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An Analysis of the Child's Strategic Activity

Useful strategic activity on the text: Trevor has control of his directional movement. He also
checks language structure for visual information and checks the sounds he is saying with the
printed letters. Trevor has good memory of the text and reads for the precise message.

Problem strategic activity on text: Trevor omits meaning sometimes when making
substitutions. He does not self-correct often but continues to read on.The few self corrections
come from visual information. Often he ignores his errors and reads on.He also does not seek
help or try again when having difficulties.

Useful strategic activity with words: Trevor is able to recognize rearrangement of words, first
and last letters, and medial letters. He looks for final and initial letters. Trevor can articulate
words slowly and he can break up words into sounds. He controls high frequency words for
reading and writing.

Problem with strategic activity with words: Trevor misses line rearrangement and does not
try new words using a sound analysis. He does not reread what he has written carefully.

Useful strategic activity with letters: Trevor can form letters easily and without a copy. He
can identify all the letters uppercase and lowercase and can detect an error because of a
mismatch of letters. He can also write words that end with the same spelling pattern or

Problem with strategic activity with letters: Trevor does not articulate hard word slowly and
attempts most words from memory and not from listening to their sounds to match with letters.

Summary Statement: Trevor is reading at an early transitional level. He is reading from visual
and structural information, but sometimes is lacking in meaning. Trevor has a large vocabulary
of words he can write down from memory and knows most words he is reading. He works
through activities quickly which leads to errors every so often. He understands how text should
be laid out and spelling is mostly from memory with the sounding out of sounds when he lacks

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