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Have you ever been abroad? Yes/no To…(place) For…(time)

Where have you been? I’ve been to….(place)

Are you planning on going anywhere for your next vacation? Yes/no I’m not sure, I might go to….. Might for probability
Where? Who with? How long will you stay?

Are you afraid of going abroad alone? Why? Yes/no

Could you live in another country for the rest of your life? Yes/no. It depends. If …….

prefer+ to inf or –ing

Did your class in high school go on a trip together? Where did you Yes/no
go? How long did you stay? How did you get there?

Do you prefer summer vacations or winter vacations? I prefer….. because …..

Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group? Why? I prefer….. because …..

Do you prefer to travel by train, bus, plane or ship? By…(transport)

Must for speculating

Have you ever got lost while traveling?. Yes /no Well, once ………

Have you ever been in a difficult situation while travelling? Yes /no

Would for imaginary situations

How many times have you traveled abroad? Once, twice …
What country do you most want to visit? Why? I’d like to go to …because… it must be ….

What was the most interesting place you have ever visited? The most interesting place I’ve visited was

What’s your dream holiday? I’d love to go to ……

What sights would you want to see? I’d …….

Who would your ideal companion be?

Who would you like to meet there?

What would you eat and drink?

What would spoil your perfect holiday?

Anecdote page 95

Where did you go on your last vacation? I went to…I went by…I went with

What are the people like? They are ….. friendly, nice ….

Is there anything to do in the evening/at night? Well, there are some…..

Workbook page 58

Are there any interesting festivals?

What advice would you give to someone who is going to visit this I would recommend to …

kids and schooldays

What kind of school did you use to go to when you were a child? I went to a …: private or state school, boarding... - Used to

Where did you use to go to school? How did you get there? I went to… I got there…
by bus, train, car…; On foot.

What was it like? It was.../There was...

- Adjectives

Was it mixed or single sex? It was… - School subjects without article “the”.

Did you have to wear a uniform? / - Yes, I have to...

- Let somebody do something
What clothes did you wear to school? - They didn’t let me...
- Make somebody do something

- (Not) to be allowed to do something

What was your favourite/least favourite subject/teacher? My favourite subject/ teacher was ….

What subject were you good at ? I was good at ……… I loved...+ ING

I hated...+ ING
How many students were there in your class? There were...

Who did you use to get on best? I used to get on well with …..

Were there any strict rules in your school? Yes, we had to.../ They didn’t let us + infinitive.../

We weren’t allowed to.../ No, we didn’t have to.../ We were

allowed to...

Do you remember any of your teachers? Yes , I remember… They were…

Did you ever do anything naughty? Were you caught and punished? Yes I did/No I didn’t.
Did you always do your homework?/ Did you use to do your - I always/ never/ rarely...
- I used to/ didn’t use to...

Did you use to cheat at exams? - Yes, I ….. once/ twice/ three times/ always,...

Were you ever caught? Yes, I was / No, never

Did you use to have lunch at school? Yes I did/No I didn’t

Did you enjoy yourself at school? - Yes, I ldid, no I didn’t

What was your favourite game? It was….

Do you think that children are different today from the time when you Yes I do/No I don’t because… Sports without article “the”: I played football
were a child?

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a(n) …

Policeman, lawyer, journalist, doctor, fire-fighter

When I was a child…:

Did your life use to be very different to how it is now? Yes it did/No I didn’t
I was afraid of the dark; I believed in ghosts; I sucked
my thumb when I was tired; I had long hair; I didn’t like
What was your greatest wish? I wanted to…



Do you do any sports? Which? Yes, I do (tennis player, basketball player,

swimmer, ...)

How often do you do/play/go……? Where ? I play tennis once-twice a week

Unit 4 (PAG 38 anecdote 1)
Who do you ……. with?
(PAG 34 Grading adjectives nº 1)

Have you ever won a prize or a medal? Yes, I have / No, I haven’t (PAG 32 vocabulary)

I go + ing
Are you a good ___? Yes, I am / No I’m not
I play…

I do+ martial arts/exercice

Do you think everybody should practice sports? Yes, I think so / No, I don’t think so.

Do you do any sports? Which? Yes, I do / No, I don´t I used to…/ not any more

How often do you do/play/go……? Where ? I play tennis once-twice a week

Once/ twice …..
Who do you ……. with?

What do you think is the most popular sport in the world? Football, tennis, basketball… If + past simple…..would+ ing

What sports do you follow? Football, tennis, basketball…

What sports do you hate watching? Football, tennis, basketball…

I prefer+ing
What sports did you have to do at school? Did you enjoy I used to …../didn´t use to…..

