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Dakota State University

College of Education

Name: Maggie Johnson

Grade Level: 2nd Grade
School: Journey Elementary school
Date: Thursday February 28th, 2019

Reflection from prior lesson:

We are in the middle of working adjectives and building our writing skills by making
more detailed sentences. The students are doing well with that but could still use some
practice. This is a skill that we

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:

2.W.5 With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen writing
as needed by revising and editing.

2.L.1 Demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when
writing or speaking.

Lesson Objectives:

After the lesson and practice students will be able to complete the sort with 100%
accuracy. As a group they will also be able to fix two sentences to make it stronger by
adding adjectives that fit with 90% accuracy.

Materials Needed:

Sorting sheet and words

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:

This lesson will be taught in a large grammar setting. After the mini lesson students will
be required to complete a Noun, Verb and Adjective sort with a partner. To hopefully
lesson problems, I will assign each student with a partner that they will hopefully work
well with as a team to complete the activity together. The students have a very high
energy, I will try to limit students blurting out so the mini lesson can be uninterrupted
and purposeful. I will also try to keep instruction clear so the students can get to work
quickly without questions, to use all our time effectively.

A. The Lesson

1. Introduction

Getting students attention – Review what an adjective is.

Need to know- “Today we are going to continue working on adjective and apply them to
our writing to make it better”.
Relating to past experience and/or knowledge - “The last couple of days we have
been talking about adjectives”.
Sharing objective - ...Today we are going to put them in our writing.”

2. Content Delivery (whole group) (10 minutes)

 Show the students my two sentences
 Ask “do you think that this is a good sentence?”
 Talk about what we could add to it to make it better
 “talk with your neighbor about what you think you can add to this sentence to
make it better”
 Ask “what would you add?’
 Talk about the different adjectives they would add to it to make it better
 Write down some of words they said
 I will pick two to add to the sentence on the board and ask the students to fill it in
on their worksheet.
 I will have the students complete the next two on their own.
 Review what a noun and verb are before they start the activity
Activity (15 Minutes)
 With partners that I pick for them, the students will complete a noun, verb and
adjective sort
 They will have to read the words to their partners and then decide what category
it belongs in.
 Once they have put them into the categories, they think they belong in I will
check and approve them before they can be done.

C. Differentiated Instruction

For the students who have an IEP or struggle in any way, I will partner them with a
student who is at a higher level to help guide them with the activity.

For students who work faster than the others, I will give them another sentence to fill in.
I will also pair them with a student who might be at a lower level so they can apply what
they know to help their classmates.

D. Resources

 Smart board camera

 Worksheet
 Sort

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