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Review Article

Current Concepts that is independent of body stores of potassium.

Synthesis of Na+/K+–ATPase is also stimulated by
thyroid hormone,4 which may contribute to the hypo-
kalemia that occurs in patients with hyperthyroidism
H YPOKALEMIA (see below). Administration of alkali causes a shift of
potassium into cells, but the response is quite vari-
F. JOHN GENNARI, M.D. able.7,8 In patients with end-stage renal disease, ad-
ministration of bicarbonate has only a slight effect on
the transcellular distribution of potassium.8
It remains unclear whether aldosterone affects the

LOW serum potassium concentration is per- transcellular distribution of potassium, but this hor-
haps the most common electrolyte abnor- mone is clearly the major regulator of body stores of
mality encountered in clinical practice. When potassium through its effect on the excretion of po-
defined as a value of less than 3.6 mmol of potassi- tassium by the kidney.9 As in the case of insulin,
um per liter, hypokalemia is found in over 20 per- there is a feedback control; hyperkalemia stimulates
cent of hospitalized patients.1 The majority of these the release of aldosterone (with synergy from angio-
patients have serum potassium concentrations be- tensin II) (Fig. 1), and hypokalemia inhibits it.10,11
tween 3.0 and 3.5 mmol per liter, but as many as Other hormonal and nonhormonal factors modulate
one quarter have values below 3.0 mmol per liter. renal potassium excretion,3,12 but they do not appear
Comparable data are not available for outpatients, to have a role in normal potassium homeostasis.
but a low serum potassium concentration has been The regulation of extracellular potassium concen-
found in 10 to 40 percent of patients treated with tration and body stores of potassium is asymmetric.
thiazide diuretics.2 Hypokalemia is usually well tol- Depletion of potassium and hypokalemia can occur
erated in otherwise healthy people, but it can be life- simply through a reduction in potassium intake13,14
threatening when severe. Even mild or moderate and can persist for long periods, despite normal hor-
hypokalemia increases the risks of morbidity and mor- mone signaling and renal function. Hyperkalemia,
tality in patients with cardiovascular disease. As a re- by contrast, elicits a brisk response and is only sus-
sult, when hypokalemia is identified, the underlying tained when there is continued disruption or impair-
cause should be sought and the disorder treated. ment of the normal regulatory systems.
Patients with hypokalemia often have no symp-
Both the total body stores of potassium and its toms, particularly when the disorder is mild (serum
distribution within the body are closely regulated by potassium, 3.0 to 3.5 mmol per liter). With more se-
key hormones. The normal transcellular distribution vere hypokalemia, nonspecific symptoms, such as
of potassium (a high ratio of intracellular to extra- generalized weakness, lassitude, and constipation,
cellular potassium) is maintained by at least two hor- are more common. When serum potassium decreases
monal signals that promote the entry of this cation to less than 2.5 mmol per liter, muscle necrosis can
into cells (Fig. 1). Both insulin and b-adrenergic cat- occur, and at serum concentrations of less than 2.0
echolamines increase cellular potassium uptake by mmol per liter, an ascending paralysis can develop,
stimulating cell-membrane Na+/K+–ATPase.4 For in- with eventual impairment of respiratory function.
sulin, there is a feedback system in which hyperkale- The likelihood of symptoms appears to correlate
mia stimulates insulin secretion and hypokalemia with the rapidity of the decrease in serum potassi-
inhibits it.5,6 No feedback system has been identified um. In patients without underlying heart disease,
for b-adrenergic stimulation, but b-blockade increases abnormalities in cardiac conduction are extremely
serum potassium and b-agonists decrease it, an effect unusual, even when the serum potassium concentra-
tion is below 3.0 mmol per liter. In patients with
cardiac ischemia, heart failure, or left ventricular hy-
pertrophy, however, even mild-to-moderate hypoka-
lemia increases the likelihood of cardiac arrhyth-
From the Department of Medicine, University of Vermont College of mias.2,15 Hypokalemia increases the arrhythmogenic
Medicine, Burlington. Address reprint requests to Dr. Gennari at Burgess
315, Fletcher Allen Health Care, Burlington, VT 05401. potential of digoxin. Potassium depletion and hypo-
©1998, Massachusetts Medical Society. kalemia increase both systolic and diastolic blood

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Angiotensin II

+ +
Insulin concentration in Aldosterone
extracellular fluid
b - Adrenergic Cortical collecting-
catecholamines duct cells
¡ ¡ +
+ +
K+ Na+


Na+/K+–ATPase Na+/K+–ATPase

K+ Na+

cell Lumen

Figure 1. Key Hormones Involved in Normal Potassium Homeostasis.