Not as….as+ adjective

Do you think sport is as important as maths or languages? Yes, I think so / No, I don´t think so
Sport is (not) as important as maths…

Is there any sport you´d like to be able to do? I´d like to be able to do karate/go
cycling….. I find it + adjective….

Comparatives, superlatives Book pag

Do you think you´re fit? Yes, I think so / No, I don´t think so

Would you like to be fitter? Yes, I would….No I wouldn’t . I think Page 23- exercise 3-workbook
Page 40-Comparatives and superlatives.

Do you usually go to a gym? Yes I do. No I don´t

Which do you prefer, individual sport or team sports? I´ve (never)…

I won a medal when I was a child…

Which do you prefer, indoor sports or outdoor sports? One of my favourite sport is….

I prefer……. because….

Do you think there are enough sports centres in your town? There are…. / There aren´t…

Do you watch sport on TV? Which? Yes, I do I always/rarely/never..

What´s the most dangerous/exciting…? The most dangerous sport is…

Do you think referees are usually fair? Yes I do. No I don´t

What do you think are the advantages/disadvantages of …

being a professional athlete?


Do you believe the guy should always pay for Yes / No because

Have you ever lied about your age to attract a Yes, I have The shopping
member of the opposite sex?
No, I haven’t The cooking

The washing-up
Have you ever changed your hair to attract a Yes, I have
woman/man? Most of the driving
No, I haven’t
The ironing

Do you think it’s Ok for men to use beauty Yes / No because The cleaning

Do you think it’s OK for men to get/ receive Yes / No because VERB TO MAKE
flowers as a present?
The beds

Arrangements for baby-sitters

Do you think it’s OK for men and women still live Yes / No because
at home when they are over 30?
Family appointments to see doctors, dentists or teachers

The biggest mess in the kitchen

Do you agree that men always talk about soccer I agree (with you)
when they get together?
I don’t agree / I disagree (with you)

Do you agree that women always talk about I agree (with you) _ Men and women are equal, so it’s insulting to women if
boyfriends and clothes when they get together? men hold doors open for them.
I don’t agree / I disagree (with you)
Do you think men should hold doors open for Yes / No because

Do you believe women have always to do the Yes / No because

house work?

Do you think women have the same rights as men Yes / No because
in your country?

Do you believe men have to make the important Yes / No because


Do you think women make the longest phone Yes / No because


_ Men and women are equal, but women still like having
Do you think women do always the shopping? Yes / No because doors held open for them.

Who are better drivers, men or women?


Men/Women aren’t/ are very good at.

Who does the housework at your home?
Woman/man like..

Women/men never…

The best thing about being a woman/man is ..

The worst thing about being a woman/man is..

Listen to questions books.mp3
What’s your favourite time and place to read? | My favourite time and place to read is … books, newspapers, comics, magazines,
ri:d| biographies, romantic novels, love stories,
I prefer +reading in the ….. because … thrillers, best-sellers, science fiction, historical
novels, poetry…

What kind of books do you like? I usually read …… I prefer ….

I judge the book by its cover

Do you usually buy books? Yes, I do. I usually buy books / No I don’t . I
borrow books from …/ I never buy books Present Simple

Have you got a favourite book or author? Yes, my favourite book is ….. and my
favourite author is …. No, I don’t. 2nd Conditional: If+past simple…. would(not)

Do you usually read on public transports? It depends. / I can’t because ….. / yes, I do.
used to+inf for past habits

If you had a child, would you like to read stories Yes, I’d love to. I’d be glad to. No, from my
for him/her in bed? point of view, reading to children is …..

What’s the last book you’ve read? |red| The last book I read was called….
Find it + adjectives (difficult, easy, boring…)

What was it about? It was about …..

Did you enjoy it? Yes, I did / No, I didn’t. I had to read it
because…. Past simple

Who wrote it? It was written by ……

It has sold over a million copies

Do you recommend it? Yes/No

It is a film based on a book by ……

When did you read it? I read it….
It was disappointing. I wish I hadn’t gone to
see it

Why did you choose this book? I chose it because…

What did you know about it beforehand? I knew about it was….


Have you read any other books by the same Yes, I have. No I haven’t

Who were the main characters? The main characters were…(name) and…

What was the main story? It was…

Do you prefer books or films on books? I prefer ….. because ……

Have you ever read a book and seen the film


Did you enjoy the book more or less than you Yes I did/ No I didn’t

Did your parents use to read you stories when Yes, when I was a child my …… used to read
you were a child? me…

No, never. / I don’t remember.

