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The Chosen Gift : HOPE

When everything seems crashing down,

When your faith starts to crumble ,
You still hold on ,
Hold on to the last ray shining from above.
It leads you to a brighter side ,
With more of light and less of darkness ,
You may not believe it's true ,
As you lose your strength ,
But even the unbelievable happens ,
When you choose, not to give up.
Every strong foundation ever built ,
Is not with the belief, that it will never fall down.
But with the faith, that you'll win through all odds.
And that little aura ,you form around yourself,
Is the everlasting hope in the good.
The good that binds us all,
The good that binds the universe ,
Hope is the chosen gift from above,
It is a blessing to those, who hold on to it ,
As the weakest of all becomes the mightiest of all,
So , in life hope for the best ,
And put your bad dreams to rest.

By : Jasmine Joy

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