Insulin and b -adrenergic catecholamines promote the entry of potassium into muscle cells by stimulating NA+/K+–ATPase. Aldos-
terone promotes potassium excretion through its effects on NA+/K+–ATPase and epithelial sodium and potassium channels in col-
lecting-duct cells. There is a feedback mechanism for insulin and aldosterone: an increase in the potassium concentration of the
extracellular fluid stimulates the secretion of each of these hormones, and a decrease inhibits their secretion. Angiotensin II has a
synergistic effect on the stimulation of aldosterone production induced by hyperkalemia. Plus signs denote stimulation, and minus
signs inhibition. Modified from Gennari.3

pressure when sodium intake is not restricted, pre- In the absence of an inciting drug, hypokalemia
sumably by promoting renal sodium retention.16 can result from an acute shift of potassium from the
Hypokalemia is rarely suspected on the basis of extracellular compartment to cells, from inadequate
clinical presentation; the diagnosis is made by meas- intake, or from abnormal losses. Most commonly,
urement of serum potassium. A low serum potassi- hypokalemia is the result of either abnormal loss
um concentration indicates disruption of normal through the kidney induced by metabolic alkalosis
homeostasis, with one very rare exception. In some or loss in the stool induced by diarrhea.
patients with leukemia and markedly elevated white- DRUG-INDUCED CAUSES DUE TO
cell counts, potassium is taken up by the abnormal TRANSCELLULAR SHIFTS
cells if the blood is left at room temperature for sev-
eral hours.17 More commonly, hypokalemia in pa- b2-Sympathomimetic Drugs
tients with leukemia is the result of renal potassium A wide range of drugs have b 2-sympathomimetic
wasting (see below). activity, including decongestants, bronchodilators,
Hypokalemia is almost always the result of potas- and inhibitors of uterine contraction (Table 1). A
sium depletion induced by abnormal losses of potas- standard dose of nebulized albuterol reduces serum
sium. More rarely, hypokalemia occurs because of an potassium by 0.2 to 0.4 mmol per liter, and a second
abrupt shift of potassium from the extracellular com- dose taken within one hour reduces it by almost
partment into cells. In either case, drugs prescribed 1 mmol per liter.18,19 The hypokalemia caused by
by physicians are the most common causes of hypo- these drugs is sustained for up to four hours. Inten-
kalemia. Thus, the first step in the management of tional ingestion of excess amounts of pseudoephed-
hypokalemia is to review the patient’s drug record. rine can cause severe hypokalemia.20 Ritodrine and

452 · Aug u s t 13 , 19 9 8




b 2-Adrenergic agonists Diuretics Phenolphthalein

Epinephrine Acetazolamide Sodium polystyrene
Decongestants Thiazides sulfonate
Pseudoephedrine Chlorthalidone
Phenylpropanolamine Indapamide
Bronchodilators Metolazone
Albuterol Quinethazone
Terbutaline Bumetanide
Pirbuterol Ethacrynic acid
Isoetharine Furosemide
Fenoterol Torsemide
Ephedrine Mineralocorticoids
Isoproterenol Fludrocortisone
Metaproterenol Substances with mineralocorticoid
Tocolytic agents effects
Ritodrine Licorice
Nylidrin Carbenoxolone
Theophylline Gossypol
Caffeine High-dose glucocorticoids
Verapamil intoxication High-dose antibiotics
Chloroquine intoxication Penicillin
Insulin overdose Nafcillin
Drugs associated with magnesium
Amphotericin B

