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 In Bible, family is the union of one man and one woman in normally blessed with one or

several natural or adopted children. While the family’s definition nowadays, it consists
of parents of different gender or parents of same gender with one or several biological
or adopted children. There is the freedom of choosing gender of the spouse.
 In Bible, the marriage is covenant. Marriage in Catholic is more than a social contract of
two humans but it is divinely instituted covenant. For them it is not just the temporary
contract and it must preserve and respect what has been divinely instituted. While the
meaning of marriage nowadays is time honored tradition and temporary consensus.
Usually people get married these days because of the child they developed. Sometimes
the marriage is forced because of family reasons.
 Sins are the major fall out in the marriage and family. And it can lead to negative
consequences such as polygamy, divorce, adultery, homosexuality, sterility, and gender
role confusion.

 In the bible, the Homosexuality is immoral and it is unacceptable. It is a sin for the
church. Other people betraying their religion because of their gender. While our
generation nowadays, the homosexuality has the higher percentage in the population.

 Divorce is legally acceptable in other country while in the Philippines it is legally

unacceptable. In Bible, the divorce is the fall of humanity. The divorce is immoral. It is an
act of betraying the word of God and the vows the couple made for each other in the
church. While the meaning of divorce nowadays is legal termination of two couple in a
court. Divorce can separate your relationship with God as well as the family member.

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