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Evidence of Learning #4

Type of Assessment: Mentor Visit

Mentor’s Name: Mr.Katz

Profession: Head Band Director

Location: Adelle R. Clark Middle School

4600 Colby Dr
Frisco, TX 75035

Date: 10/27/2019

What did you learn?

During my mentor visit with Mr.Katz, a good portion of the class period was spent
working one on one with the beginner clarinet players on improving their scales. I was
instructed to walk around the room and listen to individuals practicing these fundamentals and
proceed with giving them advice before Mr.Katz would evaluate their scales for a test grade.
During this duration of time, I figured out that students learned best with examples, whether that
involve visual or auditory representations of what they are planning to achieve. For example,
many students were struggling to remember how to finger certain notes, however once I held up
my clarinet to aid them with the “cheat sheet” of fingerings, they were able to breeze through the
scales at a quicker pace rather than struggling to verbalize fingerings to the students during

Why is it important?
This aspect of my mentor visit is important because it exemplifies the common
knowledge that all teachers understand: every student learns differently. I was able to see first
hand how some able kids were able to listen to my instructions and immediately correct their
mistake. But with some of the beginners this went over their heads, so seeing the visuals helped
them make the connection in their brain to what I was previously starting to them. Also another
example of why using live examples is super effect is when I played the cuts for them. Once I
played their scales for

How will you apply this information in the future?

I will apply this information to by future by using visual and auditory representations to
further explain and ensure that the students will grasps the concepts being expressed to them

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