terbutaline, inhibitors of uterine contraction, can important clinical problem, however, except in the
reduce serum potassium to as low as 2.5 mmol per case of intentional overdose of insulin22 or during
liter after four to six hours of intravenous adminis- the treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis (see below).
Theophylline and caffeine are not sympathomi- Diuretics
metic drugs, but these agents stimulate the release of The most common cause of hypokalemia is diuretic
sympathetic amines and may also increase Na+/K+– therapy. Both the thiazide and loop diuretics block
ATPase activity by inhibiting cellular phosphodies- chloride-associated sodium reabsorption (with each
terase.22 Severe hypokalemia is an almost invariable inhibiting a different membrane-transport protein)
feature of acute theophylline toxicity.22,23 The caf- and, as a result, increase delivery of sodium to the col-
feine in a few cups of coffee can decrease serum lecting tubules, where its reabsorption creates a
potassium by as much as 0.4 mmol per liter.24 favorable electrochemical gradient for potassium se-
cretion.11,12 The degree of hypokalemia is directly re-
Other Drugs lated to the dose of the thiazide diuretic and is greater
Although calcium-channel blockers increase cellu- when dietary sodium intake is higher.15 The combined
lar uptake of potassium in experimental studies, 25 use of furosemide or bumetanide with metolazone
these drugs have no effect on serum potassium con- invariably causes moderate-to-severe hypokalemia,
centrations at usual doses. Intentional ingestion of despite potassium supplementation. Diuretic-induced
large amounts of verapamil, however, can cause se- hypokalemia is usually but not always associated
vere hypokalemia.26 Ingestion of large amounts of with a mild-to-moderate metabolic alkalosis (serum
chloroquine also causes hypokalemia, by inhibiting bicarbonate concentration, 28 to 36 mmol per liter).
potassium from exiting cells.22 Because insulin The diuretic drug acetazolamide, however, promotes
moves potassium into cells (Fig. 1), the adminis- potassium excretion by impeding hydrogen-linked
tration of this hormone always causes a transient re- sodium reabsorption and thus causes a metabolic ac-
duction in serum potassium. Hypokalemia is not an idosis along with hypokalemia. Identifying a diuretic

