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Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) A31±A39

Geoscience after IT
Part E. Familiarization with IT background
T.V. Loudon
British Geological Survey, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3LA, UK


The geoscientist who wishes to move beyond basic techniques and day-to-day IT applications must know
something of the underlying concepts and vocabulary of IT. Communication is vital, linking your desktop to the
world. Generic computing tools, widely used in geoscience, can handle documents, geographic information and
database management. More basic tools, including long-established programming languages like Fortran, retain an
important niche. Recent developments, such as Java and a range of markup languages, bring new ¯exibility and
precision to the geoscience record. 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Generic software; Computer communications; Programming languages; Markup languages

1. The need to look at the IT background quantitative modeling, are practicable only with a com-
Geoscientists may have gone a long way to meeting
their employers' immediate needs when they are fam- 2. What computers do
iliar with the ways of working of a desktop computer
and the software required for their projects. To move Computers count. They can add two numbers
ahead, however, they must be positioned to meet together. They can compare two numbers and decide
future demands. This calls for a fuller understanding which is the larger. They can carry out simple instruc-
of some underlying concepts and some more advanced tions, such as: store the value of a number. They can
techniques that are now widely used in geoscience. store, retrieve and act upon a sequence of simple
It is a big step to use a machine to help us organize instructions, such as: obtain two numbers from speci-
our knowledge, and we should be aware of the ideas, ®ed locations, add them together, compare the result
largely from mathematics, which make this possible. with a total calculated earlier, store the larger of the
One of the problems, and opportunities, of using com- two totals. Because they can do such things, they can
puters, is that they manage and manipulate infor- perform the full range of mathematical operations that
mation in a di€erent way from human beings. Some reduce to a sequence of additions, such as subtraction,
applications mimic earlier technology. Others, like multiplication, exponentiation, converting to logarith-
mic or trigonometric functions.
Computers can be connected directly or through the
E-mail address: (T.V. Loudon). telephone or other network, and data can be passed

0098-3004/00/$ - see front matter 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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A32 T.V. Loudon / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) A31±A39

from one to the other. Their striking characteristic, lers and interpreters, and applications programs, which
however, is not the complexity of the underlying ideas, specify a sequence of computer operations to meet the
but their extreme simplicity. Their power stems from needs of the end user. The program is run by the pro-
an ability to perform very large numbers of simple op- cessor, which executes, or carries out, the instructions
erations, quickly, cheaply and accurately. They thus under the control of the operating system, making
harness the power (and re¯ect the limitations) of math- comparisons and performing elementary arithmetic op-
ematics without the need for laborious manual calcu- erations as required. The necessary parts of the pro-
lation. gram, data, and ®nal results are stored in main
Their importance in geoscience comes from the rel- memory. Information that is too bulky to ®t in main
evance of numbers and mathematics and from the abil- memory or will be required for a later session is held
ity to tie into advances in electronic engineering. in secondary memory, such as disk storage.
We can, for convenience, think of the computing
. Text characters can be coded as numbers. By ensur-
ing that the numeric codes follow a widely accepted system as three subsystems: process, repository and
standard for all computers (the ASCII code), com- interface. Data items are manipulated by processes,
puter text can be exchanged. Because the codes get which follow a set of instructions supplied in the form
bigger numerically in alphabetic order, text can be of a computer program. The computer is designed to
arranged and selected alphabetically. A few more carry out a basic instruction set. This contains instruc-
steps lead to the electronic library. tions for such tasks as moving an item of data from
. Points in space can be coded as numbers, using one location to another or performing simple math-
coordinate geometry. They can be combined as com- ematical operations on the data Ð add A to B, move
plex images, such as photographs or satellite ima- A to B, compare A and B, and so on. Assembler
gery, or as geometric objects in 2, 3 or more language, which may be speci®c to the type of compu-
dimensions, such as the lines and surfaces depicted ter, is the means by which systems programmers,
on a geological map. A few more steps lead to the helped by a systems programming language such as C,
computer-based spatial model. can build up a program as a sequence of basic instruc-
. Numeric and graphical data, like a geochemical tions to carry out a speci®c task. More complex
analysis or a downhole log, can be recorded, selec- instructions are written by applications programmers
tively retrieved, analyzed and graphically displayed. in a high-level language, such as Fortran or Basic. This
As standards are implemented, global integration of is translated by a compiler or interpreter into the more
data can follow. basic instruction code with which the machine can op-
. Processes in geoscience can be modeled by math- erate. A compiler produces a coded version of the
ematical operations represented by computer pro- entire program, which can be run eciently whenever
grams. Together with global data, they can be required. An interpreter translates and runs the pro-
assembled as a more complete representation of gram line by line as it is entered, thus allowing greater
aspects of knowledge. ¯exibility for the programmer at the expense of more
. Text, imagery, spatial information, data, processes, work for the computer. An application program is
telephone, video and audio can be linked in a hyper- based on an algorithm Ð the set of rules to be fol-
media representation of the recorded geoscience lowed to solve the problem.
