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A. Background of the Research

Nowadays, English become one of the international lan;^_“ that is

commonly used by most people from many different countries around the world to

bridge communication. In line with Maxom (2009), who states that English as a

language that can give access of communication to the world. It makes English is

learned by many people by means of successful communication.

In fact, communication itself can be conducted in both oral and written

forms. In relation to English instructional, most people learn English have the main

objective, it is being able to speak in English. It brings speaking skill plays an

important role in English instructional. According to Harmer (2010), through

having a good capability of speaking, students will be able to get into discussion

during English instructional. They are able to express ideas, conduct daily

conversation, giving opinions, and any other activities which related to oral

performance of English. On one hand, Brown (2001), argues that having speaking

skill can be value to carry out the communication. It goes without saying, speaking

is a necessary skill that should be mastered by students during the English

instructional because through speaking, people are able to deliver any ideas and

information to others orally.

The previous paragraph is clearly seen that speaking must be mastered in

order to support communication, especially in English instructional. In fact, based

on the preliminary observation that have been conducted at SMAN 9, Kota

Tangerang in academic year 2017/ 2018, there have been found some problems in

relation to the students’ speaking skill in English.

The first problem which appears related to speaking skill from the students

at SMAN 9, Kota Tangerang in academic year 2017/ 2018 is, most of students are

lack of vocabulary range. It causes students feel confused when they have to

expressing ideas and opinions orally. Second, most students are lack of grammatical

knowledge of English. This makes students feel afraid in making mistake during

the oral performance. Third, most students have difficulty in pronouncing the

English words. Fourth, the students are not really confident to perform English

orally. It is because, they almost never practice English in their daily

communication. At last, the English teachers have not found the appropriate method

and technique to teach speaking effectively.

Viewing those problems, there should be a solution which is able to

overcome students’ speaking skill. One of the recommended techniques is through

retelling by using Picture-Series. Basically, retelling is one of the alternative

activities to use in speaking classroom. Based on Irwan (2016), retelling can give

benefits to support the oral performance as an opportunity for the students to present

or express their ideas. It means that, through the activity of retelling, students can

deliver and express ideas which support their capability in oral performance. In one

hand, (Owocki 1999, cited from Nizzu, 2016), also argues that retelling helps

students rethink the way in performing about a certain text orally that have been

read. Needless to say, retelling can be value as an assistance to help students by

means of successful oral performance.

As the teaching and learning media can also be highly useful to encourage

the success of instructional, picture-series which one of the media that can support

English instructional will be used to support the retelling activity. In order to

achieve students’ achievement in speaking skill, retelling through picture series can

be highly value. According to Brown (2004), one of the most effective techniques

which can be used to support students’ speaking skill is by using visual pictures as

the teaching media. He states that, pictures-series are able to stimulate and guide

the students to conduct the oral performance. Besides, Baker (2001) argues that

picture will benefits for the students to get focus in learning into concrete steps

which guided by several series of visual pictures itself. It goes without saying,

picture series can accommodate students to express their ideas orally.

From all of the statement above, it can be concluded that picture is the most

useful technique to speak orally as visual media and also it can get more interest to

the students to pay attention and make the learning process joyful and pleasant.

Then, it is support this study that retelling story through picture series may be able

to convince the students to speak. In fact, there are many teaching techniques that

can be used in speaking. One of them is retelling story through picture series.

Based on explanation of the background of the research above, the

researcher is interested in conducting a research entitled: The Effect of Retelling

through Picture Series on Tenth Grade Students’ Speaking Skill at SMAN 9 Kota

Tangerang in Academic year 2017/ 2018.

B. Identification of Problem

Based on the background above, the researcher identifies the problem as follow:

1. The students lack of vocabulary.

2. The student’s grammar are poor.

3. The students have difficult in pronunciation.

4. The students are not really confident to perform English orally.

5. The English teachers have not found the appropriate method and technique to

teach speaking effectively.

C. Limitation of the Problem

In order to get the accurate result of the research, the researcher is going to

limit this research on the effect of retelling story through picture series on tenth

grade students speaking skill. Speaking skill is chosen because, it is in line with the

English syllabus of the tenth grade class in academic year 2017/ 2018. Besides,

retelling story through picture series will be chosen as the solution to overcome

problems on students’ speaking skill because it is related with materials which

discuss about narrative text. It makes the researcher will design the students to

perform retelling narrative text orally through picture series.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the limitation of the research previously, the formulation of this

research is stated as: “is there any significant effect between students who are

drilled by retelling through picture series and those students who are taught by using

conventional techniques without applying retelling through picture series on tenth

grade students’ speaking skill at SMAN 9 Kota Tangerang in academic year 2017/


E. Objective of the Research

The objective of the research is to find out the significant effect between

students who are drilled by retelling through picture series and those students who

are taught by using conventional techniques without applying retelling through

picture series on tenth grade students’ speaking skill at SMAN 9 Kota Tangerang

in academic year 2017/ 2018.

F. Significance of the Research

This research is expected to be beneficial to encourage the application of

Retelling through Picture Series to improve the students’ speaking skill. The result

of this research are hoped theoretically and practically.

1. Theoretically

Though conducting this research, the researcher expects that this research

can be beneficial can be beneficial to support the existence theories regarding

the effectiveness of the application of Retelling through Picture Series on tenth

grade students in the speaking classroom activity.

2. Practically

The research is expected can be valuable to encourage the effectiveness of

Retelling through Picture Series practically during the English instructional,

particularly towards students’ speaking skill.

a. The Students

This research is expected that the students will get some benefits in

the forms of motivation and speaking skill performance of Retelling

through Picture Series.

b. The Researcher

This research will give more experience to the researcher as a

candidate of English teacher. It will develop the knowledge in doing

research on applying the Retelling through Picture Series in teaching

English speaking skill to the students.

c. The English Teachers

This study will guide the teachers of English in teaching speaking

skill. They can apply this technique and media in teaching speaking skill

in the classroom. They also can compare, improve, or add their previous

teaching techniques.

d. The School

This research is expected can be value to encourage the quality of

institution or school through providing the information that can be used for

review to give variety of teaching techniques and media in the school to

teach English.

e. The Other Researchers

This research is hopefully can be value as the informative inputs and

can be used as a reference for other researcher who are interested to

conduct the similar research in the same field or discussion regarding with

Retelling through Picture Series on tenth grade students’ speaking skill.




