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Over phone conversation (Aug 29, 2013): Just one example: During the week when Ogwal

launched his “Donate Desk” campaign , I called him and had a good simple conversation. That
time, Ogwal was always excluded from the mailing list- and I kept asking the Secretary (and
others) what type of association it was for community members to keep excluding Ogwal from
the mailing list over what to me was a simple drama. Particularly, I asked Florence what that
meant given that Ogwal was her in-law. No one could give me any satisfactory answer, except
insinuating that Ogwal was an “enemy” - only fighting for power, which was very strange to me-
for I saw no power to fight for in the system.

Anyway, since I had just learnt of the in-law relationship four so so months earlier - I asked
Ogwal about their relationship (at this time when he was “excluded” from the community), and
his response was a rather cordial one:

- “Flo(rence) obedo amuu na. Ento an akobe ni myero pe okel kopere i LAONA”.

I also asked Ogwal why Omara was difficult to deal with. His response was: -

“Professor is combative and confrontational- the reason he has never been appointed in an
administrative position at [his] University. Look at the much younger Dr. G. Ameny- is already
holding a position of University Vice-President!”

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