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It is the pit of the stomach.and is one of the great autonomic plexuses of the body in which the nerve fibers of the
sympathetic system and the parasympathetic system combine. It is a dense cluster of nerve cells and supporting tissue,
It is also known as the celiac plexus. Through branches it controls many vital functions such as adrenal secretion and
intestinal contraction etc. It circulates energy to the entire body and plays an important role in the development,
circulation and control of human life. It is also known as the second brain of our body.
There is a strong relationship between navel and brain. As humans are becoming more and more modern and
materialistic, the stress is also increasing, which causes the navel imbalance. Any fear arising inside the human brain
directly affects the navel.
The role played by the navel is recognized mostly in Ayurveda, Unani systems of medicine and Tibb Arabi.(Native
Arab Medicine), but not in Allopathy, Homeopathy and other systems.
A healthy navel center increases physical energy, brightens the aura of the body, enhances physical attraction and
beauty. It keeps the person, active and energetic, stress free, makes the nerves and muscles active, increases the
memory and produces healthy semen.
Navel is deeply related to our digestive system, hence any imbalance in navel leads to sour belches, indigestion,
constipation, loose motions etc. and causes sudden weight gains and losses. Just as a misalignment may occur within
the spinal cord, so a misalignment of the navel and stomach muscles may also occur.
Normally the displacement of the navel has relation to weakening of ligaments related to large intestine. There are
several reasons for this imbalance, like lifting heavy weights, while playing, eating very spicy food, when the person
loses control while walking due to some obstruction or holes on the road, or some physical action which is done
carelessly, and also emotional disturbance, jumping or landing on one leg or pressure falling on one leg, picking up
heavy objects, a sudden twisting or bending movement, sexual activity. The displacement is directly connected with
the nervous system, stomach and muscles and will affect each of these in some manner. Unhealthy navel causes
The displacement is said to occur more in women and may produce unaccountable menstrual pain and excessive or
scanty bleeding.
Medicines don't work because it is due to the displacement of a nerve from its usual place in the body.
Sometimes the shifts are confused with hiatus hernias due to wrong diagnosis.
Symptoms of unhealthy navel center:
Imbalance in navel causes sudden weight gains and losses, which affects the physical structure and look of the person.
Symptoms of healthy navel center:
Navel is the center for consciousness. Balanced navel is necessary for healthy mind, body and soul. Balanced navel
prevents stomach related problems. A healthy navel center increases physical energy and brightens the aura of the
body. The physical attraction and beauty get enhanced. A balanced and healthy navel center balances the mind and
brain and keeps the person stress free and increases the memory. A person with healthy navel center remains active and
Navel displacement is the condition when the navel Centre shifts. It is also called shift in solar plexus. Sometimes
Solar Plexus shifts are confused with hiatus hernias due to wrong diagnosis.
The center shifts upward or downward when excess weight is lifted, or when there is severe gas trouble. In such cases,
the throbbing will not be noticed somewhere around the navel. The upward shifting of the solar plexus leads to
constipation, and the downward shifting brings more motions every time there is a pressure. If a person has cancer of
the colon, there is chronic constipation and it has been found out that the solar plexus has moved upwards. It is
advisable to check the position of the solar plexus before starting a treatment. The solar plexus is like the mains springs
of a watch. Unless it is set right, treatment may not give the desired result.

Indications of Solar Plexus Imbalance

Join both your palms together and try to match the lines of both palms and base of the little fingers with each other. If
the top lines do not match it indicates imbalance in solar plexus. Another method is to make the patient lie on a flat
surface and join the toes of both the feet together. If there is imbalance then one of the toes will be taller than the
Problems Due to Solar Plexus Shifting : Apart from the acute abdomen pain patients experience heartburn and
regurgitation, when stomach acid reaches the esophagus. Sometimes the upward movement of the Solar Plexus
compresses the diaphragm which the protective layer around the heart and it may be wrongly thought that there is some
problem in the heart.
Solar Plexus moves upwards or downwards. Upwards causes constipation and downwards causes diarrhea.
While in most cases the navel will move in an upward or downward direction, a sideways movement is also sometimes
noticeable. The displacement is directly connected with the navel, nerves, and stomach muscles and will affect each of
these in some manner.
When navel shifts towards left hip, the person complains of pain and tension on the right upper side of the body and
this could affect the liver, gall bladder, abdomen and right kidney. Sometimes the person also complains of pain in
lumbar region (waist part) or left leg.
When navel shifts towards left side, it affects the right side of the body. It causes stiffness in kidneys, intestines along
with pain.
When navel shifts towards left side, it causes pain, tension and stiffness in the right lower part of the body. It affects
the pancreas, spleen and left kidney. It could also lead to menstrual disorders in women.
When navel shifts towards right side, it causes pain and tension on the lower side of the body, and affects liver, gall
bladder, and left kidney along with intestinal problems.

Medicines don't work for cases of dislocations because it is due to the displacement of a nerve from its
usual place in the body. Physical intervention is a must. However medicines do help in maintenance and

Homeo Medicines :
 Use Alumina 30 three doses (if the navel is abnormally pulled back) and for constipation.
 Use Spigelia 30 one dose for pulled nerves, strangulated nerves, or pain around navel.
 Antimonium Crudum 30 for stomach disorders.
 Use dioscorea for radiating pains.
 Arnica 30 for regular pains.