A. Theoretical Description

1. Speaking

a. Definition of Speaking

Speaking is one of the four skills that related to the language

teaching and learning. In fact, speaking skill is actually important for

students who learn English as the second or foreign language in order to

apply in the real life situation as the result of the accomplishment of main

target in English instructional. It is reasonable, because Thornbury (2005)

says that speaking is taking the most dominant part in human activities that

makes mastering speaking skill is a must, especially for second or foreign

learners of English. It is to say that having a good capability in the oral skill

is necessary as the result of the language instructional by means of

successful communication.

According to Cameron (2001), speaking is defined as the oral

activity which performs in order to express any ideas and thoughts by means

of delivering knowledge, feeling, and information to others. Besides, Kayi

(2006) also states that speaking is the process to build and share meaning

through an oral performance from the context. It means that speaking is the
activity to make interaction between two people to share meanings of the


In summary, speaking is the ability to produce a thousand of words

in order to make communication by expressing ideas and thoughts in oral


b. The Importance of Speaking Skill

Speaking is the most important language used in daily life. In the

same way with this, Cole, Ellis, Mason, Meed, Record, Rossetti, and

Willcocks (2007) states that having a good speaking skill highly benefits to

support good oral communication in any discussion of the aspects in life. In

case of learning English of second or foreign language, speaking has the

important roles to interact with other people by means of delivering

information and expressing feeling and thoughts. It can be clearly seen that

speaking has several benefits to support an oral communication by means to

deliver information or messages to others in every aspects in life.

According to Oliver, Haig, and Rochecouste (2013), speaking skill

allows the students to gain their understanding with others, and to make

interaction in social relationships. For students who learn English for second

or foreign language, speaking becomes the main target that should be

mastered as a results of its instructional. It goes without saying, speaking

skill should be mastered by the students, especially for those who learn

English as a second or foreign language, as the target of English

instructional which necessarily can support oral communication


Furthermore, the importance of speaking is also stated by Patel and

Jain (2008). They consider speaking is enable to the students to speak

effectively and mastery on communication skill. It also supports to develop

good oral communication such as good speech, pronunciation, correct in

sentences and vocabulary. Moreover, having a good capability in oral skill

itself can help students to improve their mistake, because students can

expand their speaking skill as well.

It can be concluded, speaking skill is necessarily important to target

the main indicator of the language instructional, especially in English

instructional which consists of several functions in speaking part.

c. The Function of Speaking

After knowing the importance of speaking skill in English

instructional, in more specific discussion, function of speaking appears as

the consideration for the students who learn English as a second or foreign

language. Having the idea of functions in speaking can support human

interaction. According to Richard (2008), there are two main function of

speaking. The first is interactional function of speaking that gives the

establishment and maintain social relations, and the second is transactional

function, in which focus on the exchange of information. Moreover,

speaking have three communicative functional; talk as interaction, talk as

transaction, and talk as performance.

1. Talk as interaction

It is refers to what we usually mean by "conversation" and describes

the interaction that functions as a social function. Exchanges in casual or

formal situation. For example when people meet each other, they

exchange greetings, engage in small talk, tell the current events, and so

on. So they want to interact with each other by building a comfort zone

which focuses on their desire to interact instead of referring to the

message they are talking about.

2. Talk as transaction

It is refers to a situation where the focus is on what is said or done.

The main focus is on messages related to the topic of conversation and

make themselves easily understood clearly and accurately by the listener.

Not on what and how they interact socially with each other. For example,

students may engage in live activities (for example, in English speaking

lessons) to explore concepts related to the topics that has been conveyed

by the teacher, so students are asked to create messages contained from

the topics that have been spoken by the teacher.

3. Talk as performance

This refers to public speaking, that is, the speakers provide or bring

information to the audience, such as class presentations, public

announcements, and speeches.

In this research, the researcher is going to use talk as performance

as the function of speaking that will be figure out for the result of the

research. However, in more specific discussion, the application of talk as

performance as function of speaking, there should be the activity that will

be conducted to measure students’ speaking skill. It goes without saying,

kinds of activities which can promote students’ speaking skill is


d. Activities to Promote Speaking

There are many activities to promote speaking. As Kayi (2006)

inferred from many linguistics on her article in the internet on Teaching

English as A Second Language (TESL) Journal, there are thirteen

activities to promote speaking, which are:

1. Discussions

The discussion here is a group activity of 5 or 6 people that

is usually formed by the teacher or the student can decided for

themselves. Discussions can be done for various reasons there are

students may aim to arrive at a conclusion, to share ideas from an

event, or find solutions to their topic issues. It is important to

remember that the main purpose of the discussion is to encourage

critical thinking and appropriate decision where students are

taught how to express opinions and learn to be open to the

different ideas of each member.

2. Role Play

One other way getting students to speak is role-playing. The

students are invited to play a character in every theme of the game.

The teacher here plays a role in providing information or giving

students how to play a role-play and tell the students such as who

they are and what they think or feel.

3. Simulations

Simulation is very similar with role-play. In the simulations,

students can carry items that will encourage their appearance to

create the actual condition, for example when the student sings,

they can brings a microphone or other items. In role play and

simulation is useful to create students' confidence and to entertain


4. Information Gap

Information gap is to exchange information from one to

another, so students are asked to pair up each other. Each partner

makes an important contribution to getting information.

Information gap activity aims to solve problems or gather


5. Brainstorming

Brainstorming is an open idea for expressing the ideas

quickly and freely. The characteristic of good brainstorming is

that students are not criticized for their open ideas.

6. Storytelling

Story-telling is a technique or ability to tell a story. Through

story-telling the student can summarize the story from a topic told

by the teacher or summarize his own story from the topic of

conversation with his friend to tell with other.

7. Interviews

Interview is to ask a variety of questions on several types of

people in appropriate with the topics they want to know. Before

to do the interview, the teacher should give explanation to the

student that the student must prepare what they will ask. Through

this explanation, the student will make a list of their own

questions in order to be presented to the type of person to whom

it is intended. Through interviews, students are not only given the

opportunity to practice their speaking, but also to socialized.

