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Cassidy Thomas

English 2010

Mrs Burr

Notebook #4

For my research paper I am choosing to write about the realities of panhandling.

While conducting a research paper of my own on this topic, I came across another

piece called Should ​I Give Money To Panhandlers: The Homeless Hub,​ which I would

have to say is a very interesting piece. I felt that this article obtained a concept of the

topic that I was not able to see before. I was able to learn more about my topic and

grasp a better understanding of a different type of view. The article focuses on the

emotional aspects of being a beggar rather than the logical standpoint.

The article incorporated actual insight into how someone who is in the begging

side of the situation actually feels, which was very powerful. Something as simple as

eye contact to a person on the streets can be very affirming according to the article. The

article pinpoints a perspective that I would like to include in my research essay and I

found this piece very helpful in aiding me with that. I learned a lot of information that will

be beneficial in my paper.

The article was able to take a new perspective on the situation in a very effective

way. I found it interesting that you could simply affirm someone by making eye contact.

Noticing them as a person and acknowledging that can make a big difference for a

single person. I will be incorporating some of the information I learned in order to

construct a good research paper, and create a piece that can relate to everyone.
Cassidy Thomas

English 2010

Mrs Burr

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