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December 25

Last night we were wondering if Christmas was celebrated in South Korea. Since there are
s a large number of Koreans who are believers of Christian faiths, we figured Christmas
probably was, but then we started to wonder about Santa Claus and if Santa would be
coming to Alex. So, according to Wikipedia:
South Korea recognizes Christmas as a national holiday. Christian and non-Christian
Koreans engage in some holiday customs such as gift-giving, sending Christmas cards, and
setting up decorated trees in their homes; children, especially, appear to have embraced
Santa Claus, whom they call Santa Haraboji(Grandfather Santa) in Korean, Local radio
stations play holiday music on Christmas Day and a few days before, while television
stations are known to air Christmas films and cartoon specials popular in the Western
countries. In addition, increasing numbers of stores and buildings are displaying Christmas
As in the West, Christian churches in Korea hold Christmas pageants and conduct special
services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Young people especially enjoy the fellowship
these observances provide; after the Christmas Eve services, for example, they go caroling
to the homes of older church members, where they are usually treated to hot drinks and

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