knowledge base. Data, the records of observations and measurements,
contain many individual values. Several values refer-
Electronic engineers and computer scientists have pro- ring to di€erent properties of one thing of interest are
vided the tools. Progress in their application depends known as a record. Many records from many related
on experts in subject ®elds, such as geoscience. items could be regarded as a database. At one time, a
database was seen as an all-inclusive set of connected
records for an organization. Inevitably, however, many
3. The computing system distinct collections of data are put together for di€er-
ent purposes, and so we have a collection of databases
Some knowledge of IT methods and procedures is known as a repository. There may be weak connections
essential to understand the developing technology between the databases that were not realized or not
which now pervades the geoscience information life taken into account when the data were collected. The
cycle. We can start with some general, obvious and repository might then be termed a data warehouse and
basic de®nitions and concepts. Computing equipment, special ``data mining'' programs devised to decipher
including processors, memory, disk storage, printers, the links between the various datasets. Geoscience data
display units and communication facilities, is some- are often recorded as a table, sometimes known as a
times referred to as hardware. This is distinct from the ¯at ®le, in which each vertical column refers to a par-
software, which includes the operating system, compi- ticular property or variable, and each horizontal row
T.V. Loudon / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) A31±A39 A33

contains the values for a speci®c item or instance (see systems to cope with the number and diversity of avail-
part C, Fig. 1). A set of such tables, in which items are able sources, while providing the user with the ability
cross-referenced through key ®elds, and which are to integrate at the desktop the numerous objects of
structured according to rules which reduce needless interest from a multitude of sources (distributed
repetition of data, form a relational database, widely objects) while retaining ease of use. Underlying the
used in geoscience. access to distributed objects is the ability of computers
Developments such as hypertext, in which cross- to communicate.
references are embedded in a document, enable the
reader to call up a related reference in the same or in
another document by clicking on a highlighted word. 4. Communication
Hypermedia extends this concept to include references
to images (which may have clickable highlighted Scientists working on the same project have gener-
areas), video, audio, discussion groups and computer ally tended to be in close proximity, often in the same
processes. Tabular, quantitative datasets and the as- building. This facilitated discussion and sharing of in-
sociated relational database management systems no formation. Over these short distances, it is economi-
longer dominate computer information. This greater cally feasible to connect computers with high
¯exibility is supported by the object-oriented approach bandwidth coaxial cables or ®ber-optic cables, thus
(H 5, J 2.4). A thing of interest is referred to as an giving rapid data transfer. The local-area network
object, which can be a data table, document, image, or (LAN) built up in this way can be supported by power-
any combination of hypermedia. The object is a self- ful software. A wide range of computers and their
contained entity and may include within it the pro- operating systems are designed to be compatible with
cesses or references to processes that are appropriate such software, which can support a large network of
for manipulating the data it contains. Objects are many hundred devices. A small oce with only a
placed within classes, which are structured as a hierar- handful of users can be networked with simpler sys-
chy, and inherit attributes, and relationships to other tems at lower cost. As the network grows, the task of
objects, from classes at a higher level. designing and maintaining systems becomes more com-
The interfaces, where parts of the system join, are plex, and an expert may be required to ensure that it is
often of interest. Of particular interest is the user inter- robust and works consistently.