Bach Flower Remedies:

Pine, Crab Apple and Larch
a. Rapeseed oil : Take a cloth, big enough to cover the navel from all sides. Soak it with rapeseed oil ( Torai ke beej
or Tilli ke beej or Sarsoon ke beej ) and pour a few drops in the navel and place the soaked cloth on all sides of
the navel. Do this once a week.
b. Saunf : Take powder of 25 grams of Saunf (Fennel seeds) and take it with Jaggery ("Gud" in hindi). Eat this but
do not take water for half an hour. This is also supposed to be good and you can try this.
c. Ginger : Pour ginger juice on navel and massage the area to control loose motions and cure all stomach diseases.
d. Milkweed : Apply the latex of milkweed (Aak ke patte ka doodh) on the navel region to cure dislocation.
e. Bush Lucerne (Desmodium gyroides) helpful.

Amla (Indian gooseberry) is considered good as a medicine for this disease.
Most yellow skinned or fleshed foods are good for energizing the Solar Plexus. Yellow colored foods are instant
energy boosters and have great nutritional value. These are foods good for the nervous system and directly involved
with the organs that are a part of the digestive system. Some examples of yellow skinned or fleshed fruits and
vegetables are yellow corn, grapefruit, lemons, yellow squashes, yellow lentils, Bananas, Mangoes, Pears, Yellow
apples, yellow peppers, Star fruit, quince etc. The herbs and spices belonging to the yellow group are ginger,
peppermint, spearmint, melissa, turmeric, cumin, fennel, Dandelion flowers and chamomile. Eating these foods is

Essential Oils
Aromatherapy is a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your health and well-being and can produce satisfying
results where other methods have failed. Using the essential oils appropriate to your mind, body, spirit, and character
and help you maintain good health. There are several essential oils and incenses used on the Solar Plexus Chakra.
Some of these are Rosemary, Peppermint, Carnation, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Ylang Ylang, Vertivert, juniper and
lavender. However it is important to use only therapeutic-grade essential oils. If you are pregnant or suffering from
serious health conditions consult a Doctor before using these Oils.


The reasons for the slipping of the navel relate to our daily routine. Working wrongly, sitting wrongly, and sleeping
wrongly could all cause the slippage of the navel. People who always run or walk very fast or put more weight on one
leg while walking may find their navel displaced. Running to board a bus or train, heavy weight lifting, working
more than their capability allows or doing exercises with jerking movements may find their navel displaced. Certain
occupations cause people to regularly sit or stand in a wrong position, e.g. tailoring, driving or using a computer,
while seated in crouched manner, working for too long a time sitting or standing can result in the navel being
displaced. Those who kick start a scooter or motor cycle may find their navel slipping to right side.
Love making or sexual intercourse in some poses may also displace the navel. A sudden jerk or fall or falling from a
height may also displace navel. Normally the navel travels upwards in this. If the jerk is transmitted to the left foot,
the navel will get displaced towards right & vice-versa. Generally the navel of the male gets displaced towards the
left and that of women towards the right.
Even though once corrected also, due to daily routine, it may again get displaced.
One should occasionally check the navel of his family members also, so that corrective actions can be taken in time. If
somebody is critically ill in the family or neighborhood, the checking of navel could unravel one essential reason of
the sickness. Once it is corrected, medical science could bring relief faster.
To check the navel position there are various methods.
1) In the morning, before taking any food, place the thumb on the navel. If you feel vibrations or pulsations like the
heart beating, the navel is at its correct place.
2) Lie on your back. Put both arms at the side of the body and both big toes together. If both the big toes are parallel,
it is an indication that the navel is central, otherwise slippage is indicated.
Put both hands out straight in front so that the palms touch on the sides. Just below the little finger there is a `heart
line` in the palm. With both the heart lines in one line, check whether the top ends of the little fingers are matching i.e
in one line. If not, the navel is most likely displaced.


1. TOES : Testing with toes:

Lie on your back, keeping your arms straight on your sides. Keep the legs straight and the toes upright and look at the
toes. The two big toes must be level. If they are not, it indicates a disturbance in the solar plexus. Pull the smaller toe
to correct it while pressing the knee of the leg on which the thumb is lower. Pull the thumb a few times. Check again.
If the thumbs are in equal height, the solar plexus has been corrected. Do it twice or thrice a day.
For stubborn cases, lie down facing floor. Ask the partner to lift up your left hand and the left leg catching from
ankles and wrist. Ask him to place one of his legs very firmly in the centre of your back around L5 position. Carefully
and slowly start pulling both leg and hand simultaneously upwards and towards centre perpendicular to your back.
Alternate with the other hand and other leg. Do it one or two times. It should correct.
For more stubborn cases, Lie down on the floor facing the floor. Catch both the ankles of the legs with respective
hands like the way we do in Dhanurasan. It should be very firmly caught with a good grip. Ask the partner to stand in
the middle portion of your body with his both legs on both sides of your body firmly earthed to the floor. He should
be a strong person. Ask him to catch your ankle or your leg or wrist of your hand and ask him to lift you upwards
whole body from the floor. It should be done very slowly.
Do it once only. It will surely bring the navel in place.
Also lie down on his back on a hard floor. Apply massaging oil like olive oil or ointment around the navel.
With slow circular motions of the thumb in clockwise direction the area around the navel is massaged pushing the
area towards the Centre of navel.
The misalignment can also be detected, by a string. Lie down on a flat surface - facing upwards. using a string
measure the distance from the large toe of both feet, to the navel centre.
If there is a difference in the length of these two measurements, it indicates a shift in the navel position.
However, when measuring the position with string, care should be taken to ensure that the body is correctly aligned.