8. Story Completion

Story completion is a fun activity where the teacher starts a

story and when telling a story, the teacher stops. Then students

are asked to continue the storyline the teacher has told by adding

new characters, events, descriptions and so on through four or ten

additional sentences to complete.

9. Reporting

Reporting is an activity where before students enter the

classroom, they are asked to read magazines and newspapers.

Then the student tells his friend whether there is the most

interesting news or whether the student has experienced valuable

things in life they have to tell his friend in front of the class.

10. Playing Cards

In this activity students are divided into groups with 4

members. Each group represents a topic. Then in every each

group members they have to choose the card. After selecting a

card, each student must provide 4-5 questions about the topic to

be submitted to other friends within the group members.

11. Picture Narrating

Picture narrating is an activity based on a sequential pictures.

In this activity, the teacher tells the students first to pay attention

to the necessary criteria such as the vocabulary and structure

when they use to tell the stories. After that, the students are asked

to tell the story that is in the picture.

12. Picture Describing

Here the students are formed in several groups, each group

are given a picture by the teacher. In the picture, the students and

members of his group discuss to describe what the image is. And

representatives of each group, are asked to describe the picture in

front of the class.

13. Find the Difference

These activities, students will be given different picture from

other friends. For example, A: picture of boys playing soccer and

B: picture of girls playing tennis. Then the students are asked to

pair up to discuss the similarities or differences of the contents of

the pictures.

In conclusion, stories could be very beneficial materials in

English language teaching by involving students in learning

activities such as, discussion, writing and dialogues. Retelling

story is a subject to the way a person uses oral. In line with this,

that pictures are very important as media to help students retell

story, experience or understand something. In relation to this, the

use of picture and story in the teaching and learning process can

be used as a technique for teaching speaking.

e. Assessing Speaking

There are many factors that influence the teacher impression to the

students’ speaking skill. Assessing is order to know how we used

communication with accurate and appropriate to the purpose of the score. In

line with this, according to Brown (2004), there are five components in oral

communication as follow:
1. Pronunciation

Pronunciation focuses on production and identification of the sounds,

stress patterns, and intonation in English. English pronunciation is

considered by some aspects. First, it relates to the speech organs and how

the organs produce sounds. Without a good pronunciation, listeners

cannot understand what another person says and this will make the

communication process more difficult. (Harmer, 2007).

2. Grammar

Grammar is language knowledge. Grammar is correct way to learn

language in oral and written form. Grammar also rules for forming words

and making sentences. We will not be able to say the language without

knowing the pattern of the language itself. So, it is clear that students

need some knowledge of these rules to be able to speak correctly. (Oxford

Learners Pocket Dictionary, 2008).

3. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of important elements in teaching and learning

speaking. It is important for students to choose appropriate words in

certain situations in order to make their speaking meaningful. For

example, when people want to describe their feeling about something,

they have to be able to find a word which reflects their feeling. Therefore,

students need to understand the importance of meaning in the context.

(Oxford Learners Pocket Dictionary, 2008).

4. Fluency

Fluency can define as the ability to speak easily and correctly.

Fluency include reasonability to speak without any kind of obstacles

while speak up. Fluency cannot be separated from accuracy. Accuracy

refers to the mastery of phonology elements, grammar and discourse.

(Oxford Learners Pocket Dictionary, 2008).

5. Comprehension

Comprehension means the understanding and the interpretation of

what is said. It is about students’ proficiency in speaking on all

professional and general topics without a big effort and smooth as good

as the native speakers. (Oxford Learners Pocket Dictionary, 2008).

In conclusion, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and

comprehension are the important and complementary components in the

development of students’ speaking skill. These assessing support each

other to gain the goal of speaking. Moreover, those assessing will be the

instrument or scoring rubric for the speaking test in this study. Each

assessing has the scoring scale to measure the learners’ speaking skills.

Then, the scores will be collected as the data of the research.

2. Retelling Story

a. Definition of Retelling Story

In teaching and learning activities in the classroom, the teacher must

prepare the appropriate technique that can involve the students in classroom
activities. It is intended that students not feel bored and monotonous. By

involving the students, they also can build an interactive activity like talking

each other by using English through retelling story. Retelling story is one of

the solution to make teaching and learning more real, fun and effective

involves teacher and students in classroom activities.

According to Oliver, Haig, and Rochecouste (2013), telling stories,

retelling events and relating personal are the communicative way to interact

with others which is useful to convey the information and entertain a person

by retelling the story. We communicate by telling stories; they allow us pass

on information and to make meaning of our lives. We tell stories about our

experiences. We use a combination of language functions within these

personal narratives, e.g. we recount, describe or report as we tell our stories.

Retelling Story is an oral activity where language and gestures are

used in a colorful way to create scenes in a sequence. In addition, retelling

is grounded in an understanding of the crucial role that oral language plays

in both the formation and sharing of meaning. According to Miller and

Pennycuff (2008), retelling story in the classroom is one way to improve

oral language. On one hand (Brown, 2004), retelling is type of task, the

listeners hear or read a story or news then they are asked to retell.

Furthermore, according to Kayi (2006), student can make the summarizing

from a tale or story that they have been heard from somebody or the teacher,

or they may create their own stories to tell their classmates.

In this case, retelling story helps students express ideas in the format

of beginning, development, and ending, including the characters and setting

a story has to have. For instances, at the very beginning of each class session,

the teacher may order to the students to read short story then asked to the

students to retell the story by their own words. Clearly retelling story help

to develop students to have creative thinking.

b. The Aims of Story

According to Elis and Brewster (2014), here are some further reason

why teacher use story to teach, as bellow:

1. Stories are motivating, challenging and enjoyable and can help develop

positive attitudes towards the foreign language, culture and language


2. Stories exercise the imagination. Children can become personally

involved in a story as they identify with the characters and try to interpret

the narrative and illustrations. This imaginative experience helps develop

their own creative powers.

3. Stories are a useful tool in linking fantasy and the imagination with the

child’s real world. They provide a way of enabling children to make sense

of their everyday life and forge links between home and school.

4. Stories provokes a shared response of laughter, sadness, excitement and

anticipation which is not only enjoyable but can help build up the child’s

confidence and encourage social and emotional development.