face, through which the user communicates with the Local area networks can be linked together through
computer and vice versa. For many tasks it is con- the worldwide network of networks Ð the Internet (D
venient for the user to type in sequences of instruc- 2). Its protocols (the rules, de®nitions and conventions
tions. Much communication, however, is now through that govern a cooperating activity) can also be used on
a graphical user interface or GUI. This uses windows, a local network, thus ensuring that the in-house net-
icons, menus and pointers (WIMP). The windows are work or intranet has the same characteristics, and can
rectangular areas on the screen with a separate process use the same software, as the Internet. For example,
(program) running in each. By pointing and clicking Web browsers designed for global communication can
with the mouse the window can be moved, resized, also be used locally. The cost of providing high ca-
hidden behind other windows or made visible by pla- pacity links over long distances is obviously much
cing it on top, reduced to a small icon, enlarged back greater than that for links within a building. The Inter-
to full size, or closed to remove it completely from the net has been in existence for many years since it began
screen. The actions of the computer can be initiated by as a research project of the US government. But it is
typing instructions in the window, clicking on items in only in the last few years that faster modems, better
a menu (list of options) or on icons (small symbols that compression techniques and better software made it
indicate pictorially what actions will result). practicable to connect home or oce computers
The interface between the repositories, where the through telephone lines, ®ber-optic cables, microwave
objects are stored, and the user environment, in which and satellite transmission. Telecommunications compa-
they are assembled and processed, also deserves some nies generally provide the physical links. Internet ser-
attention. The users' application programs may be vice providers (ISP) may contract to use some of this
linked to the data through an applications program transmission capacity, and resell smaller amounts,
interface (API) which is compatible with both. If together with appropriate software and services, to
appropriate standards are followed, ®nding the local businesses and individuals.
required objects can be delegated to an object request The emergence of third-generation mobile phone
broker (ORB), a program, which is part of the middle- technology is freeing communication from physical
ware (L 2) between client and server (E 4) and runs connections (International Telecommunications Union,
partly on each. 1999). Broadband wireless links are made practicable
The purpose of the complexity is to enable operating by cellular radio. The area to be covered is divided
A34 T.V. Loudon / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) A31±A39

into smaller patches called cells, each served by a low- able to obtain and possibly interfere with information
power transmitter. The same bands of the radio spec- to which they are not entitled. It may, therefore, be
trum can be used in di€erent cells. A computer tracks necessary to have password protection on all shared
all subscribers, handing them over from transmitter to resources on the local network, as well as ensuring
transmitter as they cross each cell boundary. The wire- that password protection is adequately enforced on all
less industry is likely to agree global standards in the machines connected to the Internet. The router may be
early years of this century, and the overlap with the connected to a separate computer, which has the task
computer industry must increase. Geoscientists in the of maintaining security, providing a ®rewall between
®eld, and remotely-controlled devices, will be fully the local network and the outside world. Each device
linked to the information system. that can be accessed on the Internet has its own unique
Where one computer is supplied with information identi®cation number (IP address) provided through
by another, the two computers are known as client and the ISP or by the Internet Information Center. For
server. The server may be con®gured for this speci®c most geoscientists, arrangements for networking are
purpose and may supply several client computers with handled by the local computer communications man-
data and programs on request, possibly over a local ager, who is responsible for organizing and maintain-
area network. The server can be managed by specialist ing the local network.
sta€ within the organization to ensure that secure, up- TCP/IP is an example of an open standard, agreed
to-date information is available. A client computer, by national and international standards organizations
such as the one on your desk, may also access remote such as ANSI and ISO, and available for all manufac-
servers across a wide area network, to obtain infor- turers and suppliers to follow. There are also many ad
mation that is not available locally. The GUI (E 3) hoc and proprietary standards that have been de®ned
can develop into a network user interface. This also within a company, such as the Windows standards
has a simple point-and-click procedure to select de®ned by Microsoft. The speci®cations of some pro-
actions, but the actions are not con®ned to the local prietary systems, such as IBM's PC-DOS, have been
computer and windows can be connected to a remote put in the public domain. A consequence is the avail-
server. This is achieved by means of a Uniform ability of compatible personal computers and software
Resource Locator (URL), which is a form of address from many suppliers.