The patient should first be made to lie on his back comfortably with the arms at the sides touching the ground. The
examiner should place one end of a piece of string on the patient‟s navel, the other end on one of the two nipples of
his chest. Then this end of string should be held to the other nipple. The hand holding the string on the navel to
remain as it is. If the distance between the navel and the two nipples is the same, the navel is in the right place. If
there is even a slight variation in the two distances, the navel is dislodged from its natural position. In Hindustani it is
called "Naaf utarna". The area between the navel and the nipples is called "Solar Plexus”.
With the chest bared, measurement is taken with a non-elastic thread or tape from the centre of the navel to each
breast nipple
There should be no difference between these two measurements if the navel is in its right place,
If there is a difference, then there is dislocation of navel.
Then the patient raises both legs while inhaling in shalabhasana position.
In other words, the patient while lying down flat on his back, raises up both legs to 90 degrees while inhaling.
Then bends fully both the knees, and tries to bring the knees towards the chest.
While both the knees are held in this position the person doing the treatment, standing at his feet puts his palms one
on each knee exerting a little pressure on both knees equally.
Supposing the measurement of the right nipple is higher, then holding both the knees, exerts pressure on the patient's
right knee to push it towards the navel, while keeping the left knee undisturbed.
Repeat this two or three times. The patient then returns his legs to the original position lying flat. Again the nipple
measurements are taken to confirm that there is no difference. If the difference is still there, the treatment is repeated.
Supposing the left nipple measurement is more, then the left knee is pressed, and so on.
GOD Willing this is a very very sure and effective treatment.

Normally, elders have good knowledge about this method. Some people cure this by massaging the area near the
navel. Make sure they have proper knowledge of massage otherwise, further damage may result.
Also massage is applied to different areas of the legs, corresponding to acupuncture points. When this method is used,
a piece of string is tied around the big toe, “to keep things in place.”
Another method involves an herbal pack placed on the stomach.
These latter methods are local Indian methods, usually practiced in the villages. They provide good treatment, but fail
to prevent recurrence. They can be used successfully in conjunction with Yoga Asanas.
The person getting massage should lie down on his or her back. The massager should then put his three fingers
excluding the little finger-and the thumb into the depth of the navel to feel the pulsation. The pulsation shall be
registered by the middle finger. In case of every healthy person, if pulsation is not felt, let the subject relax, and relax
your own fingers.
Try to feel it again if no pulsation is registered by either of the three fingers the subject will be having problems of
stomach-and intestines. Some effort to bring the dislocated nerve back in its original position is to be made sucking
the air through a blower-causing vacuum set the nerve in its right position. This method should be properly learnt
from an expert before exercising it on any subject in massage. Then the massager should pour the oil into the navel
until navel is full. There is a folk belief that a deep navel is a good quality navel. Protruded navel is supposed to be
demonic-and persons having bulging navels are eternally dissatisfied. The navel is also the Centre of gravity. In
human body there are many lymph nodes in this area, and circular movement clockwise given by the massager helps
circulation of digestive fluids in this area. The massager should then press on both sides at the place where the rib
cage ends.
On the right side of the person getting massage is the location of his or her liver and on the left side his or her
stomach is located. Pain experienced by the subject on any side during the gentle pressing by the massager indicates
problem in that organ. Pain experienced on the right side indicates problem of liver, and pain experienced on the left
side indicates swelling on the mouth of the stomach. The massage in these areas should be gentler than the normal
massage done by the massager.
Massage the navel area in increasing circles thoroughly. Then massage under the rib-cage from inside to outside as
shown in the diagram. After working in the area above the rib-cage pay a little attention to the cartilage bone which
is joining the last few ribs in the centre of the chest. Circular movement here helps depression. Massage the top of
the chest in circular movement going downwards on the inside, and upwards on the outside. Massage of the breasts is
slightly different from the massage of the chest. While massaging breasts go around the breasts in circular movement
making your circles gradually smaller till you reach the nipples. This gives proper shape to the breasts. pull the
nipple both in men and women with a little pressure given by the thumb and the forefinger. The pulling should be
done lightly, but excite all the fine capillaries of blood vascular system, and increase circulation of lymph as there is
a network of lymph nodes in this area.
End the front massage by asking the subject to sit down comfortably. Massage the shoulders and neck of the subject
from the back side. Also do the armpits and put oil there through your fingers.


Lie down on bed. give a light massage of oil (any oil will do) in region around navel. Light a oil/ghee lamp, whose
size should not exceed one inch by one inch base, 2 inches height. If oil lamp is not available, use a short piece of
candle, stuck to a coin not exceeding 1 inch by 1 inch size. Light the lamp and put it on navel, centering on navel.
Now take a water glass (300 ml) and put on the lamp, such that no air flow to lamp is possible. Apply light pressure
to avoid leakage of air inside. The lamp will extinguish due to lack of air and the vaccum resulting from this will
make a tight seal between glass edge and skin. Now if you pull glass away from the nozzle in vertical direction, the
skin of stomach will also get stuck to inside of glass and will get lifted. Pull with large force, and after few seconds,
the air leakage will release the skin back. In this process, the displacement of Nabhi-Chakra gets corrected.
This experiment can be done by patient himself, without anybody's help and is safe.
The oil quantity in lamp should be very little, else hot oil may spill on the sensitive skin of the stomach.
Transparent glass is desirable instead of stainless steel glass. However, steel glass produces better seal.