Have you ever been able to finish reading ‘Don Well, I started it when I was…. but I found it
Quixote’? difficult
Yes, I have

Would you like to be a writer? Yes, I would / I hope so/ I don’t think I would.



Have you got a lot of friends? Yes I have… No I haven´t…only a few. Present Perfect (For+ a period of time)

( since + a fixed point)

Who is your best friend? (his/her) name is …
We’ve known each other for years

How long have you known each other? We’ve known each other for…/ since ………………..since we were at
… school

We hit it off
How did you first meet? I met him/her…
we like the same…

What was your first impression of (him/her)? My first impression was…

every day | once a week,at the weekend
What do you like about (him/her)? I like him/her…because

I don´t like him/her because… Like + (verb – ing)

To Be + (a/an) + job
What do you have in common? We are both…
Both= A+B
We haven´t got anything in common.
Neither A nor B + affirmative verb

Do you ever argue? What about? Sometimes. We sometimes argue about… (Either)A or B + negative verb

And you’re still best friends, aren’t you? About + ing

How often do you see each other? We usually see each other …..

What does s/he look like? S/he is…

What is s/he like as a person? S/he is…

What is his/her hobbies and interests? They like…

What does s/he do? He / She is a (n)

Will you be friends for life? Yes, we will / No we won´t

Do you think … Yes, think so. I don’t think so .. Tall, short, good-looking, with brown hair
and ….Shy,friendly,kind,big-headed…
 …your best friend can’t be a member of your
family. A: Yes, think so B: So do I.
 …men have more close friends than women.
 …men keep their friends longer than women. A: I don’t think so B: Neither do I
 …women have more serious conversations with
their friends than men.

Do you agree about… I agree (with you) I disagree (with you)

What do you think of… I don’t agree

 …having a best friend of the opposite sex.
Meet by chance
…staying good friends with an ex-partner.
We didn’t speak to each other for about a



What country/town/city did you go to the last time? I went to ….

a hotel/a bed and breakfast/a campsite
How long did you stay in…/there? I stay there for …….

by car/coach/plane/train
How did you get there? I travelled by……. I drove there.

Did you plan your trip before going there? Yes, I went to a travel agency to …….

Who did you go with? I went with ……..

alone,on my own,by myself

How long did it take you to get to ____/there? It took me/ us ……..

Have you been there before? No, It was the first time / Yes I had been there…

Did you get lost on the way there? Well, I took a wrong turning and …..

Did you have a good Yes, there were no problems .No, the …… was
journey/flight/trip/voyage/cruise/tour? awful

/a farmhouse/a youth hostel

What was the place/the hotel/ the campsite like? It was ….. There were…… the ….. had ………

Were there lots of interesting places to visit? Yes, there was/ were …… exciting,boring.....

What is the local speciality? It’s the …… It’s a kind of ….


a castle/a cathedral/a fountain/a museum/

What is the best area to have a look round? The best area is ….
What is the most famous monument? It’s …….

Where is the best atmosphere at night? Well there are …… where you can …….

What are the typical souvenirs?

Were there any places nearby to go to? Yes, there’s a small town ……

a port/a statue/an art galery

Did you have enough time to visit all the places Yes/ No, I didn’t . I wanted to visit ….. but ….
you wanted?

Have a look round a town/go on day trips

What kind of things did you do ? We went + ing ……
excursion/see monuments/go to the beach

complaints/refund/speak with the manager

Did you have any problems if it was a package Yes, I did / No, I didn’t



What kind of school did you use to go to when you were a I went to a …: private or state school, boarding... - Used to

What was it like? It was.../There was... - Adjectives

Was it mixed or single sex?

- Did you have to wear a uniform? / - Yes, I have to...

- What clothes did you wear to school? - They didn’t let me... - Vocabulary Builder 5:

What was your favourite/least favourite subject/teacher? My favourite subject/ teacher was …. - Subjects without article

What subject were you good at ? I was good at ………

- Let somebody do something

How many students were there in your class? There were...
- Make somebody do
something Page 40
Who did you use to get on best? I used to get on well with …..
- (Not) to be allowed to do
Were there any strict rules in your school? Yes, we had to.../ They didn’t let us + infinitive.../

We weren’t allowed to.../ No, we didn’t have to.../ We

were allowed to...

Did your teachers make you memorize everything?

Did your parents make you go to extra classes? They make me...

Did you always do your homework?/ Did you use to do - I always/ never/ rarely...
your homework?
- I used to/ didn’t use to...