standardized within the Internet. It identi®es the ser- Personal computers can be self-contained, and if
vers, of which a central list is maintained, and the ®le users are concerned only with their own computing,
names, which are assigned locally. The URL also has communication may be unnecessary. Even at this level,
a pre®x indicating the protocol in which the contents however, it may be advantageous to download data
will be transmitted, and a sux indicating their for- and programs from a central server rather than storing
mat, as described later in this section. all that may be required on the local machine. Main-
Standards are essential to ensure that the communi- taining an adequate range of material in up-to-date
cated information is meaningful to the recipient. The versions can then be the responsibility of the systems
Internet works because standard protocols (TCP/IP) manager. Workgroup computing requires a degree of
are used throughout. The Internet Protocol (IP) de®nes interaction between the participants that demand good
the routing between computers. The Transmission communication. Geoscience is a worldwide activity,
Control Protocol (TCP) de®nes how data are wrapped however, and to take full advantage of the potential
in packets for IP to transmit. Other protocols, such as bene®ts, global communication is called for.
NFS (Network File System) and HTTP (Hypertext Fortunately, the means of communication are avail-
Transport Protocol) are compatible parts of the TCP/ able. They take a number of forms (D 2). The most
IP suite. Most modern operating systems provide links widely used means of communication, accessed by
to these protocols. A computer can be linked to the many tens of millions of users, is electronic mail (e-
Internet, or to an Internet Service Provider, through a mail). The message is generally in straightforward text.
modem, a device that, by modulating and demodulat- The e-mail address of the intended recipient may be
ing the signal, allows computers to communicate over hard to ®nd, as there is not always a reliable equival-
telephone lines. Where available, an ISDN link (Inte- ent of the telephone directory. Large ®les or those with
grated Systems Digital Network) may o€er higher a more complex format, such as computer graphics or
speed at greater cost. documents with a complicated layout, may be better
A local network can be linked to the Internet sent by ®le transfer protocol (ftp). This involves estab-
through a router, a computer dedicated to controlling lishing a two-way link before transmission, and the
the trac between the network and the outside world. complexities are normally concealed from the user
Security is always a problem with networked equip- behind a simple drag-and-drop operation (using the
ment, where interlopers prowl in search of passwords, mouse to move an icon from one point on the screen
credit card numbers and the like, in the hope of being to another). Shared documents that are being worked
T.V. Loudon / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) A31±A39 A35

on by a collaborating group might use a format suited places in the document, or can access images. These
to workgroup activities, such as MS-Notes. Discussion are held in other formats such as .gif or .jpeg, rather
groups can follow Usenet protocols that can be found than .html. This information is included in the anchor
through Web search engines. Documents for the world and is used by the browser to display the image cor-
at large can be prepared in hypertext markup language rectly. Audio (.au) and video clips (.mpeg) can also be
(HTML) (E 6) and made available through the World accessed from an anchor. The ¯exibility of this hyper-
Wide Web. media system can be increased further by using the
The World Wide Web (WWW) consists of many anchor to link to a computer program. This can then
millions of pages stored in standard formats on numer- request information from the user through a simple
ous servers throughout the world. It can be accessed form, and can perform operations such as searching a
through a Web browser Ð software that runs on desk- database and listing retrieved items on the screen.
top client computers, and allows users to make general Like many facilities accessed from the desktop, the
searches, follow links, and display documents held on Web contains its own documentation. The facilities it
the Web. The Web pages are distributed across a wide o€ers are rapidly expanding. Rather than attempting a
range of servers and are connected through links that description here, it is better to explore the documen-
are embedded in the pages. The link appears to the tation of your own installation. An up-to-date account
user as a highlighted phrase in a text document or area of the range of facilities is available. There are also
on an image. Normally concealed from the reader, but guides to authors, which describe the many types of
embedded in the text at that point, is the address of a tag that appear in angle brackets. They are normally
point in the Web pages in the form of a URL (Uni- hidden from the viewer, but control the appearance
form Resource Locator). It looks something like this and structure of the page. Information can be obtained
hA HREF M `` by following links from the ISP, the Web search
reports.html''i text here h/Ai engines or Web developers, such as the W3 consor-
The ®rst item (tag) enclosed within angle brackets tium. Geoscientists can readily ®nd their way to lists of
indicates the start of an anchor, which is the link to relevant sites on the Web by using a search engine to
another document or to a point in a document. The ®nd entries dealing with their own specialist subject.
