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---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Atim Alex <>

Date: Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 11:49 PM
Subject: FW: Betty's Letter
To: Ogole <>

here is the letter. just for u- i am still away- love

Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 12:34:22 -0800

Subject: Re: Betty's Letter

I have had time to think about this letter. Not only does it make me very angry that the Vice is betraying our
membership by going behind everyone's back and making deals with the Uganda Government, but also that she
would send such an unprofessional letter in the name of LAONA to the office of the President! What can we do
about this? I just want to confirm again, you just wanted to share this letter, not for us to take some kind of
action am I right? Did she ask you to share this letter? I don't want her coming back some day saying that the
Secretary knew about this whole arrangement, you know how she operates! She has no idea that you
shared the letter with me, right? I have not and will not share it with anyone.

I, however, think that you should also share this letter with the Chair. You are very close to the Chair so if you
asked him, like you asked me, not to share this with anyone, I think he would oblige, but I would want you to
discuss with him what this letter means for the Association even if nothing is done about it. There will be serious
implications from her meeting with the President and the members will know. I can't share this with the Chair
because you asked me not to share but I think it is only fair that the Chair at least is aware. Leaving him in the
dark with something like this going on is very dangerous. At least even if we cannot do anything about it, we
will be prepared for when the news comes out somehow because it will come out eventually. What do you
think? I really wish I had not seen this letter! I am worried sick! Let me know what you are thinking.


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