5. Retelling allows the teacher to introduce or revise new vocabulary and

sentence structures by exposing the children to language in varied,

memorable and familiar contexts, which will enrich their thinking and

gradually enter their own speech.

From those aims of story, it can be concluded that retelling story

gives many benefits besides improving speaking skills. Other skills that

can be improve through retelling, such as students’ positive attitudes

towards the foreign language and language learning, listening or reading,

good oral language, students’ ability to share social experience and

linguistic features. In every story, there will be a moral message can be

taken, whether it is negative or positive. If it is negative, teacher must tell

the students not to copy, but if it is positive, teacher must tell the students

to do.

c. Retelling Story as Speaking Activities

Retell story is the oldest form of education activity in speaking skill

that can stimulate the learners to enjoy the speaking learning process. It has

many benefits, such as for entertainment, education, cultural preservation,

and instilling moral values. It is also has elements that have to be noticed,

they are plot, characters, and narrative point of view. Moreover, Brown

(2004) listed several types of classroom speaking activity in this following

1. Imitative: students practice through repetition. The elements of

language form are the focus of this activity.

2. Intensive: this is speaking performance that is designed to practice

some phonological or grammatical aspects of language. It is usually

done in individual or even in pairs.

3. Responsive: it means that students practice their language by

answering some questions. This activity use simple utterances which

can be meaningful and authentic.

4. Interactive: it is transactional language has the purpose of exchanging

the specific information. These include interviews, games, jigsaw,

problem-solving activities, role-play and discussion.

5. Extensive (monologue). Students are asked to give extended

monologues in the form of oral reports, summaries, or speeches.

It is clear that retelling story is one activity that relates to

many types of speaking activity. Retelling story will stimulate the

learners to do imitate speaking, intensive speaking as the preparation

before they perform. Then, the learners will be motivated to response

the story as the audience. Also, retelling story will give many good

impacts for the learners’ speaking skills. It is useful for the learners to

continue to the extensive speaking. From this explanation, retelling

story can be implemented not only in speaking class, but also in

various kind of work.

3. Media

Media or visual aids have an important role in teaching and learning

process. The use of media facilitates the teachers and students to reach

gopport with this, Gagne (1970) in Sadiman (2010), there is any various

component in students environment at school can be stimulate to lean. Also

Briggs (1970) argues that media is physical tools to serve messages and

stimulate students to learn. It means media is anything that can be used to

deliver messages from sender to receiver so that it is able to give stimulus

such as the ideas, feelings, attentions, and interests. It is useful in teaching

and learning process in the classroom. According to Hyerle (2004) cited

from Benavides, Murcia, and Niño states that visuals media are not only

powerful in saving memories but also serve to increase understanding. This

means that not only the teachers can benefit from using visual aids but also

the students are able to understand and memorize ‘the thing’ from the media


In short, teaching media is any supporting materials, tools,

equipment, or techniques used to facilitate the students’ learning and to

enable them to acquire the knowledge or understand the contents of the

teaching and easily.

4. Types of Media

According to Sadiman (2010), here is some types of media as follow:

a. Graphics Media

Graphics media is related to the sense of vision that serves to deliver

messages to the students that are poured through visual symbols such as:

picture, sketch, diagram, chart, graph, cartoon, poster, maps and globe,

flannel board, bulletin board.

b. Audio Media

Audio media serves to deliver messages to the students that are poured

through hearing such as: radio, magnetic tape recorder, language


c. Projection Silent Media

Projector silent media have similarities with graphics media in sense of

presenting visual stimuli but the difference is this media should be poured

through projector such as: slide film, strip film, transparency media,

opaque projector, microfiche.

d. Film

Film is a blend of visual and audio media with elements of motion to

stimulate and explain a thing or a process in it.

e. Television

Television is a blend of visual and audio media with elements of motion

to stimulate and explain a thing or a process in it. But television belongs

to the mass media.

In conclusion, picture can be one of media that build students

motivation and also make them active in the class, because it consists of

some interesting pictures and the students can explore their ideas based

on the picture. Thus, it makes an interactive classroom in teaching and

learning speaking using picture.

5. Picture

a. Definition of Picture

Picture is a part of media in the teaching and learning process. A

picture itself has some definitions based on some experts. According to

Wright (1989), picture can represent or push the student’s creation of

context in the classroom activity. Picture has been used for centuries to

help students understand various aspect of foreign languages. The picture

have motivated the students, made the subject they are dealing with

clearer, and illustrated the general idea and forms an object or action

which are particular to a culture.

Based an opinion above, it can be concluded that in the contexts of

conversations, pictures of several people are used to help the students to

imagine what the people may say and think. The ideas about the

experiences and activities done by the people were captured in pictures

of people in action. It is often helpful if the students can illustrated the

ideas from the picture.

According to Baker (2001), picture can make the students to do and

say clearly in social situations. In addition, to utilizing a picture format,

visual aid can make it easy to attract attention and comprehension.

Based on the experts’ explanation above, it can be concluded that

visual media is the student's activity through something that can be seen

as a picture. Usually what is in the picture could make the appeal and

curiosity of students to pay attention and understanding of what is

contained in the picture. It make the students easier to say and do things

according to the context situation in the classroom.

From both of statement above, it can be concluded that pictures is

used to stimulate ideas for particular ways. Pictures have a role in the

teaching of meaning and in creating contexts. They establish meaning,

bring the outside world into the classroom, and contribute to the world of

the classroom. Pictures invite us to tell more about the things on it, while

pictures of famous people ask us more to identify their fame,

achievement, and experiences.

In conclusion, pictures are a kind of media used by the teachers due

to their benefits of using pictures. Furthermore, they can provide various

activities to support the teaching and learning process.

b. Picture Series in Teaching Speaking

There are several methods in teaching speaking. Teacher is the most

important role here, especially in English subject. The teachers must have
the ability to make an interesting class. Using picture is one of the ways to

explain a real situation. It is one of media that can make the students enjoy

the lesson. Pictures are helpful to support the teaching and learning process.

There are several advantages of using pictures in teaching English.

According to Pešková (2008:20-21), as follow:

1. Availability: Pictures are inexpensive and easy to get – teachers can

prepare cuttings from magazines, copies of pictures in books,

calendar posters, etc.