- Sports without article “the”:

Did you cheat at exams? - Yes, I ….. once/ twice/ three times/ always,... I played football

Were you ever caught? Yes, I was / No, never

Did you use to have lunch at school?

Did you enjoy yourself at school? - Yes, I liked/ loved...+ ING

- No, I hated...+ ING

What sports did you use to play?




Have you ever seen a celebrity in person? What did Yes I did \ no I didn’t Expressions:
you do?
I asked him \her for an autograph it’s got nothing to do with us

It’s none of our business

Which celebrity would you like to meet? What would I’d like to meet.....
you do if you could spend a day with this person? Half of the stuff is rubbish
I would + inf...with him\ her
These people are role models

Do you think famous people have the right to have a Yes I think so \ I don’t think so You can blame the newspapers
private life?
What they’re up to

Do you think it's moral to sell your private life to the No I don’t agree with it \ yes I agree I don’t go along with…
That’s just too bad for them!

Know what!
Do you approve of people who become famous as a Yes I do. No I don’t because………
consequence of appearing again and again in the
Have you heard about…?
media and not because of having an artistic career?
What do you think of the paparazzi? I believe they are…

Why do you think there is such a high demand for Because…

gossip magazines and gossip TV programs?

What are the pros and cons of being a celebrity? The pros are…

I think that the cons are…

What do you think of fans and fan-clubs? In my opinion…

Why do you think adolescents need to have heroes? I don’t think teenagers need to have
heroes because… They’ve split up

Guess what!
Do you think being a celebrity automatically means It’s a chance Yes, always
What’s the matter?
the person is intelligent?
What’s happened?

I bet it’s all a big con!

What’s more





Do you like parties? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t Kinds of parties. Housewarming, leaving,

fancy dress(costume), 18th, surprise, Halloween,

Are you a party animal? rave, reception, birthday
What kind of parties do you like? I like…...

Kinds of music: rap, techno, heavy, rock, pop,

What’s your ideal party? Funny………. punk, house.

Have you ever had/hold a party? Yes, the last party I hold was for my
……. Decoration: balloons, lights, candles, …

Who did you invite? I invited ……..

Drinks: Coke, milkshakes, tea, soft drinks,
alcoholic drinks, cocktails….
What was the occasion? Birthday………….

Places for a party: At a friend’s, my parents’ at a

Where was the party? At my friend’s house house in …., in a pub, restaurant, on the beach, …

Were there any decorations? No/Yes there were some……

Food: olives, chips, nuts and dried fruits, pizza,
sandwich, hamburgers, snacks, cake, pie, …
Were there a lot of people there? No/Yes

What sort of food and drink did you have? We had ….. Invitations:

Would you like ….? Do you fancy +ing

What was the music like? Rap, Heavy, House, ……….

Did you meet anybody nice there? No/Yes I’d love to. Great!

Did you dance? No/Yes
Sorry, I’m busy. I’d love to, but ….

What time did it finish? At ……….

Did you have a good time? Yes, I did/ Really!

What’s the last party you went to? I last went to a party ……

Who did you go with? With my friends, ……….

Did you know most of the people there? No/Yes

Did you meet anybody nice there? No/Yes

Did you stay to the end? No/Yes

Have you ever met someone who’s a party


Would you like to come to my ………? Yes, I’d love to. Wicked!

Where and when is the party? At ……………

Who’s going there?




What time do you get up in the morning? I have to get up at ……

Have to (obligation)
What time do you go to work or to school? At…
Don’t have to (no obligation/no necessity)
When do you do your homework? And In the evening, at night… / At home, at the Should (good idea)
where? library…

What time do you think high school students I think they should go to bed at …
should go to bed?

Wish + past simple/could/would I wish I could

sleep 10 hours

What do you do if you forget an appointment? I apologise/ I say sorry/ I ……

Prefer+ to inf or -ing

How much time do you spend sleeping? About…

Do you wish you could sleep more? Yes , I do/ No I don´t

2nd conditional If+past simple…… would+inf
Do you think time moves slowly or quickly? It depends. When I am …
(Significant for any reason: because you liked it
or hated it; because of your profession; because
What is your busiest day of the week? It´s …/ everyday/ on week days
of a relationship; or because it was a turning
point in your life) first communion, my first
kiss/date/job. When I got married…
Do you manage time, or does time manage

Do you prefer to take a bath in the morning or I prefer.. because…

in the evening? The Middle Ages, the 18th Century

What time do you like to go to bed at night? At…

When do you prefer to work/study? Why? In the morning, in the afternoon. At night…

What's the most significant time of your life? My…

If time travel were possible, which period of I would like to travel to….
world history would you like to return to?