second set of angle brackets h/Ai indicates the end of Alternatively, they can look at the Web pages of or-
the anchor. On the reader's screen, the text within the ganizations such as university departments or geologi-
anchor is highlighted (usually by printing in a di€erent cal surveys which provide links to related sources
color) and underlined to indicate that it is a ``hot- (Ingram, 1997; Butler, 1996). If you are new to the
spot''. Placing the cursor within the anchor changes task, a demonstration from a local expert familiar with
the icon, typically to a pointing ®nger, and clicking the system can be very helpful, but in the longer run
activates the anchor. The HREF attribute contains a there is no substitute for experience.
parameter within quote marks indicating the transfer
protocol (here, http means hypertext transfer proto-
col), the name of the server (, the path
and name of the document (/bgs/w3/ . . . indicates the 5. Generic software systems
directory and the ®le name) and the format (html
means hypertext markup language). Optionally, it can Information comes in various easily-recognized
move to a location marked by a ¯ag in the original types: text (the ordinary language used in most docu-
document. Clicking on the hot-spot causes the speci®ed ments); spatial or graphical information (such as that
Web page to be retrieved from the server computer, found in maps and diagrams); structured data (like the
and displayed on the screen at the ¯agged point. tables of data in a database); and information like
The server name indicates the country name (USA if video or audio records that are less frequently found
none is speci®ed), preceded by the type of organiz- in this context.
ation, such as com or org for a commercial organiz- Conventionally, information products have one pre-
ation, edu or ac for academic community, gov for dominant information type, as in the case of books
government organization, and so on. This is preceded and serials, maps, data ®les, video tapes. Major sys-
by an abbreviation for the name of the organization tems of computer software, mentioned in this section,
(bgs for British Geological Survey) and the name of also tend to focus on speci®c information types. These
the computer (here, www is the web server). This generic systems are designed to perform operations
``domain name'' identi®es the speci®c server and is analogous to familiar actions with conventional pro-
registered with the domain name server (DNS) which ducts, such as: go to page 52, center the map on this
links the domain name to its unique IP address. latitude and longitude, select data where a speci®ed
In addition to retrieving hypertext documents, as variable lies within a given range. The metaphors
has just been described, anchors can point to other make the integrated systems easier to use, and they
A36 T.V. Loudon / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) A31±A39

now provide most of the general computing tools for by many processes. This separation is not always
geoscience. appropriate, as some data are dependent on a particu-
The close links between information types and soft- lar process for their interpretation. For example, data
ware systems suggest that they might give a good basis points chosen to be representative of surfaces or lines
for organizing a course (or a book) on geoscience com- on a map may recreate the original only if a speci®c
puting. This structure has not been followed here, process is applied to them. In an object-oriented sys-
partly because of the belief, expanded in J 1.8, that we tem (H 5), objects are seen as linked data and pro-
should break away from these traditional divisions and cesses, both of which, however, should remain reusable
explore ways to integrate all the information types that in other contexts.
have a bearing on an investigation. Links among gen- Video and audio records have not been widely used
eric systems are being built into many of the more for storing geoscience information. Now that they can
recent products, easing the task of integration. be readily linked to hypermedia, however, there is con-
Text documents are now generally prepared on a siderable scope for their use in demonstrating, say, the
word processor. If they are subsequently published, appearance of a rock slice when rotated under crossed
they will be indexed in numerous computerized library nicols, or a picture of a soil pro®le at the time of exca-
catalogs, but only a few geoscience documents are at vation. Specialist software is available for compressing
present archived as full digital records. For those that these ®les to reduce their large size for storage or com-
are, a markup language or a standard format (E 6, L munication.
3) can ensure that their content can be organized and
printed appropriately by computer. Document manage-
ment software is available to manage and retrieve items 6. Programming languages
from a repository of such documents.