2. Interest: Personal pictures of the learners or of the teacher even

better increase interest by the learners. They like talking about

themselves and getting to know personal information of other


3. Reaction: David A. Hill (1990: 1) claims also that well-chosen

visuals evoke an immediate response from learners in any class –

“a personal reaction which is the vital seed of all meaningful


4. Diversity: There is a wide spectrum of pictures – different types and

formats, also the subject matter differs. What is more, learners

usually cannot anticipate what will be the task.

5. Wide usage: Pictures can be used for various focuses on the

language and from various aspects: discussion, essays, grammar

practice, vocabulary, etc.).

6. Stimulus: They function as a stimulus (for writing, speaking,

reading, listening exercises).

7. Integrating subjects: There is usually more than one topic in the


Retelling story is not an easy way to create an interactive

class. The students will find some difficulties in giving information

if they have no more vocabularies in conveying an idea or topic. In

fact, retelling story in English is really difficult for students. They

might have limited vocabulary items and they might have minim

ability in pronunciation. Hence, picture series can be one of media

that build students motivation, because it consists of some

interesting pictures and the students can explore their ideas based

on the picture series. Based on explanation above, it can be

concluded that teaching speaking using picture has some benefits in

learning process. It implies that teacher can use picture as media to

create students’ interest and also make them active in the class.

Thus, it makes an interactive classroom in teaching and learning

speaking using picture series. For example, the teacher shows some

pictures then retells story, after that asks the students to select the

right picture based on what the story told by teacher.

6. Retelling Story through Picture Series on Students’ Speaking Skill

Retelling is an oral activity, and stories have the shape they do

because they are designed to be listened or read to and, in many situations,

participated in. In using retelling through picture series to teach speaking,

the students are able to get other function of it has already been pointed out

that retelling through picture series include an element of fun, but at the

same time, the teacher have to do more elaborated to make teaching and

learning process effective. Sadiman (2010) argues that pictures speak more

than a thousand words. It is mean that picture are able to attract attention

and tell the events in the picture. Also it is enjoyable for the students

because it encourages activity in guessing the messages from the picture

based on their imagination. Students can understand the content of the

whole series of pictures because are related. Pictures series are arranged as

media to help students express their ideas and feeling fluently.

In this research, the researcher using retelling through picture series

as a treatment in teaching and learning process. This is the list of steps as


1. Pre-activities

a. Teacher greets the students

b. Teacher gives the questions or brainstorming to the students related

to the topic they are going to learn

c. Teacher gives a chance for students to share their ideas

2. While-activities

a. Teacher informs the student what they should do

b. Teacher asks students to read the story from the teacher

c. Teacher tells the story to the students by using picture series

d. Teacher asks some question related to the activities that they should

do after read to the story

e. Teacher retells the story once again so that the students will be able

to retell

f. Teacher asks the students to retell the story that has been read

through picture series

3. Post Activities

a. Teacher gives comment and explains necessary things such as

correction and how to do a monologue

b. Teacher gives a chance to students to ask question about the


c. Teacher asks students about the lesson and the problem during the


d. Teacher closes the class by greeting

B. Previous Study

In conducting this research, the researcher needs to discuss some previous

studies which related to the application of Retelling through Picture Series on

tenth grade student’s speaking skill. There are several previews studies have
been conducted by researcher regarding the application of Retelling through

Picture Series on tenth grade students’ speaking skill.

The first research was conducted by Irwan in 2016. He conducted the

research about “The Effect of Teaching Media and Retelling Story Towards

Students’ Speaking Ability. He conducted the research at Private Madrasah

Aliyah in Bandar Lampung. The research design of the research was

experimental research. The sampling technique used in this research was

experimental and control sampling technique. The total number of population

and sample chosen in the research was 56 students out of 28 students divided

into two classes which is experimental and control class. The finding of the

research shows that there is significant difference between the effect of retelling

story towards students’ speaking skill and without retelling story. It means that

using retelling in teaching speaking is able to increase students’ score in

speaking skill and improve students’ capability in speaking skill.

The second research was conducted by Episiasi, Ardayati, and Novianti

(2015). He conducted the research about“The Effectiveness of Using Picture to

Improve Students’ Speaking Skill”. He conducted the research at STKIP

Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung. Therefore, the population of this study

conducted at the sixth semester students of STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau in the

academic year 2014/2015 with total number of students were 64 students. The

research design of this study was pre-experimental. Total of this research are 23

students which were taken through cluster random sampling, its only experiment

class without control class. It is found that there is significantly effective to teach
speaking skill by using pictures. It showed that students’ speaking achievement

increased because their average score in the post-test was higher than pre-test.

Students’ speaking achievement increased in the post-test and it was influenced

by some factors. They were: Firstly, Pictures help students in expressing idea

and information. Secondly, students feel confidence to describe the topics

because they have a guideline from the writer. Finally, students can describe

briefly because they have a good preparation and more information about the


The third research was conducted by Ginusti (2014). He conducted the

research about“Improving the Speaking Skill of Grade VIII Students of SMP

Negeri 2 Godean through Pictures”. He conducted the research at Yogjakarta

State University. This research was classified as an action research. It was

conducted in two cycles, which was held for four meetings in the first cycle and

two meetings in the second cycle. The population of eight grade students were

129 students. The subjects of this research were 32 students of class VIII C of

SMP Negeri 2 Godean. The data were qualitative and quantitative. With regard

to the result of the research, the implementation of pictures supported with its

accompanying actions is successful to improve the speaking skills of grade VIII

students of SMP Negeri 2 Godean. Pictures are able to attract the student’

attentions and motivation in learning. The use of pictures in the speaking

activities provided various speaking activities which could facilitate the students

to improve their speaking skills. Therefore, as pictures are very beneficial to be

implemented in the speaking teaching and learning process, it is suggested for

the English teacher to use pictures as media in the teaching and learning process

of speaking.

The significant difference between three previous relevant studies with the

researcher is about research design. One previous studies used Experimental

Research to prove that retelling story technique is effective and enhance students’

speaking skill. Second previous studies used Pre-experimental technique to

prove students’ speaking skill by using picture. Third previous studies used

Classroom Action Research (CAR) to prove the students’ speaking skill through

pictures. Meanwhile, the researcher in this study used Quasi Experimental

design. The reason why the researcher used this research design because the

researcher wants to prove that students’ speaking skill by using retelling story

through picture series treatment will be more enhanced than the students without

using retelling story through picture series technique. Because through retelling,

students understanding in speaking can be seen.

