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Don’t let high blood pressure get the better of you

Hypertension is one of the most common cardiovascular diseases in Asia, but many people know
little or nothing about it. For example, in 1996 Malaysian National Health and Morbidity Survey estimated that
only 33 per cent of Malaysians who suffered from hypertension were aware that they had it.
Although hypertension itself doesn’t kill, it’s complication can be deadly: increased risk of heart
attack, stroke and kidney faillure.
The condition is caused by an increased amount of blood pumped by heart or an increase resistance
to blood as it flows through the arteries. “A person suffers from hypertension when their blood pressure is
persistently elevated beyond a normal level,” says Dr Philip Chua, chairman of Cardiovascular Surgery at the
Cebu Cardiovascular Centre in the Philipines, where 10 million people have the condition.
Adds Dr Goh Ping Ping, a senior consultant cardiologist at Changi General Hiospital in Singapore:
“The majority of patients don’t usually see or feel any clearly identifiable symptoms.” If symptoms do occur,
they may include headaches, weakness (especially on one side), poor vison, chest pain or tightness,
shortness of breath, numbness or tingling. Often hypertension is detected during a routine screening or when
patient sees a doctor for some other ilnness.
The condition tends to run in families, not because it is genetic but because family members often
shares unhealthy lifestyles, including smooking, drinking too much alcohol or coffee, and eating too much
salt – all of which elevate the blood pressure.
Unfortunately there is no cure for hypertension, but it can be managed with proper monitoring of
blood pressure, medicaton and healthy lifestyle. “ Hypertension is for life,” said Dr. Chua. “ It’s important to
continue to take mediations even after your blood pressure has been returned to normal.”
If you experience any simptomps of hypertension, see your doctor immediately.
Adopted from Reader’s digest

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