

mising thinking

zS No emotional control

zS Morbid outlook of the world

zS Benzodiazepine addiction

zS Careless limitations

zS Self-medication

ISSUE No:4 / August 2018

and anxiety attacks that may
assist you to know what all
to expect during an attack.

Basically, prepare yourself

to beat your enemy in much
informed way! If you notice
the symptoms, just pause for
a bit and take a deep breath.
Recognizing and acknowl-
edging the symptoms right
at the beginning gives you an
extra edge over your fears.

3. Understand the differ-

ence between contem-
plating and problem
– solving: Overthinking
and imagining different out-
comes over and over in your
head will not be healthy for
your mental state. In place of
overthinking, start by solving
problems by asking yourself
whether whatever you are
thinking is useful. If the an- for yourself just like a ‘ME situation. These affirmations
swer to the previous question TIME’ to keep a check on your will help you not to tread on
is no, then stop wasting your stress. Try new hobbies, med- the side of negativity and fear.
precious time and energy by itate, do yoga, go shopping Keep these affirmations in
pondering. Admit that your with your friends, etc to keep such a place where you can
thoughts are not helping you, stress at bay. Stop smoking, see them constantly to re-
get up and find something drinking too much and crib- mind yourself that everything
else which is more productive bing about your problems as
to do to distract your over- is good.
add more fuel to your stress
thinking mind. fire. Take care of your stress 6. Positive Actions: What
levels and also observe how does anxiety feed on? Over-
4. A detailed plan to man- you are coping with distress.
age stress: To manage stress thinking, avoidance and
Go out and focus more on liv-
start by exercising, practicing feeling negative. What does
ing your life to the fullest.
healthy diet and most impor- anxiety hate? Action. Deep
tantly get maximum 8 hours 5. Positive Affirmations: down, anxiety is distressing
of sleep to take care of your Write down positive affir- to tension and uncertainties
physical and mental wellbe- mations to remind yourself and avoiding the problem
ing. Keep aside few moments that you are in control of the solving quality.

Stop Panicking and Start

Practicing: Viewing your panic
attack in a different light, will
somewhat help you overcome
the fear you have for them. This
process is a lengthy process
and you will not see a change
overnight. So give it time.
Inculcate healthy habits and make
sure you follow them daily to
help you make a difference and
overcome your challenges. Have a
complete insight about your panic
attacks is the undisputable way to
end this fight.

December 2016 18

Do your friends have

more friends than you?
Your popularity
index and what it

ISSUE No:4 / August

No:2 19 May 2018
2018 Multi magazine
n these technologically driven
times, making friends has be-
come very easy and simple.

lege years. Since, their childhood,
most kids consider popularity more
important than just friendship. For
People make more online friends adolescents, conforming and being
than offline friends. People brag part of the popular gang was more
about the number of friends they important than anything.
have on Facebook and other social
networking platforms. But have you Attractive, athletic, wealthy, good
ever observed that most your friends dressers with a happening lifestyle
have a massive list of friends and are people were known as popular wher-
hanging out together, whereas you ever they go. Moreover, popularity
are sitting alone at home. Yes, it’s true is also associated with being friends
that all your friends actually have a lot with other popular people. There
of friends than you do. This is known are two types of popular people that
as ‘Friendship Paradox’ which was researchers have pointed out: One is
invented in 1991 by sociologist Scott ‘popular-prosocial’ & the second is
Feld. Basically, he learnt while study- ‘popular-antisocial’.
ing the structure of social networking
platforms that someway everybody is The pro-social people are good
not that popular as their friends. people who do well in life and act
in friendly way towards their peers.
They can even handle difficult situa-
Friendship Paradox: tions in positive way not resorting to
going through their level of engage-
Understanding how the social net- aggressive or manipulative behavior.
ment on the online platforms such as
works was built and how they func- retweets, likes and shares.
The anti-social popular people are
tion, was when Scott discovered that
the so called ‘cool’ people who are
everyone is actually not that popular Social Media & Paradox: socially skilled but are not kind-
than their friends. The Science of Us
hearted. They project themselves as
explains it further that this paradox Social media platforms work the
tough people who tend to be good in
happens to those people who are same way as the friendship paradox
sports but are not good in studies.
predominantly social. Although, the works. Just like on social media plat-
They are socially manipulative people
greater part of people have smaller forms, people are more likely to be
who tend to use others for their
close knit group of friends, whereas following people with more followers
whims and fancies. Such people tend
there are few people who have a and who have much more engage-
to become bullies also during their
larger circle of friends. This is exactly ment than them. This clearly means,
school life.
where the paradox operates. that people will follow those who
popular than them.
People who are identified as social Being popular is a good
butterflies and have a lot of friends
Concept of Popularity: thing?
are expected to be counted as one
of your friends. When they are your Children give a lot of importance For some it’s a great feeling to be the
friends, this knocks the average of to be popular in school and col- center of attraction and popular-
friends your full group of friends
have. Hence, this means that on a
given average all your mates will have
more friends than you do.

