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Suddenly, I couldn’t stop thinking about :

How can we know the dancer from the dance?

When the dance has stopped, the dancer will still be there.

But can we know the dance from the dancer?

And how do we know the song from the singer?

Is the dancer only a dancer when dancing?

Is the driver only a driver when driving?

Is the cook only a cook when cooking?

Is the inventor an inventor before the invention?

How can we know the painter from the painting

or the sculptor from the sculpture?

How can we know the doctor from the treatment?

Does it make a difference if the treatment is successful?

What is the relationship of the lawyer with the law?

And, the farmer with the farm?

Is it possible to know the actor from the character?

How can we know the performance from the performer?

When the performance ends

Do we ever stop performing?

Sabin Bally

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