Do you prefer to show up late or early? I prefer…

In your culture, is it polite to always show up Here, we usually…….. but if you …….
on time, or to show up a little late?

Do you like to be busy, or do you like to have I prefer to ….. because

an easy schedule?

Do you think punctuality is important? Well, if you’re punctual, you …..

eating out



How often do you eat out? I usually/often/always eat out. Twice a


When was the last time you ate out? About … days/weeks/months ago

Beautiful, quite well, big/small, horrible,

What was the restaurant like? It was … dirty/clean ...

How long did you spend in the restaurant? I was there for … hours
Where do you usually go when you eat out? I usually go to a/an … restaurant

How much do you usually pay when you eat out? About …euros
Spanish/French/American/Mexican/African… food

Who do you usually go with when you eat out? When I went out I usually go with…

Ice cream, meat, fruit, fish, lobster, mushrooms,

olives, tomatoes, lamb …
Do you like Western food? Japanese? Thai? Italian? Yes I like/ No I don’t like

Have you ever eaten at fast food restaurants? Yes I have / No I haven’t
Coke, orange juice, wine, beer, whisky…

What is your favourite appetizer? Starter? Main My favourite appetizer/main course/dessert

Course? Dessert? is….

Do you ever drink alcoholic beverages when you eat Yes I have … No, never
out? If so, what do you drink? Countable nouns: not many, very few, a couple of, a
few , several, not many

Did you enjoy eating out in other countries you have Yes I enjoy it / no I didn’t Uncountable nouns: not much, a little, a bit of, very
visited? little

Countable and uncountable nouns : any, loads of,

Do you know anyone who has owned a restaurant? Yes I know/ No I don’t know some, lots of, a lot of

Have you ever worked in a restaurant? If so, what No I’ve never worked in a restaurant/ yes I’ve
kind of restaurant? How long did you work there? worked in a … restaurant about ...

Do you ever leave a tip at a restaurant? How much? Yes I have/no I haven’t

It depends/not much…

Use have for eat and drink

Who pays when you go out for dinner? Me/ My parents/ boyfriend…
What's the worst experience you ever had at a I don’t remember it very well/ when I was…

Do you like to try new restaurants, or do you prefer I don’t mind it but I prefer to go to…
to go to those you have already been to? Why?

Do you care what a restaurant looks like, or is the Both are important to me…
food the only thing you care about?
It depends…

What do you prefer, to eat at home or eat out? I like.../ both
home and family

QUESTIONS< xml="true" ns="urn:schemas- ANSWERS NOTES ABOUT GRAMMAR,

microsoft-com:office:office" prefix="o" PHRASES, VOCAB..

Where do you live? I live in….

Do you live in a house or in a flat? I live in a house / flat… …in a house outside the city

…in a flat near the centre

What’s it like? It’s a small / medium / big…

How long have you been living there? I / We have been living there… Present Perfect+ for / since

Who do you live with? I live… alone / with …

What things do you do at home? I do / I make… I do the +ing

I make the beds

I like / don’t mind / hate +ing

How many people are there in your family? There are / We are…

Who are you like? I’m like my (father, mother…)

How are you similar? We both are +adj (personality) similar to / different from

Do you look like her / him? Yes I do / No I don’t, I look like my…

Have you got a lot of other relatives? Yes I have… / No I haven’t…

What’s your position in the family? I’m… the oldest / the youngest / in the middle

an only child

Do you like your position? Yes / No… (because) .

What do you think about your position? I think it’s… < xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-
Is it an advantage or a disadvantage? Being a first/middle/the youngest is…. prefix="st1" namespace="">Reading
page 18 for vocabulary and structures

Do you get on well with your family? Yes I do / No I don’t… (because)

Do you argue with your family? Yes I do / No I don’t… (because)

What about? We argue about… +ing (watching TV)

+noun (money)
Do both your parents work? Yes, they do /No, they don’t

What’s the good side of it? One advantage is …… but on the other hand

Do you have an older relative living with you? Yes, my …. Lives with us. No, none



Can you drive? Yes, I can ( but I don’t have a licence) /No, I
Past simple + ago

When did you first learn to drive? I learnt/ got my license …………. ago. present perfect + SINCE FOR

How log have you been driving? I have been driving….

I like + ING
Do you like driving? Yes, I do,

No, I don’t, I hate it

Have you got a car? It’s a (Ford, BMW, Renault….)

What make is it?

