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Corrosion 23 + Chromium (as a major element in “stain- less” steel) The corrosion of these metals follows the same principles described in the next sec- tion; however, corrosion may proceed at slower rates. The slower corrosion rate of these metals is often due to the production of a tightly adherent surface layer formed from the corrosion product (oxide, carbonate, chloride, sulfate, or another compound). The formation of this surface layer, while relatively thin, can form an effective barrier against further attack, and thus slow the rate of the corrosion process. This phenomenon is known as passivation, Unfortunately, in offshore environments, iron alone does not form such a barrier. 2.4.3 Corrosion as an Electrochemical Process All corrosion of iron at normal ambient con- ditions is an electrochemical process. Sim- ply put, this means that ions and electrons transfer across a surface which implies the generation of a current (corrosion current). Both electrons (through a metallic conduc- tor) and ions (through an electrolyte) carry the corrosion current. Corrosion is established as direct current (DC) circuits. DC circuits are defined by the relationship called Ohms Law: EAR + Where “E” is the driving voltage of the circuit + “1° is the current magnitude + “R” is the resistance of the circuit, The greater the current flow in the corrosion circuit, the greater the metal loss. 2.1.4 The Corrosion Cell Figure 2.3 illustrates the corrosion process by comparing it to an ordinary dry-cell bat- tery, which depends on galvanic corrosion to generate electrical power. Note that the four elements listed below are present in the bat- tery: + An electrolyte (moist ammonium chloride and zinc chloride) + A negative electrode (zine case), which corresponds to the anode in a corrosion cell + A positive electrode (carbon, ie., graph- ite), which corresponds to the cathode in a corrosion cell + A conductive wire, which corresponds to a metallic pathway in a corrosion cell ‘Switch turn Path (Wires) — Conventional Current Flow Volts Battery Cathode (Carbon) Electrolyte (Paste Inside) Anode (Zine) Bulb Resistance Conventional Current Flow Figure 2.3 Dry-Cell Battery Schematic These same four elements are shown in F ure 2.4 in the corrosion cell. ‘NACE Intemational 2077 January 2014 Coating Inspector Program Level t

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