C. Conceptual Framework

In language learning context, the main objective of learners is being able to

perform the language they are learning orally. It is reasonable because, having a

great capability in speaking is supporting successful communication. It goes

without saying, speaking skill is necessary.

According to the experts, speaking skill is the skill which may support

learners to deliver messages, suggestions, ideas, and information orally. This

skill is not easy to be mastered. There should be the appropriate method,

technique, or strategy which encourage students to having the oral skill,

especially in learning English. One of the ways is conducting retelling story by

using the supporting teaching media in English instructional.

Retelling is one of the communicative way that can be used as a technique

to encourage speaking skill. Retelling through picture series, the students can be

improve and increase their speaking skill. Besides, retelling a story by using

pictures can be a stimuli that makes the students more motivated to perform

English orally. Through this essence, there should be a positive and significant

effect in relation to the implementation of retelling story through picture series

towards students’ speaking skill.

D. Research Hypothesis

Based on theoretical description and theoretical framework, the hypotheses

of the research can be formulated as follow:

1. Hypothesis of Pre-test

Ho: There is no significant difference of students’ speaking skill between

controlled class and experimental class.

Hı: There is a significant difference of students’ speaking skill between

controlled class and experimental class.

2. Hypotheses of Post-test

Ho: There is no significant effect by using retelling through picture series

on tenth grade students’ speaking skill at SMAN 9 Kota Tangerang.

Hı: There is a significant effect by using retelling through picture series

on tenth grade students’ speaking skill .at SMAN 9 Kota Tangerang.



A. Place and Time of the Research

1. The Place of the Research

The research will be conducted at SMAN 9, Kota Tangerang. It is

located at Jl. Haji Jali, number 9, Kunciran Jaya, Pinang, Kota Tangerang-

Banten 15144, Indonesia. The school will be chosen as the place where

the researcher is going to conduct the research because, there have been

found several problems regarding students’ speaking skill.

2. The Time of the Research

This research is going to be conducted in April 2018. The research

will be conducted in four weeks, which scheduled as the following:

Table 3.1
Schedule of the Research
No Activities
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug

1 Submission tittle

Guidance of the

2 research and

Make research

Seminar of
research proposal

Guidance and

revision the
result of seminar

of proposal

6 Pre-test

7 Research

8 Post-test

Collecting of the

Analyzing of the

The final test of

the Research

B. Method of the Research

This research is categorized as a quantitative research. The research method

that will be conducted is Quasi Experimental Method. The researcher is going

to take the sample out of the total number population. The chosen sample will

be divided into two classes, experimental class and controlled class, which both
classes will get three steps during the process of the research. They are, Pre-

Test, Treatment, and Post-Test.

Both different treatment between experimental class and controlled

class that will be given aims to figure out whether is there any positive and

significant effect of students who are taught by using retelling through picture

series and those students who are taught by using conventional method by

means of achieving success in speaking skill.

As the design of the research non-equivalent control group design on the table


Table 3.2
Research Design
Group Pre-test Treatment Post-test

Experimental YΕ X YΕ

Control Yс - Yс


YΕ = the result of pre-test

Yс = the result data of pre-test/ control group post-test

X = treatment
C. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population in this research is the tenth grade students at SMAN

9, Kota Tangerang in academic year 2017/ 2018. The total number of

population is 278 students, which come from IPA and IPS classes.

Table 3. 3
Number of Population
X. X. X. X. X. X. X. X. X.
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4
of 35 34 34 34 34 27 27 29 24
Total 278

2. Sample

In order to obtain the accurate result of the research, the researcher

is going to take several students to be chosen as the sample of the research.

Purposive Sampling will be chosen as the sampling technique of the

research in order to get the number of sample which will be chosen as the

sample. Here is the total number of sample as below:

Table 3. 4
Number of Sample
Detail Class Students

Experimental Class X. IPA 4 35

Controlled Class X. IPA 1 35

D. Technique of Collecting Data

The technique of collecting data used in this research is:

1. Pre-test

The pre-test is used before the treatment given for two classes. The purpose

of the pre-test is to find out students speaking ability before the treatment.

2. Post-test

The researcher gave the post-test in the experimental class after teaching

learning speaking by using retelling through picture series and also give

post-test in the controlled class after teaching learning speaking skill

without using retelling through picture series.

Based on explanation above, the pre-test will be conducted first and

the treatment will be conducted after treatment.

E. Instrument of Dependent Variable (Y)

a. Conceptual Definition

According to the theory, it can be concluded that speaking is an

activity that uses the oral communication to deliver messages, opinions,

and others. Speaking is a kind of activity that involves people to share

information. During the speaking activity, speakers transfer their ideas or

messages to get some feedback from the listeners. There are so many thing

that we have to understand when we communicate with other, such as: we

have to mastering the topic because the speaker will be easier to divide the

important things from the topic that will be asked to the listeners. Speaking
also become the most important skill when someone want to communicate

with others and be able in using English as good as possible in order to

make success communication.

b. Operational Definition

The dependent variable in this study is to improve the speaking skill

on the tenth grade students at SMAN 9 Kota Tangerang. Speaking is the

one important skill in English that consists of pronunciation, grammar,

vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension in it. In this research, the

researcher will give the experimental class an oral test through story telling

test after the story telling by using pictures on the post test. The indicators

that will be scored are pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and


Table 3. 5

Form of question
Basic Item
Variable Indicator Multiple Domain
Competence Essay Oral Number

Speaking Prepare oral 1. Students are √ C3

narrative able to respires
text and question with
write simple good and
about correct
experiences/ pronunciation
activities/ 2. Students are
events, able to respond
taking into teacher’s
account the question using
function, correct
text vocabulary
structure, 3. Students are
and able to respond
linguistic teacher’s
elements, question using
correctly correct
and in grammar
accordance 4. Students are
with the able to respond
context teacher’s
5. Students are
able to respond
question with

