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I made a laboratory in which I verified the principles of physics by means of the inclined plane that indicates

the changes of speed and time, we can also observe that the concepts and properties of physics are
adjusted according to the experiment, relating gravity and displacement . with the inclined plane we must
be clear that all the concepts and properties are interrelated with the inclined plane in the simple case that
without displacement there would be no movement in the inclined plane as if there was no acceleration and
gravity in this, the work allows Perceiving the changes that can be done in the inclined plane through
concepts, graphs and tables to better understand the data, also in this laboratory we can understand the
results mathematically by means of simple equations with simple formulas that help us to better delve into
the subject of the inclined plane , our laboratory can also serve us to experiment with formulas and to find
mathematically and physically how to relate concepts and formulas by means of an inclined plane.

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