Spatial information, which would normally be The importance of programming languages to the
recorded on maps and cross-sections, can be managed average user is diminishing. In most applications, user
and manipulated on the computer by a geographic in- costs greatly outweigh machine costs. Building on the
formation system (GIS). The GIS makes it possible to existing software repertoire is preferable to writing new
establish, manage, analyze and display a database of programs from scratch. For most users, the well-estab-
cartographic information. Contouring programs can lished and commercially available generic systems,
interpolate three-dimensional data and display them as together with speci®c application programs, are su-
contour maps and cross-sections. Image-editing soft- ciently ¯exible to meet their needs, and it is more econ-
ware can manipulate and adjust other images, such as omical to buy than to build. E€ort in selecting and
photographs and satellite imagery. Computer aided de- understanding existing systems may be more rewarding
sign (CAD) and scanning software help to capture than gaining skills in a programming language. In
data and draw maps and diagrams. Visualization pro- these circumstances, it is questionable whether it
grams present datasets graphically, to make it easier to makes sense for a geoscientist to become a pro®cient
see the relationships between variables. programmer. The learning overhead is considerable,
Structured data bene®tted from computer methods and practice is needed to remain ¯uent.
at an early stage in the development of IT, as they Most commercial systems deliberately hide the pro-
could be handled relatively easily and cost-e€ectively gramming code from the user, and the task is to learn
with long-established programming languages, such as the idiosyncrasies of the system and the means of
Fortran. The tabular layout is appropriate for much achieving the desired results. Until recently, software
geoscience data as it enables like to be compared with systems tended to be compartmentalized, often in a
like, and is well-suited to computer analysis. Relational deliberate attempt to prevent the user's escape to rival
databases ®tted this layout well, extending it to keep systems through importing or exporting data. Pro-
track of complicated relationships. Relational database gramming skills made it easier to cross the interface.
management systems (RDBMS) provided the means to This is now less of a requirement as it is easier to ®nd
separate data management (input, editing, deleting, an exchange format supported by both systems.
updating, selecting, sorting and retrieving) from sub- However, good reasons remain for learning a com-
sequent analysis and presentation. Statistical analysis puter language. For the applications programmer, a
and spreadsheet software make it possible to explore geoscience training supplemented by programming
the properties and relationships of the data, and other skills is a powerful combination. In areas like the
quantitative models throw light on the underlying development of quantitative models, the needs of the
physical relationships. individual or the organization may be so speci®c that
Processes or computer programs are generally seen only home-made code will do, detailing the program-
as distinct from the data, so that they can be reused mer's instructions step by step. In other cases, standard
with many datasets, while one dataset can be analyzed software may handle many of the tasks, but program-
T.V. Loudon / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) A31±A39 A37

ming may be needed for speci®c additions. There is a which is an instruction to perform the operation, or
large amount of existing code written within organiz- set of operations, with stated values of indexes. In For-
ations or available from colleagues or the literature, tran, it might look like:
for example, Press et al. (1992) and Universal Library
(1999). You need programming skills to modify it for DO I ˆ 1, 15
the task in hand, or to keep it up to date. Extensive
libraries of high-quality subroutines are available for sequence of statements …operations†
mathematical and statistical analyses, notably in For-
tran. They can be included in your own programs. It
can also be argued that programming skills provide a END DO
deeper understanding of how the computer works and
The sequence of operations is performed from the
thus of how methods can best be developed in future.
beginning to the end, in this case 15 times. The vari-
A look through journals such as Computers and Geos-
able I, which could also be the index of variables in
ciences (1997) suggests that extending the range of ap-
the statements, takes the values 1, 2, 3 . . . 15 in succes-
plications calls on an ability to program.
sive loops. To give the necessary ¯exibility, the pro-
For most users, it is worth knowing something
grammer can cause control to jump to another point
about computer languages in general, as they have
in the program under de®ned conditions. The com-
much in common. A short course in one language
mand can be conditional on a variable having a par-
could also give useful background. Languages you are
ticular value or a value within a certain range.
likely to encounter include Fortran, Pascal, Basic, C,
C++ and Java. This section o€ers a very general IF …Height…I, J † < 500:0† THEN
introduction for the non-programmer.
