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Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra - General Info, Characteristics & Compatibility

Uttara Ashadha nakshatra is the twenty frst nakshatra among the twenty seven that
are present according to the Vedic astrological belie?s. The lord or the ruling
planet ?or this nakshatra is the Sun. It spans through the constellations o?
Sagittarius up to ?apricorn. The nakshatra is symboli!ed by the tusk o? elephant or
by a small bed."asic in?ormation about Uttara Ashadha "irth Star The lord o? Uttara
Ashadha nakshatra is the Sun and it is predominantly ruled by the constellation
Sagittarius or the #upiter. As a result o? that $ the nakshatra has a strong in
%uence o? #upiter and Sun on it. I? the kundali o? a person is adorned with ?
avorable positions o? &ars and Sun $ it will be very benefcial $ and the person
will possess good leadership skills and goes up to a respectable position in
administrative services..'eneral characteristics o? Uttara Ashadha (akshatra The
natives born in this nakshatra have a good ?ortune in terms o? the partner in their
lives. They o?ten get beauti?ul and supportive li?e partner and they themselves are
good looking and attractive. They have a balanced body$ bright eyes$ broad head$
long nose and their comple)ion is ?air. A charming and gracious personality is one
o? their ma*or personality traits. The persons o? this nakshatra will generally be
very modest and so?t spoken. They come across as very ?riendly persons with
innocence written all over them. They are sincere and undertake any o? the *obs
with utmost responsibility and pursue it to completion. They do not deceive anybody
and this inherently honest nature is another personality trait in them $ that can
be easily noticed and highly endearing."ehavioral characteristics They are a little
reserve people and to understand their behavioral characteristics properly$ it
takes +uite many meets and a long ac+uaintance ?or other people around them.
(evertheless$ they are very honest beings who do not like hypocrisy and show o,.
Though he is plain hearted and comes across very simple and straight ?orward in his
dealings in day to day li?e$ he possess strong resolution and do not bend easily in
adverse situations. ?onsulting to other people be?ore taking any decision and being
o? calm and controlled nature is another behavioral characteristic o? such
individuals.&entioning the positive traits o? the natives o? this nakshatra$ they
are very much humble and respect others ?or what they are and what they do
regardless o? his own social or fnancial positions. -e gives utmost respect to
women. -e is very modest and doesn?t utters anything bitter against anyone in spite
o? having strong opinion di,erence. The natives lack motivation to do things in li?
e many a times and e)pect a constant approval or appreciation o? their work $ ?
ailing which they tend to e)hibit the negative traits o? being unhappy and
depressed. -e is very humble and shows tolerance to e)treme ?or people who might
not deserve it. This e)cessive humbleness o? not being able to harsh to people$ in
one hand can be seen as a positive trait but it may land them into problems many a
times$ and mani?ests itsel? as a negative trait at times.

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