Stand on the edge of a bed....facing the bed...on your toes only ......and jump to the floor ...landing on your toes only
(not full feet). Do it 2 or 3 times. Can give time gaps in between each jump. This will cure.
You have to jump from a height of 1.5 to 2 feet depending upon how high your bed is. Yes you have to jump
backwards on your toes only....not full feet....on the hard floor so that your toes get the feel of an impact by which the
nerve slides back into its original place.
You can also stand on a sofa and jump to the floor from it. Keep trying as many methods as you want....but there is no
better way. Can give time gaps in between each jump.
This is a simple and proven method of relief restoration and it works.
Repeat it again after one week for a lasting cure.
There is another method using the same principle. Stand erect with your back to a wall. Slowly raise your heels
alongside the wall to a maximum height. Suddenly let the heels fall with an impact on the floor. Do it several times.
The impact of the heels hitting the floor does the reset of the navel.
Crotolaria prostrata Rottl. „Bilaiban‟:
Oraon and Korwa tribes of Madhya Pradesh made the twigs of this plant into pieces and used in nabhi treatment.
”Bilaiban” appears to be a local name. Some twigs are available with the pansars of Hyderabad (Nampally area). Not
sure whether it is the same, but these twigs have a very great soothing effect while there is a dislocation. It is said that
this twig is to be placed on the pulse veins below the wrist and kept there for a minimum of three days. The
shopkeepers do not know the name of this twig. Some people bring it from the forest and sell it to the shops. It is very
cheap. We have to ask for “twigs used for naaf problem” and they will give it. A contraption with an elastic tape and
wilkrow can be made and used.

Nabhi Pump
Useful to make vacuum for navel imbalance. Based on vacuum therapy, use on fatty -
flabby area to remove fats.

Place the cup exactly in the centre of navel and create suction slowly with the help of
the pump. When the cup sticks to the body. Allow it to remain until it gets removed by
itself. This suction created pulls the navel to its original location. Try a couple of times
and then test.

INDICATIONS : Best to use before heat and pulse therapy.

The vacuum method can be tried with empty stomach at any time. Regarding the other methods, yes the can be
tried together and there would be no issues. Other poses which you mentioned are also good.
Another technique which is used is creating vacuum for setting the Solar Plexus back. Make the patient lie on a flat
surface with the navel exposed. Place a burning lamp on the Navel and carefully cover it with a glass tumbler.
After sometime all the oxygen will be burnt up in the glass and the lamp will be extinguished. This will create a
vacuum and it will pull back the Solar Plexus back to normal position.

9. TALAH METHOD (Tibb Arabi)

Apply black seed oil and massage the area around the navel by gently pushing it towards the centre with your
Apply the following bandages to strengthen the navel area.
Bandage 1 : ‫سدر قرنفل‬ ‫بلدي بيض‬
Bandage 2 : ‫ قرنفل‬+ ‫ سدر‬+ ‫ سودا حبة‬+ ‫ ينسون‬+ ‫ كمون‬+ ‫زيتون السيت‬
Maajoon : ‫ينسون‬+ ‫ كمون‬+ ‫العسل مع سودا حب‬
Early Morning : ‫ ثوم‬+ ‫ زبادي‬+ ‫رشاد‬


a) When you are empty stomach stand straight then put your thumb on your nose tip and then bend down and
try to touch your navel with your smallest finger.
b) Lie down and join both feet and try to raise them and see if you feel any kind of stiffness in your navel.
Remember to eat something soon after doing exercise and stop stressing about it, because more you are
worried about it more stressed you will be and more bloating and burping will happen.
c) While most experienced Vaidyas correct nabhi displacement by just inserting thumb or first finger inside and
moving it towards head or legs of the patient depending on the requirement, such a technique is difficult for
a patient to adopt on himself or for a relative to carry out. Here a simple method is given which will correct
the displacement, and will do nothing if pains/loose motions are due to different reason.
d) Join both your palms together and try to match the lines of both palms and base of the little fingers with each
other. If the top lines do not match it indicates imbalance in solar plexus. Another method is to make the
patient lie on a flat surface and joint the toes of both the feet together. If there is imbalance then the one of
the toes will be taller than the other.If the pulse and navel are together, the position is correct.
When measuring the position with string, care should be taken to ensure that the body is correctly aligned. If
the navel has moved up, there is good chance of constipation, vomiting or feeling of nausea. If the movement
is down then diarrhea will exist. Whichever way it moves, there is always pain in the abdominal area which
may extend into the back, buttocks, thighs and calves.
e) Some people cure this by massaging the area near navel, pulling some muscles of armpits, tightening some
thread around toes etc.
f) Copper rings are placed at the neck of the toes, so that a little pressure is applied to the neck of the toes, but
at the same time no discomfort should be felt. This method is used by one Mr. Azeem Surrati who has a
small cloth shop in the Russel Market area, Bangalore.