The languages just mentioned are procedural, setting would indicate that control would pass to the next
out line by line the sequence of procedures which the statement if the value of Height(I, J ) is less than 500.
computer is instructed to follow, as opposed to stating Otherwise, control passes to a later statement that
the objectives and leaving the computer to select the begins with the word ELSE.
method, as in SQL (mentioned later in this section). It is thus possible, even without knowing much
They deal with variables and resemble familiar alge- about a programming language, to get some idea of
braic formulas, such as x = 1/2( y+z )2. In Fortran one the calculations by looking at a program. Generally,
might write X = 0.5(Y+Z )2. This, however, is not one statement goes on one line, but & indicates that it
stating an equality. Rather it is indicating that the continues on the next line. The ; separates short state-
right-hand-side should be calculated, and stored in a ments on the same line. Comments are generally
variable called X. Perhaps = should be read as inserted to explain the program to anyone reading the
``becomes'' rather than ``equals''. The meaning of the code. They are introduced by ! and continue to the
Fortran statement could be interpreted as follows: the end of the line. They are ignored by the compiler.
names X, Y and Z refer to storage locations; if the A surprisingly complex set of calculations can be
names have already been used in the program, look up built up from these simple basic building blocks. As
their locations, otherwise assign new locations for the same set of operations can be useful in many
them; take the contents of Y and Z, apply the arith- di€erent applications, they can be written as a self-con-
metic operations indicated and store the result in X. tained subroutine or procedure, which is given a name
The / denotes division,  multiplication, and  raising and a means of indicating the variable on which it is
to a power. Variables are usually given names which to operate. Thus, Subroutine Sum(X, N ) might be
the programmer can remember more easily than X, Y written to calculate the total of the ®rst N values of
and Z, thus: Distance=TimeVelocity. Data in the series called X. The subroutine can be invoked by
sequence, as in time series or tables, are conveniently a statement in another routine, such as Call Sum(Time,
denoted by suxes in algebra: y10 is the tenth measure- Number). Calling the subroutine is equivalent to
ment of y, yi is the ith. Similarly, in Fortran, Time(5), repeating all the codes of the subroutine at that point.
Time(I ), or Height(I, J ) would represent the ®fth and Statement are also required to instruct the computer
Ith measurements in a series called Time, and the entry to acquire data from a particular source, or send it to
in the Ith row and Jth column of a table of measure- a particular destination. It might, for example, request
ments (an array) called Height. the user to enter information from the keyboard, or
It is often necessary in a program to apply the same might read it from a disk, or send output to a screen
type of operation to each member of a series in turn. or printer. The READ and WRITE or PRINT state-
Rather than writing out each operation individually, it ment in Fortran indicate the variables holding the in-
is written once, using index variables such as I and J formation, and where the data are to be acquired or
rather than numbers. It is then placed within a loop delivered.
A38 T.V. Loudon / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) A31±A39

Fortran is a long-established programming them all. The drawback is the heavy communications
language for scienti®c use, which has undergone load and ineciency in the handling of the data. Perl
substantial improvements over the years, and is still is another language which is widely used on the Web,
widely used in geoscience. The huge investment in for bringing to life information delivered by the
existing programs and expertise mean that it is server.
likely to remain in use for some time. It is a Markup languages place, within a document, sym-
powerful language capable of representing complex bols which can be read and operated on by appropri-
tasks in numerical calculation. It is a reasonably ate systems. Thus a text report or document can be
tolerant language, allowing programmers to express marked up to identify topics or the various sections,
the same idea in di€erent ways, some inherited such as title, abstract, chapters, sections, paragraphs,
from earlier versions of the language. Programmers references, or illustrations. The Standard General
can consequently fall into bad habits which make Markup Language (SGML) has been used in this role
their programs dicult for others (and themselves) for some time (Seaman, 1999). The advantages of sub-
to understand and to maintain or modify. For dividing a document in this way are considered in D 6.
training purposes, therefore, a simpler language such Here, it should be mentioned that HTML, the hyper-
as Pascal may be better because it takes a more text markup language, is a subset of SGML which is
stringent view of the way the sequences of com- used in many Web documents (E 4), and that XML
mands (program code) are presented. It thus forces (extensible markup language) has recently been devel-
the user to acquire better programming habits. For oped as another simpler subset of SGML, with more
less complex tasks, Basic in its various forms lacks powerful facilities than HTML. Markup languages can
the power of some other languages, but is simpler also be used to subdivide three-dimensional graphical
to learn and to run. Basic is interpreted, rather objects using VRML, the virtual reality markup
than compiled like Fortran (E 3), and it is therefore language.