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drug as the cause of hypokalemia is straightforward, with mutations of the gene encoding the dihydropyr-
except when patients take these agents surreptitious- idine receptor, a voltage-gated calcium channel.36
ly.27,28 The diagnosis of the cause of the hypokalemia The disorder is characterized by sudden attacks of
in these patients may require urinary assays for spe- muscle paralysis associated with a decrease in serum
cific diuretic drugs. potassium to low concentrations, often less than 2.5
mmol per liter. Attacks can be provoked by high in-
Drugs with Mineralocorticoid or Glucocorticoid Effects take of carbohydrates or sodium or by exertion and
Fludrocortisone is an oral mineralocorticoid that usually subside spontaneously in less than 24 hours.
promotes renal potassium excretion and can cause Although the hypokalemia is caused by a shift of po-
potassium wasting if used inappropriately. Gluco- tassium into cells, the administration of potassium
corticoids, such as prednisone and hydrocortisone, can be lifesaving and should be given to treat acute
have no direct effect on renal potassium secretion, attacks. Various approaches have been used to pre-
but they increase potassium excretion nonspecifically vent recurrences with varying degrees of success, in-
through their effect on the filtration rate and distal cluding the administration of spironolactone, triam-
sodium delivery.8 When given over the long term, terene, and acetazolamide.37
these drugs reduce serum potassium only slightly Serum potassium decreases abruptly in patients
(by 0.2 to 0.4 mmol per liter). Gossypol (an oral with delirium tremens, by 1.0 mmol per liter on av-
inhibitor of spermatogenesis), carbenoxolone, and erage.38 The severity of hypokalemia in this disorder
licorice all cause hypokalemia by inhibiting the en- is correlated with the plasma epinephrine concentra-
zyme 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase.29,30 tion, and the presumption is that the reduction in
potassium is due to b 2-adrenergic stimulation, which
Other Drugs causes a shift of potassium into cells.
Penicillin and its synthetic derivatives, when given Accidental ingestion of barium compounds causes
intravenously in large doses, promote renal potassi- hypokalemia by blocking the exit of potassium from
um excretion by increasing sodium delivery to the cells, and in severe cases it can lead to muscle weak-
distal nephron. The aminoglycoside antibiotics, the ness, paralysis, and rhabdomyolysis.22 Barium also
antitumor drug cisplatin, and the antiviral drug fos- causes vomiting and diarrhea, both of which exacer-
carnet all cause renal potassium wasting by inducing bate hypokalemia by causing loss of potassium. Treat-
depletion of magnesium.31,32 Amphotericin B causes ment with intravenous potassium should be initiated
renal potassium wasting through the inhibition of rapidly.
the secretion of hydrogen ions by collecting-duct Treatment of severe pernicious anemia (hemato-
cells as well as by causing magnesium depletion. crit, <20 percent) with vitamin B12 causes an acute
reduction in serum potassium because of a rapid up-
Laxatives and Enemas take of potassium by the new cells that are formed.39
Large doses of laxatives cause excessive potassium Hypokalemia can also occur after the transfusion of
loss in the stool and can cause hypokalemia. Repeat- previously frozen washed red cells, presumably be-
ed enemas will produce the same result. This diag- cause of the uptake of potassium by these cells.40
nosis can be overlooked if these agents are used sur-
reptitiously to control body weight.33,34
NONDRUG CAUSES DUE TO When the dietary intake of potassium is reduced
TRANSCELLULAR SHIFTS to less than 1 g per day (25 mmol per day), deple-
Severe hypokalemia (serum potassium, <3.0 mmol tion of potassium and hypokalemia result because
per liter) can occur, although rarely, in association the renal excretion of potassium fails to decrease
with hyperthyroidism, resulting in a clinical syn- promptly.13,14 An isolated reduction of this magni-
drome characterized by the sudden onset of severe tude in the dietary intake of potassium requires a
muscle weakness and paralysis.35 This presentation specially prepared diet, and therefore, hypokalemia
has a predilection for people of Asian origin, occur- is rarely the result of decreased intake. With starva-
ring in 2 to 8 percent of patients with hyperthyroid- tion or near-starvation, body potassium stores be-
ism in Asian countries. Signs and symptoms of hyper- come depleted but the breakdown of tissues releases
thyroidism usually accompany these acute episodes potassium into the extracellular compartment, miti-
of muscle weakness and paralysis, but they may be gating the hypokalemia.
subtle, and the misdiagnosis of familial periodic NONDRUG CAUSES DUE TO ABNORMAL
paralysis may be made (see below). As in the case of LOSSES OF POTASSIUM
familial periodic paralysis, the symptoms respond
rapidly to the administration of potassium. Losses in Stool
Familial hypokalemic periodic paralysis is a rare The concentration of potassium in stool is 80 to
autosomal dominant disease that has been associated 90 mmol per liter, but because of the low volume of

454 · Augus t 13 , 19 9 8

water in normal stool, only about 10 mmol is usually

lost each day. In diarrheal states, the potassium con- TABLE 2. CAUSES OF POTASSIUM LOSS
centration in stool decreases, but large quantities of
potassium can nonetheless be lost as the volume of Infectious diarrhea
stool increases. Anything that increases stool volume, Cholera
from infectious diarrhea to cancer chemotherapy, Salmonella
can result in clinically significant potassium depletion Yersinia
and hypokalemia (Table 2). Diarrhea associated with AIDS*
Loss through the Kidney Vipoma
Villous adenoma of the colon
Large amounts of potassium are lost through the Zollinger–Ellison syndrome
Jejunoileal bypass
kidney in patients with a variety of disorders. For Enteric fistula
ease of diagnosis, these disorders are categorized ac- Malabsorption
cording to acid–base status. Intestinal ion-transport defects
Congenital chloride diarrhea
Cancer therapy
Metabolic Alkalosis
Hypokalemia is an almost invariable consequence Radiation enteropathy
of metabolic alkalosis. In the most common form of
this disorder, induced by selective chloride depletion *AIDS denotes the acquired immunodeficiency
due to vomiting or nasogastric drainage, hypokale- syndrome.

