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Alejandro Padilla

Ingles 2
Palabras de transición/
Transitional words
Equipo Prepanet
Exercise 1. Application of transitional words.
Completa los enunciados utilizando until, actually, then, now, currently. Puedes buscar las
palabras que desconozcas en tu diccionario.

1. I used to ride my motorcycle when I was 20 years old. Now I drive a car.
2. My mother used to sing when she was in high school. Then, she formed her own
group. They used to be called “The Electrics”.
3. He used to work for a factory until he found a job in education.
4. My sister used to have a cat; now she bought a dog.
5. My brother and his wife used to live in Chicago, Until they decided to move to New
6. We used to visit the library very often, but Currently we get most information over
the internet.
7. As an Irish tradition, brides used to carry a horseshoe for good luck; actually the
horseshoes are made of porcelain or other materials to preserve this tradition.
8. My friend Jeff used to own an apartment; Until he decided to move to a house.
9. When she was a teenager, Maria used to take care of her little sister Sarah. Actually ,
Sarah takes care of Maria’s son, Danny.
10. Alex used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day; Until he I stopped a year ago.

Exercise 2. Composition.
Escribe una breve composición en inglés sobre actividades que solías hacer y que ya no
realizas o cosas que solías tener pero que ya no tienes. Utiliza al menos 4 de los adverbios que
practicaste en el ejercicio anterior. Escribe 100 palabras como mínimo.

I used to take a baby bottle when i was a baby. Until i grew up, i used to eat of everything.
Now no longer as fish, i used to i see TV programs for children. Currently i see sports on
TV, i used to play with my toys. Now i play videogames, i used to fight a lot with my
brothers. Until they grow and mature, i used to play a lot of soccer. Now i do not play
soccer, i used to hear only music of rap. Now i hear from almost all kinds of music, i used
to be very fearful. Now mi not a afraid.

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