possible to spot mistakes as each statement is writ- Postscript is a page description language, describing
ten, and the programmer can correct them before the layout of text and images on a page, in a form
proceeding. Visual Basic is widely used to give pro- that can be edited or modi®ed. The Postscript ®les
gramming ¯exibility in a desktop environment. which it generates are widely used in medium to
The WIMP graphical user interface (E 3) is cur- high-quality printing. Acrobat o€ers some of the fea-
rently the norm for the desktop computer, and is a tures of HTML while preserving the page layout in a
more recent development than Fortran. The interface portable data format (PDF) (Kasdorf, 1998). LISP
is handled at a deeper level in the computer software (LISt Processor) is another language used with text
than the applications which were just mentioned, and and graphics, where the information is stored as a
special languages such as Motif have been written to consecutive sequence (string or list) of characters or
help the programmer to organize the objects, such as of points on a line. It found an important niche in
the windows, cursors, icons, and menu-bars, which word on machine intelligence, and has been used in
appear on the screen. More generally, languages such cartographic and work processing applications. Struc-
as C provide the basic facilities to access the systems tured Query Language (SQL) has been widely
functions of the computer. C++ is its object- adopted as a standard interface for querying rela-
oriented counterpart. Programming at this level is a tional databases (H 3). The advantage of this stan-
specialized activity. It implies a need to modify or dard interface is that information can be spread
extend the standard functions supplied by commercial across several databases, each with their own data
systems, which may be as likely to confuse as to help management systems, and can still be processed by
the average user. many clients. Communication is made possible by
A number of other specialized languages deserve a adhering to the SQL standards.
brief mention. The success of the World Wide Web Computer languages can thus be seen as rigorously
has encouraged some language developments. Java is de®ned interfaces between the application and the
designed to operate within a virtual Java environ- operating system (Fortran, C), the GUI and the oper-
ment. In e€ect it runs in its own operating system on ating system (Motif), the client and the server (HTML,
the desktop client. The server supplies information to Java), the document and the printer (Postscript) and
the client, including ``applets'' or small applications the database and the application (SQL). Numerous
Ð processes or programs which operate on the infor- other languages, such as APL, Cobol and Ada have
mation. The entire object, data and process, is thus played their part in geoscience applications, but intro-
supplied from the server. A simple, low-cost client duce no new ideas at this point. Special-purpose
can take full advantage of the server's power. Fur- languages are available for some software products,
thermore, the client can access a wide range of ser- enabling the user to modify or customize the products,
vers worldwide, receiving and combining applets from without compromising the original code.
T.V. Loudon / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) A31±A39 A39

The computer can follow with speed and accuracy a Internet references
set of rules expressed as the instructions for executing
an algorithm. It lacks the capacity to understand the Butler, J.C., 1996. Another node on the Internet for those
underlying reasons or to make decisions about unex- with interests in geosciences, mathematics and computing.
pected results, tasks at which human beings are much
Computers & Geosciences, 1997. Computers & Geosciences
more adept. The systems analyst and user must there-
fore decide what can better be done by machine and
Ingram, P., 1997. The Virtual Earth: a tour of the World
what should remain the task of the scientist. The best Wide Web for earth scientists.
features of both can be combined in an interactive sys- users/pingram/v_earth.htm.
tem (J 1.6) where the user can keep track of progress International Telecommunications Union, 1999. IMT 2000: A
and guide the computer in its operations. vision of global access in the 21st century. http://www.i-
Kasdorf, B., 1998. SGML and PDF Ð why we need both.
Journal of Electronic Publishing 3 (4)
Seaman, D., 1999. About Standard Generalized Markup
Press, W.H., Teukolsky, S.A., Vetterling, W.T., Flannery, Language (SGML).
B.P., 1992. Numerical Recipes in Fortran Ð the Art of Universal Library, 1999. Numerical recipes on-line. Hosted by
Scienti®c Computing, 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, Carnegie Mellon University.
Cambridge 963 pp. webRoot/Books/Numerical_Recipes/.

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