mia develops during the induction of alkalosis as a

result of increased renal potassium loss.41 In the
chloride-sensitive form of metabolic alkalosis, the
administration of chloride corrects the alkalosis and
allows the repletion of body stores of potassium if TABLE 3. CAUSES OF POTASSIUM LOSS
potassium intake is adequate. IN URINE DUE TO MINERALOCORTICOID
More rarely, metabolic alkalosis occurs independ- ABNORMALITIES.
ently of chloride depletion, as a result of systemic or
intrarenal abnormalities that augment sodium reab- Mineralocorticoid excess
sorption in the distal nephron (Table 3). The most Primary hyperaldosteronism
common of these abnormalities is primary hyperal- Adrenal adenoma
Adrenal carcinoma
dosteronism, a disorder often heralded by severe hy- Bilateral adrenal hyperplasia
pokalemia (serum potassium, <3.0 mmol per liter). Congenital adrenal hyperplasia*
In the few affected patients who do not have hypo- 11b-hydroxylase deficiency
17a-hydroxylase deficiency
kalemia, the serum potassium concentration is virtu- Renin-secreting tumors
ally always below 4.0 mmol per liter.42 Hypokalemia Ectopic corticotropin syndrome
can also develop in patients with Cushing’s syn- Cushing’s syndrome
drome, but it is usually milder than in patients with Adrenal
hyperaldosteronism.12 Glucocorticoid-responsive aldosteronism*
Renovascular hypertension
Genetic abnormalities that influence the activity of Malignant hypertension
renal ion transporters are rare causes of metabolic al- Vasculitis
kalosis and hypokalemia.43-46 Two of these disorders Apparent mineralocorticoid excess
(Liddle’s syndrome and 11b-hydroxysteroid dehy- Liddle’s syndrome*
drogenase deficiency) stimulate reabsorption of sodi- 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency*
um by collecting-duct cells and cause the syndrome Impaired chloride-associated sodium transport
of apparent mineralocorticoid excess, so named be- Bartter’s syndrome*
Gitelman’s syndrome*
cause this transport abnormality results in hyperten-
sion and hypokalemia, but serum aldosterone con- *This disease is hereditary.
centrations are low rather than high.44,45 In two other
disorders, genetic mutations inactivate or impede the
activity of chloride-associated sodium transporters in
the loop of Henle (Bartter’s syndrome) and early dis- kalemia in this disorder is not directly correlated to
tal tubule (Gitelman’s syndrome),46 causing metabol- the degree of acidosis but more likely reflects dietary
ic alkalosis and hypokalemia without hypertension. sodium and potassium intake and serum aldosterone
concentrations. Life-threatening hypokalemia (serum
Metabolic Acidosis
potassium, <2.0 mmol per liter) can occur in patients
Hypokalemia is a cardinal feature of type I or clas- with untreated distal renal tubular acidosis. The ad-
sic distal renal tubular acidosis. The degree of hypo- ministration of sodium bicarbonate ameliorates the

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hypokalemia,47 but potassium supplementation is um is given intravenously, the rate should be no

