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Feedback — | N. H. CROWHURST, A.M.1.E.E. ES SSS SSS ESS An essentially practical work, explaining clearly what feedback can do, where and how, and what. its limitations are. The theory of closed loops is presented in a simple form, progressively developed without involved mathematics. There are design charts, developed specially for this book, which use a new and simplified approach to the problem. Examples are given, illustrating the practical application to actual circuits, and showing how the methods can be applied to a wide range of problems and circuits. LINDA HALL LIBRARY KANSAS CITY, M'SSOURI With 40 diagrams drawn by the Author LONDON: NORMAN PRICE (PUBLISHERS) LTD. Three shillings and sixpence net FEEDBACK N. H. Crowhurst, A.M.LEE. LINDA HALL LIBRARY KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI NORMAN PRICE (PUBLISHERS) LTD. 283, CITY ROAD = LONDON, E.C.1 i img MANN AUDIO HANDBOOK No. 2: FEEDBACK TKESCS, LCC] 1952 First published 1952 Reprinted 1953 Reprinted 1954 Reprinted 1955 Reprinted 1957 Printed in Great Britain by Thomasons Lid, Cedar Pres, Hounslow, Middx. aN StP 15 1958 ate CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 WHAT FEEDBACK CAN DO I ‘THE QUESTION OF PHASE Ill USEFUL METHODS OF CALCULATING IV APPLYING CALCULATIONS TO PRACTICAL CIRCUITS {iV CHARTS AND EXAMPLES INDEX LINDA HALL LIBRARY PAGE 2 35 45 52 6

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