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1. Porque al reducir el punto de corte de 50.000 UFC a 10.000 UFC la sensibilidad disminuye?

2. Titulo: atractivo, 15 words, describe population, single paragraph.

3. Autor: Leah Tzimenatos, emergency medicina and pediatrics
4. Abstract: clear, objectives, methods (cocepts of UTI, two analysis, definition of POSITIVE
urinalysis {LE, pyuria, nitrites}), results (population, S, E, NPV, PPV) and conclusions.
Variable independiente –
Variable resultado (dependiente) –
Tipo analisis estadistico - X2, Wicolson
5. Introduction: concepts are clear and understandable, catch attention, answers to why, it is
*APP: reported test S 48% to 99% E 88-98%
*Methods of urine collection: catheter vs nocatheter; dipstick +/- microscopy
*Urinalysis: LE, nitrite, pyuria
* Aim is clear.
*It shows a background for describing the problem.
*It is difficult to find the predictive and dependent variable
6. Methods:
- exclusion – sepsis, ho prematutiry, comorbid conditions, recent ATB use, bacteriemia wo
UTI, concurrent UTI
- inclusion - (+) test with catheterization or suprapubic aspiration.
- ETICS: consent
- Not mention about bias
- Type of design: secondary analysis of a large, prospective cross-sectional study (prevalence)
- X2 square: cathegorical infants w & w/o UTIs & infants w & w/o bacteremia.
- Wilcoxon rank: cuantitativas continuas AP NP
- Program:SAS version 9.4
- Explanation of 4778 – 631= 4147
 Found accuracy S & E of urinalysis in infants of 60 days and younger.
 High and perfect S and E in children with UTIs +/- bacteremia.
 The presentation of details are clear even though PPV ad NPV appear just in the table.
 The used text and tables. Use one diagram for explaining exclusion criteria.
 They didn’t repeat information of methods.
 They describe characteristic of the population in the tables, clearly

8. DISCUSION: V. INTERNA (S & E) present because population is intented to be homogeneous, less

subjects of study.
V. EXTERNA: VPP, NPV (high). Generalization to other subjects? Just for the NPV
9. CONCLUSIONS: The accuracy is expressed by high S, E. Theydont mention clearly the high NPV
which represent an important indicator of external validity. The mention a clear, simple answer.

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