Total number of item 1

Test Specification of Instrument

c. Scoring Rubric System

In evaluating the students’ speaking scores, the researcher will use

speaking task by Harris (1969). Based on the speaking task, there are five

components, namely: pronunciation, fluency, grammar, vocabulary and


Table 3. 6
Table of Scoring Data from Aspects of Speaking Test
No Aspect Description of Indicator Score
1 Pronunciation Have few traces of foreign accent 5
Always intelligible, though one is 4
conscious of a definite accent
Pronunciation problems necessitate 3
concentrated listening and
occasionally lead to
Very hard to understand because of 2
pronunciation problems. Frequently
be asked to repeat
Pronunciation problems to severe 1
as to make speech virtually
2 Grammar Makes few (if any) notice able errors 5
of grammar or word order
Occasionally makes grammatical; 4
and/or word order errors which do
not, however obscure meaning
Makes frequent errors of grammar 3
and word order which occasionally
obscure meaning
Grammar and word order errors 2
make comprehension difficult. Most
often rephrase sentences and/or
restrict him to basic pattern.
Errors in grammar and word order to 1
severe as to make speech virtually
3 Vocabulary Use vocabulary and idioms is 5
virtually that of a native speaker
Sometimes uses inappropriate terms 4
and/or must rephrase ideas because
of lexical inadequacies
Frequently uses the wrong words; 3
conversation somewhat limited
because of inadequate vocabulary
Misuse of words and very limited 2
vocabulary make comprehension
quite difficult
Vocabulary limitations so extreme as 1
to make conversation virtually
4 Fluency Speech as fluent and effortless as 5
that of a native speaker
Speed of speech seems to be slightly 4
affected by language problems
Speed and fluency are rather than 3
strongly affected by language
Usually hesitant; often force into 2
silence by language limitations
Speech is so halting and fragmentary 1
as to make conversation virtually
5 Comprehension Appears to understand everything 5
without difficulty
Understands nearly everything at 4
normal speed, although occasional
Understands most of what is said 3
at slower-than-normal speed with
Has great difficulty following what 2
is said. Can comprehend only ‘social
conversation’ spoken slowly and
with frequent repetitions
Cannot be said to understand even 1
simple conversational English
(Harris, 1969)

The formula as follow:

p= x 100


p = percentage

ƒ = frequency of correct answer

n = number maximum score

If maximum score is 25 and the student get 20 score it mean that

x 100 = 80

(Cited from Sudijono, 2004 in Maiza, Rosmawati, and Yusuf 2014)

d. Test of Validity and Reliability

The test could be said valid if the test measures the objective to be

measured and suitable with the criteria, to measure whether the test in this
research has a good quality or not. There are several types of validity but

in this research the observer only use two type of validity, they are construct

validity and content validity.

a. Validity

The instrument of validity is the tool of quantify that used for get the

valid data. According to Sugiyono (2017), validity divided into two

types there are: internal validity and external validity. Validity internal

(test) grows based on relevant theory and then it has to fulfill construct

validity and content validity, while validity external (no test) grows

based on empiric fact with only construct validity. Meanwhile,

construct validity instrument can be used by expert judgment or

professional judgment. Construct validity instrument that can be used

by corrective, without corrective, and perhaps can be replace totally.

Content validity instrument can be used by compere between the

content instruments with subject matter which has been learned.

In this research, the researcher used Construct Validity because the

instrument is oral test. Before the instrument will give to the students,

the researcher tests the validity of the instrument by expert judgment.

For the approval of construct validity is attached on appendix.

b. Reliability

The reliability instrument can be used by external or internal

instrument. By external the test can be done by stability, equivalent, or

by combine both these Sugiyono (2017). The result of this research is

reliable if there is similarity data in different times. After the research

consulted the instrument and it will approved valid, so the data is


F. Instrument of Independent Variable (X)

a. Conceptual Definition

According to the theory it can be concluded that retelling through

picture series involve many factor to make teaching and learning process

more effective. This activity can make the students fun, enjoy, and

interesting to increase students’ speaking skill.

b. Operational Definition

In applying this technique, the researcher should be prepare good

ways in order to make teaching and learning proves more effective, in this

learning the purpose is how to improve students speaking skill by using

Retelling through Picture Series. There are several steps of using Retelling

through Picture Series to the students: First, make a good preparation for

material (paper that contain the story) and media (picture series) to support

the teaching process. Second, ask the students to listening explanation about

how the rule to retell a story by using picture series. Third, the teacher tell

the students about what the topic that would use in the paper and ask the

students to read. Last, ask the students to retell the story through pictures

series one by one and relating to other visual based on the story that they

have been read. The teacher will be a facilitator in the activity.

In the activity, the researcher gave oral test before teaching by using

retelling through picture series (Pre-test). Then the researcher taught by

using retelling through picture series as a treatment. After giving the

treatment, the researcher gave oral test again (Post-test). Finally, the

researcher calculated the result of the tests.

G. The Statistical Hypothesis

Statistical hypothesis used in this research as follow:

1. Hypothesis of Pre-test

Ho: µ1 = µ2

There is no significant difference of students’ speaking skill between

controlled class and experimental class.

H1: µ1 ≠ µ2

There is a significant difference of students’ speaking skill between

controlled class and experimental class.

2. Hypotheses of Post-test

Ho: µ1 = µ2

There is no significant effect by using retelling through picture series on

tenth grade students’ speaking skill at SMAN 9 Kota Tangerang.

H1: µ1 ≠ µ2

There is a significant effect by using retelling through picture series on

tenth grade students’ speaking skill at SMAN 9 Kota Tangerang.

H0 : μ1 = μ2

HI : μ1 ≠ μ2


μ1 : mean score of speaking in experimental class

μ2 : mean score of speaking in controlled class

H. Technique for Analyzing Data

a. Statistic Descriptive

According to Walpole (2001), descriptive statistic are methods

relating to the accumulation and presentation of the data to provide useful

information. The data analysis procedure will use include descriptive

statistics divided into three steps, such as:

1. Data presentation

a. Table frequency distribution

According to Riadi (2015), table of frequency distribution is

presenting of the data more be informative. There are some steps

to create table of frequency distribution, as follow:

1. Amount of data (n)

2. Minimum data (Dmin)

3. Maximum data (Dmax)

4. Range data (r = Dmin-Dmax)

5. Amount of class (k= 1 + 3, 3 log (n)= 1 + 3.3 log (40)= 6, 29

be rounded become 7)
6. Interval of the class ( ј = )

7. Class boundaries with pattern LLC-0.5 and ULC+0,5

b. Histogram

In accordance with Riadi (2015), histogram is one of

presentation that describe the result of data to illustrate the ups and

downs of condition from statistical data with a line or an image to

be easier to understand by reader.

c. Frequency polygon

Based on Riadi (2015), polygon is a graph made by joining

middle top points of the columns of a frequency histogram.

d. The table cumulative

According to Riadi (2015), the table of cumulative frequency

distribution is the total frequency of less all value or more than

limits the class interval to include it class interval.

e. Ogive graph

According to Riadi (2015), ogive is a graph of data in the

form of cumulative frequency distribution by using a line or curve.

