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Silently In Love

Janice B. Cuevas

Love is defineable
Love is always available
Love is everywhere
You can find it anywhere

I can't believe I met a stranger like you

I was astonished in what I saw
For a guy like you
Is difficult to let go

That time when I first saw you

I suddenly smiled out of the blue
I admired a stranger like you
Hope you will admire me too

You have a high sex appeal

Your fragrance has a beautiful smell
I don't know what I really feel
My feelings for you are real

I think you're in the age of 20 or above

But I believe that in love
Age doesn't matter
If both of you want to be together

You always look neat

Your hair always looks mint
I don't want all to mention
Because all of you catch my attention

I don't know why I have this kind of feeling

I am in the process of falling
Do you have any plan of catching?
Because I think I am already loving

I believe each one of us has a partner

To be in our side forever
So, I hope God plans for us to be together
So that we will live happily ever after.

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