g) Let the patient lie down on back on a flat surface. Arms straight on side, feet straight . Check the toes then
keep your one hand on the knee of the leg whose big toe is on lower level and with other hand keeping the
long finger between two big toes try to pull the one which is lower. Repeat this action 2 to 4 times till both
the big toes come in level.
h) Lie down on back on a flat surface without pillow. Arms on sides. Both feet together. Draw your breath in.
Now raise both feet together to 90 degree. Don‟t allow the head to lift. While exhaling, without bending knees
bring both feet together slowly on ground. Till you feel the vibrations in the central place of navel, repeat 5-6
times. Feel the throbbing. Some people may not be able to bring it at 90 degree. Let them raise as much as they

i) Lie down on back. Arms on sides. Exhale and then inflate the stomach to the maximum. Keep in this pose till
it is comfortable. Do it daily for say up to 10 times till the navel comes back to normal position. In between put
slight pressure on top and bottom side of navel.
j) Sit down on ground or bed. Feet spread straight. First lift right leg and fold and keep it on the left leg. Then
with right hand press the right knee towards ground. Repeat it with left leg also.

k) Lie down on back. Arms on sides. Exhale. Then while inhaling expand the stomach like a balloon. Remain in
the pose till it is comfortable. Repeat at least 5 times.
l) By putting up a small lamp/candle on the navel (a coin or something can be put on navel as a base to hold the
candle or lamp. Cover with a metal glass and press it for a minute. The air inside will burn out and a vacuum
will be created. This vacuum will bring the solar plexus to the center. Then lift the glass from one side after
one minute. Sometimes the glass will automatically fall. Repeat this 3 to 4 times till the throbbing is felt at the

m) Keep your right palm on the joint of left hand elbow and hold hard the muscles there. Then with a jerk bring up
the left hand and try to touch the left shoulder with the open thumb.
Repeat 5 times. Then check if the solar plexus is in order.

This is one of the easiest way. So it is advised to do so every morning without worrying whether the solar
plexus is in order or not.
Due to severe gas trouble, weakness of intestines, lifting of heavy articles, sometimes there is frequent shifting
of solar plexus. In such cases, it can get shifted in the afternoon even though, it was corrected in the morning.
The following should be done.
n) Take a little string (thicker than the sewing thread) and tie eight to nine rounds of this thread around the base of
big toe. It should not be very tight. Ask the patient to keep it on for a minimum of 3 days. The solar plexus will
remain in order. During this period, if there is unbearable pain in the big toes, then only, this string may be
removed. Once the solar plexus is corrected, the patient or anybody else can check it say twice a week and
correct it, if necessary.
Whenever the complaint about constipation or loose motions comes, first check the solar plexus and correct it, if
necessary. For any problem of any organ below the diaphragm or above the diaphragm like heart, please check up the
solar plexus and correct it, e.g. pain in abdomen, stomach etc. or pain in chest/heart or even in case the medical
adviser informs that the heart is enlarged.


Solar Plexus : This is also known as `Nabhi Chakra'-the controlling centre for all the organs below the
diaphragm. Methods to confirm whether the Solar Plexus is in order or not : (1) In the morning, on an empty
stomach, if you press your finger or thumb on the navel, you will feel a throbbing sound just like that of the
heart. That means the system is O.K. (2) The distance between the right nipple and navel and the left nipple and
navel will be equal when Solar
Methods to bring to Solar Plexus to order:
It is to be done only on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.
(1) By pushing the throbbing towards the centre of the navel.
(2) By putting weight on the navel and trying to press it towards the centre.
(3) Lie down on your back. Keep the arms straight on the sides. Ask someone to apply pressure on the knees,
more pressure on the knee of the leg of which the big toe is at a higher level. And if necessary, ask another
person to hold the two big toes in hand and try to pull up the big toe which is lower. Repeat this action if both
toes have not come in level.
(4) By putting up a small oil lamp/candle on the navel (a coin or something can be kept on the navel as a base to
hold the candle), cover it with a metal glass and hold it for a minute . The air inside will burn out and a vacuum
will be created. This vacuum will bring the Solar Plexus to the centre. Then lift the glass upwards after one
minute. Repeat this three or four times till the throbbing is felt at the centre).
(5) Lie down on your back, keep the arms on the sides and the head on the ground without pillow. Lift both the
legs and bring them up to 90 degrees from the ground. Afterwards bring the legs as slowly as possible on the
ground keeping the legs straight without lifting the head from the ground. Repeat the same 5 to 6 times and feel
the throbbing. "Whenever the complaint about constipation or loose motions continues, first check up the Solar
Tai Chi Exercise