2. Central Tendency

Riadi (2015) stated that central tendency is a value that has a

tendency be in the middle position, then this value is called central

tendency. It focuses on mean, median and mode. The formula as

a. Mean

Mean is average of the value, the formula of mean according to


𝑥̅ = ∑𝑛𝑡= 1 ∫ 𝑗 𝑥 𝑗

∑nt= 1 ∫ j


𝑥̅ : Mean

∫𝑗 : Frequency of each class

𝑥𝑗 : Middle score of class

𝑛 : Total number of data

b. Median

Median is middle value of range. Based on Riadi (2015), the

formula of median as follow:𝑥̅

Me = Lo + 1 ( 2 − 𝐹)


Lo : Bottom border of median class

I : Length of interval class

F : Frequency cumulative before the median class

f : Frequency of median class

n : Number of the data

c. Mode

Mode is the most frequently occurring value. According to Riadi

(2015), the formula mode as follow:

Mo = Lo + 1 ( )
𝑏1 + 𝑏2


Lo : Bottom border of mode class

I : Length of interval class

b1 : Frequency mode class with frequency class mode before

b2 : Frequency mode class with class mode after

d. Variance

According to Riadi (2015) stated that variance is one of the

statistical technique that are used to explain the group variance.

Based on Riadi (2014), the formula of variance as follow:

S2 = ∑ 𝑓 (𝑥 − 𝑥̅ )²


S² : Variance

(x – 𝑥̅ )² : Result of square from the reduction of X

e. Standard Deviation

Riadi (2015), standard deviation is defined as the square of the

variance. The formula as follow:

√∑ 𝑓 𝑥2 - ( 𝑓𝑥)²

S : Standard deviation

f : Frequency

n : Total sample of class

x : Mean

b. Statistic Inferential

In parametric statistic is including normality and homogeneity. In

this research the researcher is using normality chi square and homogeneity

fisher. Based on Riadi (2015), the formula as follow:

1. Normality Chi Square

Standard normality

Z = X - 𝑋̅


Z : Normal standard value

X : Bottom class

𝑋̅ : Mean variable

S : Standard deviation

Chi Square formula as follow:

X² = ∑(𝑓𝑜 − 𝑓𝑒)²


X² : Chi Square

𝑓0 : Observed frequency

𝑓e : Expectation frequency

2. Homogeneity Test

This research is used to find out whether the two samples in

this research came from homogeneous or heterogeneous population.

In this test, the researcher use fisher test. According to Riadi (2015),

the formula as follows:

F = S² biggest

S² smallest


S² biggest : The biggest variance

S² smallest : The smallest variance

3. Hypothesis Test

In this research, the researcher use quasi experimental

method. After getting the data complete, the researcher has to analysis

the data and the researcher use pre-test and post-test, to find out

whether there is any significant effect of the students’ speaking skill.

The researcher use t-test. According to Riadi (2015), the formula of t-test

as follow:
1. The separated model t-test

The separated model t-test used if the data come from population, so

the formula uses the separate model t-test.

t = 𝑥1− 𝑥̅


n1 = n2 for homogenous sample ⟺ dk = n1 + n2 -2

n1 = n2 for heterogeneous sample ⟺ dk = n1 – 1 or n2 – 2

nl = n2 for heterogeneous sample ⟺ t table = ( t table ) + t table

smallest 2

t table = difference of t table n1 and n2


𝑥̅ ı = first data mean

𝑥2 = second data mean

S ı² = first group of variant

S 2² = second group of variant

n1 = total number of sample in the first

n2 = total number of sample in the second

2. The polled variance model t-test

If the data come from homogenous population, so the formula uses

the polled variance model t-test:

T= 𝑥𝚤
̅ - 𝑥̅ ²

√ (n1-1) Sı² + (n1-1) Sı² ( 1 + 1 )

n1 + n2 – 2 n2

n1 = n1 for homogeneous sample ⇔ dk = n1+ n2-2

n1 ≠ n2 for heterogeneous sample ⇔ dk = n1+n2-2

n1 = n2 for heterogeneous sample ⇔ dk = (n1-1) or (n2-2)


t = t value

𝑥̅ ı = first group data mean

𝑥2 = second group data mean

𝑋𝚤 = first group data

𝑥2 = second group data

S² = group difference estimation

n1 = total number of sample in the first group

n2 = total number of sample in the second group

If the data are not normally distributed, the researcher would conduct

different test analysis using non-parametric statistics analysis. The

type of test that used in the Mann-Whitney U test. According to Riadi

(2015), Mann-Whitney U test is used to compare two independent

population means derived from homogeneity population and which

are also used to test whether mean same population or not, the formula

as follow:

For small sampling ≤ 20

Uı = nı - 𝑛2 𝑛2 (𝑛2 + 1) − ∑ 𝑅2


𝑈2 = nı - 𝑛2 𝑛2 (𝑛2 + 1) − ∑ 𝑅1

Whereas for 𝑈2

𝑈2 = nı - 𝑛2 – Uı


Uı = Examiner U1

𝑈2 = Examiner U2

𝑅ı = total ranking sample 1

𝑅2 = total ranking sample 2

𝑛1 = total number of sample in the first group

𝑛2 = total number of sample in the second group

For big sample ≥ 20 with ranking not same

Z= U – (nı . 𝑛2 )

√ (nı . 𝑛2 ) (𝑁 3 . N - ∑ T)


If any ranking that the same, so should be correct with this formula:

= U – (nı . 𝑛2 )

√ (nı . 𝑛2 ) (𝑁 3 . N - ∑ T)

N (N-1) 12

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