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Maguire Strong

2010 English

Jackie Burr

29 March 2019

For my English 2010 Report I chose to go into when does protesting violate freedom of

speech and expression. One of the sources I chose is from the Freedom Form Institute titled

“Controversial Campus Speakers” by ​David L. Hudson​ this article talks about how when any

kind of controversial speaker comes to campuses some people will gather together and express

their freedom of speech by protesting the speaker. The issue is when a group of individuals

decide to become violent with their protest and this violence will force the college to cancel the

event. This is a very important issue due to the fact that this causes opposing viewpoints to be

unable to speak their opinions and express beliefs in a peaceful manner.

The writer does an excellent job of explaining the heckler's veto and how college

campuses need to put off resorting to a heckler's veto and cancelling unpopular speakers.

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