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In law, the abuse of trust is a crime in which the offender

abuses the trust placed by the victim. One of the most

common abuses of trust is the misappropriation of property,
taking advantage of the fact that the victim grants the use or
possession of said property. Some examples may be:
Providing services without documents in the form of
agreements or contracts for the trust deposited and these
not being remunerated Lend a vehicle or other property to a
neighbor. An employee who misuses a business or its name.
An alleged seller who takes the money promises to deliver
the product and does not do so. Do not return a borrowed
asset (for example, a book). It is considered a property
crime assimilated to theft, only that in this crime, Mexican
law is composed of three elements that distinguish it from
theft, which are: the delivery of movable property, this
under the trust (generally is deposited in a relative or friend)
or a contract that does not transfer the domain, that the
trust has been reached for purposes other than to dispose
of the alien, and that the defendant has funds for other
objects than those indicated, knowing that they did not
belong to him. By extension it also usually applies in
situations that normally do not constitute a crime, even
though they are morally objectionable for reasons of ethics
and good principles.

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