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Everybody admired some celbrities.

When we see them we think that their lives may be are

the best, because normally they showed people that they’re so happy and the problems
doenst exist in their lives. But is being famous so easy?

In one hand being a famous person have lots of advantages like being rich, because even thoug
the Money doesnt give you happies, it helps. For this reason they dont have to worry about
the bills and other ‘gastos’’. Also when you are a celebrity your name is known by everyone
and they have more oportunities to go be invited to the best parteis and meet other
celebrities. Other advantage is that they should be too loved because they have lots of fans
who send them messages and letters with beautiful meanings.

But in the other hand not is all ‘tan bonito’ that we think. Famous people dont have any
privacity and always the paparazzi follow them and it would be so annoying. There is always a
danger that a crazy fan may try to do something to you so it is necessary to employ
bodyguards. Also you will not be loved by all people and sometimes' criticism can affect you
very much and have serious psychological problems.

To sum up, I would not change my life, and even thoug they have more Money than i have, or
they used some marcas, i prefer to be the person who I am today. An important fact in my
opinión is that We must be celebrities among the people around us, to leave a mark on them
and never forget us.

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