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Name Date Session 1 Assessment A. Circle the choice that best completes each sentence. 1. People who study about God are called (theologians doxologies). 2. God created the world from (order chaos). » Saint Augustine wrote about his personal relationship with God in (Genesis Conféssions). 4, God creates and upholds the world through the power of his (Word right hand). i = 77) 8 Fa a A 4 =z = a A FA 2B 4 Fa = 4 —) s ‘The mission of the (Father Holy Ghost) is to create the world. » ‘The mission of the (Father Son) is to become man and save us. ~ ‘The mission of the (Church Holy Spirit) is to give us grace to believe and understand. . The first book of the Bible is (Genesis Exodus). 9. One way that we show our (interest belief) in the Trinity is by praying the Sign of the Cross. 10. The sentence “God saw how good it was” shows God's (love pride) for his creation. 11. A(doxology mystery) is a prayer of praise to the Trinity. 12. At Mass our sung expression of praise of the Trinity is the (Gloria Genesis). 13, (Prayer Creation) is time we spend with God in our minds and hearts. 14, The Preface, which recalls God’s work in creation, begins the (Eucharistic Lord’s) Prayer. 15. God counts on us to be the (custodians _ teachers) of all his creatures. 16. There are (three four) Persons in God, but there is only one God. Gade 5+ Unit «Session 1 Assessment- page 1 of 2 ‘esr2019 UNIT 1 © SESSION 1 ASSESSMENT hips Joyolapress.comath-formationfinding-godtinding.god-2013/catechistsand-teachersicatechists-and-teachers-1-6iesources... Name. Date. Session 1 Assessment B. How do you know God by looking at the world around you? How do you know God within yourself? C. What are three ways you personally show your belief in God? Which way do you think is most important? Why? Grade 5 Unit 1 «Session 1 Assessment page 2 of 2 7 7A na w n n <= N F 2 A n iy A) g S Name Date Session 2 Assessment A. Write the word or words that best complete each sentence. 1. Peter Claver wasa__ ____ to slaves in South America. 2. Josephine Bakhita is a from Sudan, in northeastern Africa. » . Paul the Apostle wrote about how__came into the world. S As a result of Original Sin, we are inclined to do ” Eve is called a___ of the human race. 2 . The story of Adam and Eve explains human “ To save us from sin, God promised a who would restore us to friendship with God. 2 The contradictory nature of the human condition is that we are basically good but have a tendency to 9. The Church teaches that is offensive to God. 10, Imagining that we are with Jesus when he is speaking to a crowd is a form of, 11, Justas sin and death came into the world through Adam's choice, victory over sin and death comes from 12. Itis not always easy to do the 13. When we confess our sins, we are__and enabled to start anew. 14, We havea to love one another and treat one another fairly. Grade 5 « Unit» Session 2 Assessment » page 1 of 2

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