usually required on a long-term basis to manage this more than 20 mmol per hour, and the patient’s car-
disorder.48 In cases of type II or proximal renal tu- diac rhythm should be monitored. Oral potassium is
bular acidosis, hypokalemia only occasionally occurs safer, because potassium enters the circulation more
in untreated patients but often develops when sodi- slowly.
um bicarbonate is administered.49 In the absence of an independent factor causing
transcellular potassium shifts, the magnitude of the
Other Disorders deficit in body stores of potassium correlates with the
Magnesium depletion, induced either by dietary degree of hypokalemia.54 On average, serum potassi-
restriction or by abnormal loss, reduces the intracel- um decreases by 0.3 mmol per liter for each 100-
lular potassium concentration and causes renal po- mmol reduction in total-body stores, but the response
tassium wasting.31 The depletion of intracellular po- is extremely variable. Because potassium repletion is
tassium stores appears to be due to impairment of rarely an urgent undertaking, one should always err
the activity of cell-membrane NA+/K+–ATPase, on the low end of this estimate to avoid inducing
but the mechanism by which magnesium depletion hyperkalemia. A portion of administered potassium is
causes renal potassium loss is unclear. Magnesium always excreted, even in the presence of serious po-
depletion often coexists with potassium depletion as tassium depletion. Thus, supplemental potassium is
a result of drugs (e.g., diuretics and amphotericin B) best administered in a moderate dose by mouth over
or disease processes (e.g., hyperaldosteronism and a period of days to weeks to correct losses fully.
diarrhea) that cause loss of both ions, making it dif- Three salts are available for repletion of body po-
ficult to assess whether the hypokalemia is caused by tassium stores: potassium chloride, potassium phos-
the hypomagnesemia or is an independent effect.31 phate, and potassium bicarbonate (or an organic an-
Regardless of the cause, the ability to correct potas- ion that is a metabolic precursor of bicarbonate).
sium deficiency is impaired when magnesium defi- Potassium phosphate is used to replace phosphate
ciency is present, particularly when the serum mag- losses, and potassium combined with bicarbonate or
nesium concentration is less than 0.5 mmol per liter. an organic anion is only recommended when potas-
Magnesium repletion improves the coexistent potas- sium depletion occurs in the setting of metabolic
sium deficit. acidosis. In all other settings, potassium chloride
Severe and often refractory hypokalemia due to should be used because of its unique effectiveness in
renal potassium wasting occurs in patients with acute the most common causes of potassium depletion.
myelogenous, monomyeloblastic, or lymphoblastic Potassium chloride can be given in either liquid or
leukemia.50,51 The cause of the defect in renal potas- tablet form. Several liquid preparations are available,
sium excretion is unknown. If remission of the leu- and there are two types of slow-release tablets — a
kemia is achieved, the hypokalemia also remits. wax matrix formulation and a microencapsulated
In uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, renal glucose formulation.12 Potassium is readily absorbed regard-
loss causes osmotic diuresis, increasing sodium de- less of the preparation used. The liquid forms are less
livery to the distal nephron and promoting potassi- expensive but have an unpleasant taste and are often
um excretion. With prolonged glycosuria, there is not well tolerated. The slow-release tablets are well
considerable depletion of body stores of potassi- tolerated but have been associated with ulceration
um,52 but hypokalemia is usually mild or absent and bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract.55 The risk
because both hypertonicity and insulin deficiency of such a complication, however, is quite low and
impede the entry of potassium into cells. The under- seems to be lowest with the microencapsulated
lying potassium deficiency is rapidly unmasked when preparation.
insulin is given, and severe hypokalemia can develop, Although the calculation of the amount of potas-
particularly in patients with diabetic ketoacidosis, sium needed to replace the loss that has occurred be-
unless aggressive replacement of potassium stores is fore the onset of treatment is straightforward, there
undertaken at the same time. is no simple formula for calculating the amount need-
ed in patients in whom potassium loss is continuing.
PRINCIPLES OF POTASSIUM Typically, 40 to 100 mmol of supplemental potassium
REPLACEMENT chloride is needed each day to maintain serum potas-
Potassium replacement is the cornerstone of ther- sium concentrations near or within the normal range
apy for hypokalemia. Unfortunately, supplemental in patients receiving diuretics, and hypokalemia per-
potassium administration is also the most common sists despite aggressive potassium replacement in ap-
cause of severe hyperkalemia in patients who are proximately 10 percent of such patients.56,57 A more
hospitalized,53 and this risk must be kept in mind effective way to restore serum potassium to normal
when one is initiating treatment. The risk is greatest concentrations is to use a second diuretic drug that
with the administration of intravenous potassium, inhibits potassium excretion, such as amiloride, tri-
which should be avoided if possible. When potassi- amterene, or spironolactone. Although effective, these

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