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Media are present in our lives whether we like this or not, but they are constantly present

in the lives of celebrities. However, regular people also have to struggle with this problem. No
one is safe. The more famous you are the more media will threaten your privacy.

The biggest problem caused by the media nowadays is undeniably unbalanced

information flow. We are flooded with pictures of celebrities and what they do in their free
time, consequently the important news suffers loss on its value as information. After reading
latest gossip on someone famous, we feel like we do not have any more time to read anything
else. What is more, journalists tend to focus on invading someone’s privacy, only because it is
more profitable for the newspaper and at the same time it equals bigger paycheck. There is
however, solution to this problem. It only takes one thing to end it and that is to implement harsh
punishment for paparazzi that stalk celebrities all the time and invade their personal space.

Another problem as presented in the article is that people that are being stalked by the
paparazzi have no place for any embarrassing mistake in their lives, because they might be
watched all the time. However, there is even something worse, since most celebrities already got
used to being stalked, they have their own ways of dealing with such intrusions, but their families
most of the times do not. Having a famous relative is not a reason for paparazzi to make a
PowerPoint presentation out of someone’s embarrassing mistakes. This is a big problem, because
as silly as it sounds, such things lead to even to suicide and suicide rate skyrocketing is not
something that any of us would want. This is a problem, but not without a solution. We should
spend less time browsing websites that are all about gossip and in turn focus our attention on
more important issues.

Privacy is a sacred thing and should be respected by everyone. We may not be invading
someone’s privacy per se, but we may be doing that indirectly. Media are not respectful of
anyone’s privacy and this is a big problem in nowadays, but there are also ways to deal with that,
we just need to be aware that this is, indeed a problem.

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