Have you ever… Yes, I have

got really lost in a car? No, I haven’t

run out of petrol?

had a puncture?

broken down?

missed something important

because of traffic
been stopped in a car by the police?

stopped to pick up a hitch-hiker?

What’s your dream car? I’d like to have…


My dream car is a….

What do hate the most about other drivers? I hate drivers who ……….

What kind of drivers make you mad? Drivers who drive…

hooting, slowly, fast…

Do you ever go over the speed limit? I usually….

Have you ever gone over the speed limit?

I‘ve gone…/ I haven’t gone….




What kind of music do you like/hate? I like... (without article): pop, rock & roll, jazz,
classical, reggae, blues,...
I hate...

Who is your favourite group or singer? My favourite group/singer is... Adverbs of frequency (usually, very often,
sometimes,...). Once a week, twice,...
Is there a group or singer you used to like but you
don’t anymore? At night, in the morning,...

How often do you listen to music? Where? I usually listen o music...

Like / Hate + -ing
At home, in the shower, on the train
Relax, sing, dance, enjoy,...

Do you listen to music when you study / work / do Yes, I do. I listen to music when...
No, I don’t. Borrow/ copy/ download it.
Yes / No, because it is .../ I...

How often do you buy music? I usually buy.../ I don’t buy music. I ...

What was the latest CD you have bought? The last CD I’ve bought was... Cheap, expensive, ...

Do you like it? Yes, I do / No, I don’t

Do you think buying CDs is cheap or expensive? I think it’s (really) ...

Do you download music from the Internet? Yes, I do

No, I don’t

What do you think of piracy? I think it’s..

Do you copy CDs? Yes, I do (of course)

No, I don’t. I’m afraid of this

Do you play an instrument? / What is it? Yes, I do / No, I don’t

I used to play.... / I usually play....

A good idea, dangerous, bad,...

Would you like to play any instrument? /Why? Yes, I would like to..../ No, I wouldn’t

What kind of music do you like dancing to? THE+

Piano, guitar, drums, violin, flute, keyboard,...

Have you ever met or spoken to a famous musician?

What kind of music do you put on when you study? WOULD LIKE TO + INFINITIV



Have you got a driving licence ? -Yes, I have

Has anybody in your family got one? -No, I haven´t. but my ….. has got one Voc Builder 7 p 136

Present Perfect + for or since

How long have you had it? -Yes I have…since 1995/for 2 months
p 68 ex 2
How long has he/she had it?

Have you got a car / Has your …. got one? -Yes, I have -No, I haven´t Yes, he/she has a

What car make do you have? does your…. -I have a Ford -Traffic jam, parking, spaces..
My father/ a friend of mine was stopped once
Would you like to have a driving licence Yes, I would. When I’m …….
-(a)few + countable

What’s your dream car? My dream car is a …….because …..

What do you hate most about other drivers? I hate drivers who ……..
Present Perfect for experience.

-I drive/cycle/walk to…
Have you or your family ever got lost in a car? Yes, once we ……..

………………….. run out of petrol? -from __to__

-at 6:00 / at night -in the morning/afternoon

………………….. had a puncture?

Have you ever been stopped by the police? -Yes, I have -No, I haven´t -enough+noun adjective + enough

What happened?

-“people”-(plural) àare/ have

How do you usually get to work/school? -I usually get to work/school by bus /on

How long does it take you? -It takes me about…

Do you have any problems? -The main problem is..

When´s the rush hour in your town? -The rush hour in my town starts …

Are there enough car parks? -Yes, there are -No, there aren´t
-People over 18(+)
Are there any cycle lanes in your city? -Yes, there are -No, there aren´t
-People under (-) should (not) ……

Do people use them? Why (not) -Yes, they do -No, they don´t

What do you think of driving laws? -I think driving laws…

Do you ever go over the speed limit? Well… I ……..


Have you got a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes I have/ No I haven’t

What´s your boyfriend/girlfriend like? He/She would be …

What characteristics do you look for in a I look for a/an …… person /generous/sensitive/
girlfriend or boyfriend?
Where did you meet him/her? I met him/her … modest/reliable

What does he/she look like? She/He is …
open-minded/ committed/sincere/

How old were you when you had your first I was 15…. witty/talkative/
boyfriend or girlfriend?
o Where did you go?
o What did you do?
o Who did you go with?

slim/ /cute
What are some popular places to go on a date? Some popular places to go on a date
with dark or fair hair/

Would you mind if your boyfriend/girlfriend went I would/ I wouldn´t mind because…
out to a party without you? restaurant/pub

Do you think a boy should pay for everything on Yes,I think so because….
a date? /job
No,I don´t think so because…

What would you consider "the perfect date" for My perfect date would be …

Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes /No because.… Holding hands/

stare at each other/

Have you ever had a crush on someone? Yes I had….

