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The tooth mobility due to periodontal bone loss can cause masticatory discomfort,
mainly in protrusive movements in the region of the mandibular anterior teeth. Thus, the
splinting is a viable alternative to keep them in function satisfactorily (Pereira et al., 2016).
Splinting is defined as the joining of two or more teeth into a rigid unit by means of fixed or
removable restorations or device. Splint is defined as a rigid or flexible device that maintains
in position a displaced or moveable part. There are two types of splinting, namely removable
splinting and fixed splinting (Prakash & Gupta, 2017).

The indications of splinting are (Prakash & Gupta, 2017):

-In cases where there is loss of attachment due to periodontitis

-In case of short or tapered single rooted ooth which is a proposed abutment tooth, splinting
with an adjacent tooth can in effect produce a multirooted abutment tooth

-In case of pier abutment , where usually the bicuspid is splinted to the stronger anterior teeth
such as canine by fixed prtial denture.

Tooth Extraction

Tooth loss is mostly a final consequence of oral disease and usually leads to impairment of
oral health–related quality of life. The main etiology of tooth loss is dental caries and
periodontal disease. Thus, understanding the patterns and the causes for tooth loss is
important for oral health policy and disease prevention. Tooth extraction is one of the dental
treatments which should be considered the last option. A decrease in the number of teeth may
result in poor dietary habit and deterioration of quality of life. Extraction of permanent teeth
is performed for several reasons including dental caries, periodontal disease, orthodontic
reasons, impacted teeth, failed dental treatment, prosthetic indications and other reasons.
Periodontal disease was the principal cause of the tooth loss in incisors. A likely reason for
the high periodontal extraction in anterior teeth is that they are less susceptible to caries,
retained longer in the mouth, and then may be subjected to the risk of periodontal disease
(Jafarian & Etebarian, 2013).

Jafarian M, Etebarian A. 2013. Reasons for Extraction of Permanent Teeth in General Dental
Practice in Tehran, Iran. Karger Medical Principles and Practice Vol. 22 pp. 239-244.

Pereira CKK, Passos VF, Pereira SLS. 2016. Stabilizing Periodontally Compromised Teeth
with Glass Fiber-Reinforced Composite Resin. RSBO vol. 13(3) pp. 217-21.

Prakash V, Gupta R. 2017. Concise Prosthodontics. New Delhi: Elsevier. p. 237.

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