Here is a Tai Chi exercise that will help with energy centering.
Preparation: Stand in the mountain (tadasana) (with feet comfortably apart.). Your knees should be ever-so-
slightly bent, so that you are standing relaxedly, and your shoulders should be back, without being too far back.
(This position is a foundational yoga asana, and you should have learnt it, and you should know the correct
Exercise one "embracing the moon"
Part 1: Lightly touch you fingertips in front of your loins with your elbows bent, so that your arms form an
arc, the curve running from your elbows through your curved wrists and hands. Now raise your hands - keeping
them in this position - until they are in front of your chest. There should be a near-circle formed by your arms,
and through your back. (Hence "embracing the moon".)
Now focus on your chi flowing vertically through your chakras, and think each of your chakras radiating into the
"moon" cylinder, starting from the base, and continuing up, until each energy center feels radiant.
You SHOULD feel your energy centers righting themselves, and you may find yourself adjusting your posture
slightly as your chi comes back into alignment.
Do not fight the aligning of your chi. You may feel your energy centers are not exactly where you expect them
to be, or where you think they should be. That is okay. Let your chi find its centers.
Part 2: Lift your hands from there horizontal position up over your head. You should feel your hands align with
your seven chakras. If they do not, there is possibly something wrong with your posture. There shouldn't be, as
your chakras should have aligned in step one.
To finish, bring your hands down in an outward motion.
When done correctly, your entire body will have a sense of tranquility.
While Tai Chi is not strictly yoga, I have found it augments our asanas remarkably well.
There are other Tai Chi exercises, but this one should address the problem we are referring to.
How to Balance Your Sacral Chakra :
Step 1 : Place your hands over the center of your stomach; let your hands hover there. Do not place your hands
on your stomach.
Step 2 : Visualize your stomach area opening up like a window or door. Imagine the color yellow flowing from
the chakra.
Step 3 : Use your mind's eye to make the area glow a beautiful yellow. Watch as this brilliant yellow flows out
of the solar plexus chakra. When you see this bright yellow color, say to yourself--"I purify, energize and
balance the solar plexus chakra now."
Step 4 : Take your right hand and make 3 counterclockwise circles over the chakra, then shake out your hand to
remove negative energy. Repeat this step until you feel the energy is balanced.
Step 5 : Take your left hand and make 3 clockwise circles over the chakra, then shake out your hand. Repeat this
step until you feel the energy is balanced.
Step 6 : Visualize the chakra glowing to its brilliant bright yellow and sweep your hands over your head 7 times-
-the number of your main chakras.
Step 7 : Visualize the solar plexus chakra closing like a window or door as you brush your hands over the area.
Step 8 : Ground yourself by imagining tree roots growing out of your feet and burrowing deeply into the
It is one of several Chakra Exercises. This Chakra exercise can be done to strengthen, open, heal, and balance the
Solar Plexus Chakra. The Solar Plexus Chakra is responsible for the abdominal region. Strengthening this chakra
will develop a strong character and will power!
1.) Begin by lying on your back.
2.) Now place your hands underneath your buttocks with your palms facing down. This will aid in supporting
your lower back during this exercise.
3.) Next, raise your feet about six inches off the ground. Point your toes forward away from yourself.
4.) Raise your head a bit, and try to stare at your toes. You should feel some tension on your abdominal muscles.
Hold this pose for 15 seconds or as much as 11 minutes, whatever you can handle. With practice, you will be
able to increase your duration of this pose.
5.) While in this position, you should be practicing deep breathing. Inhaling slowly through the nostrils, and
exhaling through the mouth. By practicing this exercise, you will effectively build your strength in your
abdominal muscles, increase your core energy and power, improve your digestive system, and even develop a six
pack which is a nice bonus!

Solar Plexus is the “abdominal brain”. The solar plexus reflex point is one of the most powerful points in foot
reflexology. Within the physical body, the solar plexus is found right in the middle of the upper half of the trunk
of the torso, where the rib cage comes together at the stomach level in front of the diaphragm.
On the feet, it can be found if you draw an imaginary line from the second toe
down, below the ball of the foot, right within that hollow. It can also be found if
you gently squeeze the top of the foot inward. You should find a “little dimple
space”- that‟s the solar plexus point.

Energy (Point No.32):

You will find that if you soak your feet in hot water it will give you a
delightful sensation of relaxation at the level of your solar plexus. This is
why there is importance for the “foot bath”. It‟s a wonderful way to
influence While seated, bring the foot of your choice up and over the
opposite knee and allow it to comfortably rest there.
With the opposite side hand, use your thumb to press in and slightly
upward on the point (hold for 20 seconds). As you slowly release
pressure, don‟t loose contact with the point; just relax the pressure.
Repeat this 3 times and then move to the opposite foot. and strengthen
the solar plexus.