Do you think that you can find eternal love Yes/ no because….
through the Internet?

Do you know what a 'blind date' is? Yes / No. Do you?

Have you ever been on a blind date? Yes I have/ no I haven´t

If you had to marry either a poor man you really I would choose the rich one
loved, or a rich man you did not love, which because…
would you choose?
I would choose the poor one

Would you move to a place far from your family Yes, I would /No, I wouldn’t
and friends to be with the person you loved? because….
Why or why not?

Have your parents ever disapproved of any of Yes/No

your relationships?

Do you think it is okay for a couple to live Yes/no because..

together before getting married? Why or Why not My parents are very understanding




How do you relax? Watching TV / Listening to music/

Reading a book….

Do you think you are a relaxed person? Yes ,I do No, I don’t

Do you prefer going for a walk in the country or in a I prefer……


Adverbs positions Before

Do you do tai-chi/yoga? How often? Sometimes/ Never/ Not very often….. the main verb

How often do you go running? Hardly ever/ Don’t ever/ Often…. the verb to be
the first auxiliary
Do you prefer a shower or a hot bath? I prefer…. Adverbs phrases positions:

At the
beginning or end of a
Do you like spending time alone? Yes, I do No, I don’t

Do you like changing your routine? Yes, I do No, I don’t Like , Prefer + ing

Do you dream in colour or black and white? I usually dream in…..

How often do you have a massage? Sometimes/ Never/ Not very often…..

Do you usually have a short nap during the day? Yes, I do No, I don’t

How often do you have a lie-in? On Saturday/ When I don’t have a Tired, depressed,

Do you usually go shopping? Yes, I do No, I don’t

Do you usually take a different route to school? Yes, I do No, I don’t

Do you usually drink coffee? Yes, I do No, I don’t

What kind of music do you like? I like listening to….

Do you prefer staying in or going out? I prefer…… when I am ….

What kind of films do you like? I like watching …

Do you prefer seen films at home or at the cinema? I prefer …….

Rock / Pop/ Reggae / Hip-
Hop / Rap / Chill out…..
Do you do any activities after school/work? I usually do…

Romantic comedies,
How do you relax before an exam? Listening to music / Watching TV…… entertainment movies,
thrillers, westerns, gangster
films, science fiction…..
Do you get stressed during the exam? Yes I do / No I don´t

How many hours do you sleep? I usually sleep…

Have you read The little book of Calm? Yes, I have No, I haven´t Have you?

everything about the latest films around the world:


Do you like going to the cinema? Yes, I do No, I don’t because…

once / twice / three times … a week /

How often do you go to the cinema? I go to the cinema a month…

What is the last film you´ve seen? .....

Student´s book page 23, 22

When did you see it? I saw it....

On video/DVD/TV

Where did you see it ? I saw it at …

Who did you see it with? I saw it with.... Alone

Why did you choose this film? I chose it because... in the twentieth century/ in this
century / in the 60’s / on a plane / on a
ship …
What did you know about it beforehand? Somebody told me it was....

Do you know who directed the film? Yes, I do... No, I don’t...

Who are the actors? /Who’s in it? The actors are...

Workbook page 13: love story,

What type of film is it? It is a (n)... westerns, cartoons.

What is the main story? It is about.... entertainment movies

What is the soundtrack like? It has songs by … It is rock/pop….

Are there any special effects?

What did you think of the especial effects? I think…

Does it have a happy ending? Yes, it did No, it didn’t. At the end the ….

Did you enjoy the film more or less than you Yes, I did because.. No, I didn’t because...

What’s the best film you have seen this year? (I think) the best film I’ve seen this year is…

Would you recommend this film? Yes, I would because.... No, I wouldn’t because....

Who’s your favourite actor / actress? My favourite actor / actress is…

Do you prefer seeing films at home or in the It depends on the film… I don’t mind
cinema (or in the big screen)?
Both of them I prefer watching…

Do you prefer dubbed films or with subtitles? I prefer …. Because ….

What kind of films do you prefer? I love …

Which films do you prefer, Spanish or American?

What do you usually do after going to the cinema?

tips for saving money



How do you get your money I have a job/ My parents give me some pocket
money every …..

How much pocket money did you use to get Yes, I do.
when you were a child??
No, I don’t.



Is there anyone you wouldn’t lend money to? Yes, there is. INVEST, LOSE, SAVE, SELL,
Who? No, there isn’t. INHERIT.