Lately, a group researchers boarded

on an assignment to basically find
out if the friendship paradox relates
only to social network platforms and
hence due to which the 1991 paradox
study reappeared.

To understand, the researchers went

through 200 million tweets from
5.8 million users and examined the
followers and following base for
each. This study mostly assessed
everyone’s social media influence by

ity. But with positives, there are few

negatives of being popular too. If we
look at the downside of popularity,

basically it is associated to hazardous
behaviors such as smoking, alcohol-
ism, drugs. Unnecessary emphasis on
popularity mainly involves a mis-
leading perception on relationships.
Popularity makes you focus on self-
image goals rather than focusing on
empathetic goals which in turn leads
people to feel aggressive, nervous,
depressed and detached.

Extroversion = Popular-
Being an extrovert makes you popu-
lar in your friends circle. Even the
people with similar kind of extrover-
sion are expected to become friends.
The chief motive is homophily,
because social people only unite with
fellow social people as their networks
balances out with extroverts only. Hence, we see a bias towards consid- a girl stops hanging out with her old
ering others to be more extroverted friends and starts to spend time with
On the other hand, introverts will that they perceive to be. Moreover, her new friends who are the popu-
probably be friends with another the introverts are in a better position lar gang in the college, the girl’s old
introvert as their network shows the as they are socially much conscious friends will feel hurt. After this, if this
friendship paradox but on a lesser than the extroverts. girl is treated badly by the popular
level. gang, she may feel really sad and
A study shows that the network depressed as she has lost both set of
extroversion bias is happening and is friends – the new as well as the old.
more noticeable in extroverts.

Hence, our view of the world through

a biased lens which makes all feels
that we are less loved than our In conclusion:
friends. The impression, that others
In friendships, what really
are more social than us is created
matters is quality rather than
Hence, our view of because of this view.
quantity. It doesn’t matter if
the world through Dangerous Popularity: person A has 100 friends and
you have 4 friends. You don’t
a biased lens which Frankly speaking, there is no harm share your life, your secrets, and
makes all feels that in understanding and following this your struggles with those 100
popularity trend to a certain level. It’s friends. You share your precious
we are less loved learning about new style of dressing, moments with just those 4 very
than our friends. slangs, musical taste or food prefer- close friends of yours. If you want
ence. People who don’t know these help from these 100 friends you
The impression, may put themselves up for rejection won’t get it but your close friends
by their peers. Distinct personal-
that others are more ity and exclusivity are immense, but
will jump to help you to get out
of any situations. Hence, be very
social than us is when it comes to relationship, it all
grateful for having your close
begins with distinguished likeness.
created because of friends in life who make your
life worth living. Ignore those
this view. Make friends with popular people
thoughts at the back of your mind
can also enhance popularity, but
you might end up losing your old that tell you how your friends are
friends. For example, if in a college more popular than you.

ISSUE No:4 / August

No:2 21 May 2018
2018 Multi magazine


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