You can also try inhaling as you press in and exhaling as you release out.
If you have been under a great deal of stress, this reflex point may be sensitive- so work gently and
compassionately at first. As the sensitivity dissipates, you can gradually increase the pressure. You‟ll be amazed
at how you will immediately feel a “stirring” within the center of your body.
This reflex point is great for relieving insomnia, stress and anxiety. However if you are feeling a little “low in
energy” this point will also help to increase energy levels. Reflexology will always work to balance the body
from any extreme.
Personally, I use this technique right before I go to bed each night and upon awakening in the morning. It has
always given me whatever I needed in that moment.
When you feel tired or have passed sleepless nights, you will feel pain on the point, which means recharging is
not done properly. It is essential at such a time to give treatment on that point and drink lukewarm water,
preferably Health Drink.
Webs: It is necessary to apply pressure on the webs, the large one is situated between the thumb and the first
finger and the small ones are between the fingers. And so also between the toes. These webs are the starting
points for the nerves and so pressure should be applied on these points daily.
Method of Pressure: According to this therapy, pressure is to be applied on and around all points on the two
palms and soles only. That will send the current to the corresponding organs and activate them. When you press
Point on the thumb, the current will flow to the brain. When you press deeper on the point of any of the
endocrine glands which are called the controllers of all organs, the current is sent there and it corrects the
function of that particular gland i.e. if the gland is functioning less effectively, it will be activated and
normalized. However, if it is working more vigorously, it will reduce its activity and bring it to normal. Thus
simply by applying pressure on the points of the endocrine glands, we are able to control these glands. Pressure
can be applied by pressing with the thumb or the first finger on the point or with unsharpened pencil, etc. or
by massaging that point and around it clock- wise. The pressure is to be applied intermittently like pumping and
continued pressure is to be avoided. This action is to be repeated for 1 to 2 minutes.
How much pressure to be applied:
The pressure to be applied should be just enough for you to be able to feel it. However, on all the points of the
endocrine glands, viz. Points which are situated in the middle of the body, deeper pressure is to be applied. This
can be done with the vertical thumb or with an unsharpened pencil or a wooden stick. Except on these points of
endocrine glands, pressure is to be applied on all other points by keeping the thumb horizontal. Our body is
divided into two parts-the right side and the left side For anything wrong with the organs or parts on the right
side of the body, treatment is to be given on the corresponding points of the palm of the right hand or the sole of
the right foot, and vice versa on the left side. Further, the body is subdivided into front and back. For the Spine,
Nerves, Back, Lower Lumbago, Sciatic Nerves and Hips, pressure is to be applied on the back of the palms and
soles. But for all other organs and endocrine glands, the pressure is to be applied on the palms or soles. For the
treatment of any disease or organ, pressure is to be applied for 1 to 2 minutes and this is to be repeated three
times a day. The treatment should be continued till the pain on that point subsides.


Navel can be corrected with Yoga practice also. The yoga asanas should be done under supervision of a yoga
teacher, though all the details and the photos are given. All these individual exercises should preferably be done
on empty stomach or at least 3 hours after food. One can choose the exercise which suits best. People suffering
from major back problems, lumbar spondylitis, slip disc and muscle pull should not practice any of the above

Correct Yogic treatment, for displacement and its adjustment, eliminates this trouble within a short period, say 3
to 4 days. The Asanas that should be mainly practiced are those, which give equal backward stretch to the rectus
abdominus muscles.

1. UTHIT PADASANA (Balancing Pose)

1. Lie on the back with legs outstretched.

2. The hands should be beside the hips.
3. While inhaling raise the body above the hips and below the waist, about a foot from the ground.
4. Raise the hands from the ground and bring them to the side of the thighs.
5. Hold this posture for a while and then revert back slowly to the lying position while exhaling.

Benefits : Uthhit Padasana is essential for maintaining the navel in its normal position. Any displacement of the
navel results in a variety of abdominal disorders such as pain, flatulence, indigestion, diabetes etc. For restoring the
displaced navel to its original position and to prevent it from further displacement, Uthhit Padasana is extremely
Warning : Persons suffering from ulcers and lumbar spondylosis should not perform this asana.
2. Uttanpadasana A .

• Lie down straight on your back, with the palms flat on the floor, legs straight, and toes together.

• Inhale, and raise both legs upwards - up to 30 degrees - and hold it for 10 seconds.

• Then, 60 degrees; again hold it for ten seconds.

• Then, 90 degrees; and hold it again for 10 seconds.

• Then, in the same way, come back while exhaling.

• While returning, place the feet slowly on the floor - avoiding any jerks.

• After resting for a while, repeat the exercise 3 to 6 times.

This Asana helps in keeping the dislocated navel in its proper place.

NOTE : Those suffering from acute backache - should practice it using one leg at a time.

BENEFITS: This Asana strengthens the intestines and makes them free of diseases. It removes constipation, gas
formation, obesity, and improves the digestive system. It is useful in preventing displacement of the navel,
heart disease, stomach pain, and respiratory problems. It is especially useful for backache - when performed
using one leg at a time.

2. Uttanapadasana B.
1. Lie on your back, keeping your hands on the sides on the ground, palms facing upwards.
2. Breathe in normally, then keeping legs straight lift them about 8 inches from the ground and hold. Now swing
them upwards and downwards, between 6 to 12 inches, above the ground. (eg left leg up 12 inches - right leg
down 6 inches - then reverse)
3. Movements should be controlled and slow and without jerks .
4. Do this for a few seconds. Do not exert yourself.
5. Exhale and come back to normal position and relax.

 Thigh muscles and stomach muscles are stretched. The strain reaches inner organs like small intestines, enzyme
producing glands and other organs.
 This asana is also best for weight reduction, toning lose muscles of the stomach and shaping the belly.
3. BHUJANGASANA (Cobra Pose)

In this position the body takes the position of cobra, raising its body and preparing to strike.

Taking the asana position:

o Bring both the hands near the chest and place the palms on the ground with the fingers together pointing
forward and thumbs pointed towards the body. The elbows should be raised towards the ceiling close to the body.
Place the forehead on the ground.

o While inhaling slowly raise the forehead, bend the neck backwards and then slowly raising the shoulders, chest and
abdomen from the ground until the arms are straight, very slowly, vertebrae by vertebrae, stretching backwards.
Continue to maintain the asana, breathing normally.

The asana position:

In this position the pressure is felt on the arms and hands as well as the lower back. Over time this pressure can
gradually be placed more on to the lower back. One should try to raise the body up with the help of the spine. Once
the final position is attained the arms are straight, the chest is forward and open, the shoulders and neck are back and
the heels are together. The neck is compressed and the throat is stretched. The facial muscles should be relaxed. The
breathing should be normal.