Do you usually give money to people who beg I used to get…

in the street INCOME, BANK LOAN, A
Have you ever bought a luxurious thing? Yes, I have. BANK.

No, I haven’t. I have never bought any

luxurious thing.

How much do you spend on lottery tickets, the I usually spend…

football pools, etc?
I never buy lottery tickets.

Hove you ever won anything on the lottery, the I have won once/twice...
pools, the lotto?
No, I haven’t.

Do you usually leave tips in bars, restaurants? Yes, I usually leave…

Why not? No, I don’t leave tips in bars because… PAST SIMPLE………
How much?

What would you love to buy but you can’t I would love to buy…

Do you think credit cards are a good thing? Yes, I do.

No, I don’t think credit cards are a good thing


Do you now anyone who’s very mean? Yes, I do.

Who? No, I don’t.

WOULD+INF (p 150)
Have you ever been robbed (of money)? Yes, I have been robbed…

When? No, I haven’t.


Do you think that having a lot of money will Yes, I think so. If I had a lot of money, I’d PAG 127,123 BOOK
change your life? ……
No, I don’t think so.

Would you lend a lot of money to a person you I would lend that person money if I had it. My ….. was stolen. Sb stole my
know he would give you the money back? ……
No, I wouldn’t.
food and diet



Do you eat enough of everything? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. I don’t like… or ……
Do you eat too much of everything? COUNTABLE----------------------

How many sweets do you have a day? I usually… A

------a little
Do you eat much/ enough/--any fruit? I eat a lot of… I love…
Which type of fruit? No, I don’t eat fruit.
Do you drink much alcohol-coffee-tea? No, I don’t. No, none.
A lot of/a lot.
Yes, I usually drink… I used to, but now…

To have + meals
What do people in you country usually have for People usually have…
breakfast/lunch/dinner? To have + food or drinks

Do they eat at other times? Yes, they usually eat al…(time)

Too + adj.
No, they don’t. They eat at similar hours.
too much/many + nouns

Have you ever been on a diet? Yes, I have. I’m on a diet. I eat/don’t eat… Enough (coffee)/ hot enough

No I haven’t.

Do you think women are more worried than men about their Yes, women are more worried about diet because…
diet? It’s too fattening
No, they aren’t. Nowadays men are worried…

Do you think your diet is healthy? Why? Why not? Yes, it is. I have enough ……. Backed

No it isn’t. I think I eat too much….. too many ….. Grilled

Do you like vegetables? I like ……. but I don’t like…
And, what about…? No, not al all.

Do you usually eat junk food? Yes, I eat it once-twice a week.

How often? No, I don’t it.

Do you think children really like vegetables? Yes, they do.

No, they don’t like them because…

Do you think being overweight is a problem? Yes, I think it is, because…

No, I don’t think so.

Do you usually have a siesta/nap after lunch? Yes, I do. No, I don’t
Do you think it is healthy? I think it is healthy/unhealthy because…

Have you got a fix timetable for meals? Yes I always eat at the same times. Spoonful

No, I can’t have meals at the same times because Put on weight

When I was younger I used to have lunch at the same time To be overweight
but now…
To work overtime

What is your favourite food? My favourite food is… To oversleep

Because of +noun / because I +




What (exactly) do you do? I’m a + noun Vocabulary Builder 6

Where do you work? I work in + place / for + company

What does your job involve? I have to …

What do you have to do? It involves…+ ing

I have to…

What’s the job like? It’s … Adj.: exciting, boring, stressful, …

What did you do to get the job? I had to ….. Send a CV apply for have an interview

What’s the good/bad side of it? It’s a … Permanent job, part time job, …

What’s the worst thing for you? Work conditions

To get promoted

How long have you been working? I’ve worked …since / for … Pr. perfect

What are your plans for the future? going to

If you work hard you’ll get promoted

What qualifications do you need for your job? To get this job it is important to have a degree A degree/ a course in ….. use a computer…
and some experience.

What are the most important qualities you You need to ……. Be good at + ing
need for your job?
Be able to ………
What about your working conditions? The salary is ….

I have to do overtime

The holidays ……

Have you ever had a bad experience at work? My worst experience was/ happened when I
was / went / … I can’t remember a bad

Did you have a job before? Yes, I used to work as a ….. No, this is my
first job

How do you get to work? I drive/ walk/ take a bus ….

How long does it take you to get there? It takes me …………

If you could choose another job, what job I’m happy with my job 2nd conditional If+ past simple…… would
would you like to have? (not)
I’d like to be a …. If I ……

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