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Cano, Andres

Hybrid SP 2015
Self Intro Speech
Topic: My Sanity
Date: May 26, 2015
Visual Aid: Phoenix

I. Introduction
A. Greeting: Good afternoon, we are gathered here today to celebrate what
once was my sanity.
B. Attention-Getter: As we have seen within the pass couple of weeks my
sanity has clearly been weaning away, but the last time I remember a
glimmer of clarity came in the form of a smile after drinking Jamba Juice.
It was a brief instance, but the most pure of what was to become a scary
spiral downward.
C. Preview Statement: Today I will first talk about what my sanity use to be.
Then I describe the legacy it will leave.

II. Body
A. Main Point #1: Sanity
1. Cheerful
2. Clear thinking
3. Passionate

T.S. After speaking about my sanity I will now talk about how its legacy will continue.

B. Main Point #2: Legacy

1. Forever in our hearts
2. Phoenix (Visual Aid)

T.S. In conclusion,

III. Conclusion
A. Restate main points: I first talked about my sanity. Then I finished with
talking about the legacy of what once was.
B. Tie Back to Attention-Getter: Thank you all very much for coming out and
taking the time to honor my sanity.

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