Releasing the asana position:

Inhale and while exhaling slower lower the abdomen, chest and finally the forehead on the ground using the support
of the arms.
Place the chin on the floor and return the arms back to the prone position.

Try and keep the arms straight, palms on the ground.
Try and keep the knees and ankles together, toes pointed.
Gaze towards the ceiling.
You can lift the hips and thighs if the back is not flexible.
Open the chest; pull the shoulders backwards and downwards.
Relax the lowerback and raise the hips if you experience pain in lowerback.

Have any distance between the legs.
Let the shoulders hunch upwards towards the ears.


 Helps to remove backache and neck ache as well as keeping the spine supple and healthy. By arching the spine
blood circulation is increased to that region toning the nerves along the spinal column and improving the
communication between the brain and the rest of the body.
 The pressure on the abdomen is also beneficial to the abdominal organs and in particular the digestive organs, it
stimulates the appetite, relieves flatulence and constipation.
 Tones the kidneys which help with purification of blood, removing any stagnant blood and improving the health of
the whole body.
 Strengthens the adrenal glands which is responsible for secretions of adrenaline, cortisol and othe stress hormones,
the balancing effect on the hormone secretions is the benefit of asanas.
 Tones the liver, making it beneficial for those with a sluggish liver.
 Helps the functioning of thyroid gland, which is responsible for metabolic activities.
 Expands and opens the chest which encourages deep breathing as well as helping to correct rounded shoulders.
 Useful for slipped disc and sciatica as it relieves the pain and can also relocate the slipped disc.
 In normal day-to-day life we do a lot of forward bending but not much backward bending, therefore it is good to
practice for a healthy back and to give general balance to the body.

Precautions and Contra-indications: Should not be practiced by those with severe problems of the spine,
stomach ulcers, hernias or pregnant women. It should be practiced with care for those with stiff backs and for those
who are menstruating. Also not recommended for people with heart diseases. Should not be practiced by those who
have undergone surgeries of spine, brain, abdomen, heart and lungs.

Duration: To begin with this asana should be held for 5 to ten seconds. It can be repeated 3 to 5 times, depending
on the individual‟s capacity. With practice the number of repetitions can be increased. At this point reduce the
number of repetitions but increase the time. Gradually increase the time to 1 minute. After more practice the time
can be increased up to 3 to 5 minutes.


Lie down on your back.

Take a deep breath.
Lift your legs, arms and trunk and balance yourself on your hips.
The head, hands and feet should be one foot above the ground and at the same level. (The body should assume the
shape of a boat.)
Hold the position for as long as you can hold the breath. This would be ideally to the point where the abdomen starts
Exhaling, return slowly to the supine position.
Rest till your breathing becomes normal.
Repeat 5 times

2 3

Posture : The body achieves the shape of a yacht , therefore it is called Nouka (yacht or boat in Sanskrit) asana.
Pre position : Prone Position.
Procedure :
1. Stretch both the arms forward, keep them on the floor with palms closed together. At the same time place
the forehead on the floor.
2. Exhale and inhaling, lift the arms & neck in the front, and legs in the back upwards as much as possible
without bending them.
3. Continue normal breathing and try to maintain the posture steady.
Position : In this asana both the arms both the arms should be raised keeping the palms joined together. Legs also
should be kept together. Head should be at the level of arms. The complete weight of the body on abdomen.
1. Inhale and exhaling bring, both the knees, chin and shoulders slowly on the ground.
2. Leave the ankles and bring the hands beside the body.
3. Straighten the bent legs and bring them as in the prone position.
Duration : This asana is difficult to maintain it for few seconds also initially, try to practice it for 5 to 10 second.
After practicing it for few days you can increase the repetitions, once you are able to do 5 repetitions easily then
reduce repetitions and increase the time up to 1 min.
Internal Effects : In this asana, muscles of legs and hands are stretched more than Dhanurasana. The strain
reaches inner organs and increases their capacity. It also acts on back muscles and helps remove complaints related
to digestive system.
Precaution : People suffering from Back problems, TB in intestine, ulcer in stomach, harnia should consult Yoga
expert before practicing this asana. Jerks and unbearable strains should be avoided. People suffering from
Abdomen problems should not do this asana with out consulting Yoga expert.


1. Lie on your back and inhale deeply.

2. Now sit up - with your legs straight in front of you and your toes pointing to the ceiling.
3. Stretch your arms above you.
4. As you exhale, keep your back straight and bend forward from the pelvis. Only bend downward as much as your
body permits.
5. Stretch out your arms and reach to your feet - or whatever part of the leg you can comfortably reach till.
6. As you bend down, try and keep the heels, calves and thighs touching the floor, the spine straight. Then rest your
forehead on the knees (as far as possible) and continue normal breathing. Try to rest the elbows on the floor.
7. Hold the position for a few seconds. As you inhale, start raising the head, and come back to your normal position
and relax.


 Very useful for those suffering from navel disorders, functioning of lungs, intestines and other glands is also
improved. This pose also reduces obesity. Stretches the hamstrings on the back of the legs
 Stretches and lengthens the entire spine
 Massages the internal organs, especially the digestive organs
 Relieves digestive problems such as constipation
 Relieves problems with sciatica
 Invigorates the nervous system
 Stimulates manipura chakra (solar plexus center)
 Balances the prana within the body
 Calms the mind
 Improves concentration

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