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Life history and population characteristics of the mantid Stagmomantis carolina

(Mantodea: Mantidae)

Article  in  Environmental Entomology · February 2000


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Matthew Moran
Hendrix College


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Life History and Population Characteristics of the Mantid Stagmomantis carolina
(Mantodea: Mantidae)
Author(s): Shonda J. Harris and Matthew D. Moran
Source: Environmental Entomology, 29(1):64-68. 2000.
Published By: Entomological Society of America

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Life History and Population Characteristics of the Mantid

Stagmomantis carolina (Mantodea: Mantidae)
Department of Biology, Hendrix College, 1600 Washington Avenue, Conway, AR 72032

Environ. Entomol. 29(1): 64Ð68 (2000)

ABSTRACT We investigated the life history and populations characteristics of the Carolina
mantid,. Stagmomantis carolina (Johannson), in central Arkansas. Unlike several studies on other
mantid species found in the United States, this species was found at very low densities in the Þeld
as measured by adult abundance and ootheca density. We found that mortality was high during the
egg stage because of developmental failure or egg parasitism. In replicated Þeld plots, mortality and
emigration was high during the 1st and 2nd stadia, resulting in very low numbers of in-plot survivors
(⬍1%) by the 3rd stadium of development. Synchronous versus asynchronous hatching had statis-
tically signiÞcant effects on emigration and in-plot mortality but a nonsigniÞcant effect on in-plot
survival, although the trend was for increased survival in asynchronous plots. Although arthropod
abundance tended to be lower in mantid plots, S. carolina had no signiÞcant effects on total arthropod
abundance, total arthropod biomass, or the abundance and biomass of any arthropod order. Lab-
oratory experiments indicated that this species has slower development during the egg stage and
slower development during the nymph stages compared with related mantid species. This slow
growth may in part explain the high mortality rate and therefore explain the low density of S. carolina
found in this population. However, this growth strategy seems necessary for survival because it allows
for proper timing of oviposition for a univoltine life cycle in central Arkansas. Comparative studies
of this species in other portions of its range would be interesting in determining the generalities of
our Þndings.

KEY WORDS Stagmomantis carolina, praying mantid, community impact, population biology, life
history strategy

THE CAROLINA MANTID, Stagmomantis carolina (Jo- when 1st-instar mantids are found in the Þeld. We
hannson), is a large generalist predator (50 Ð 65 mm) typically Þnd mantids of various stages of development
found in successional habitats throughout the south- during the summer, with adults appearing in the Þeld
east United States from the Atlantic coast to the Great by late August. Adults survive until the Þrst killing frost
Plains, and from Virginia south to the Gulf Coast. (usually mid to late November). We, therefore, Þnd 1
Unlike several introduced speciesÑTenodera sinensis generation per year, although occasionally 1st-instar
Saussure, T. angustipennis Saussure, and Mantis reli- mantids are observed in late fall (November), pre-
giosa L.Ñthat have been well studied (Matsura et al. sumably hatching too early and killed soon after by the
1984; Hurd and Eisenberg 1984a, 1984b, 1990; Eisen- Þrst frost. Adult densities are so low that estimates of
berg and Hurd 1990; Fagan and Hurd 1991, 1994; Mo- populations are difÞcult to determine using mark and
ran and Hurd 1996, 1998), little is known about the life recapture methods. At the end of the season, ootheca
history and ecological interactions of S. carolina. density is also low with a maximum of 0.03 per square
Throughout much of its range it is univoltine, although meter measured over 10-ha areas. These densities are
in the extreme southern portion of its range where much lower than those observed for other mantid
there is no killing frost, overlapping generations have speciesÑT. sinensis, T. angustipennis, and M. religiosa.
been observed (L. E. Hurd, personal communication). For instance, T. sinensis has a local density up to 2
The development of S. carolina usually involves 6 Ð7 oothecae per square meter and adult density of 0.6 per
stadia, occurring over an average of 78 d in the labo- square meter (Eisenberg and Hurd 1990, Hurd et al.
ratory (Rau and Rau 1913, Didlake 1926), but growth 1995).
rates in the Þeld are unknown. No data exist on the This study investigated the important mortality
mortality rates or community interactions of this spe- sources during the early development and community
cies. impact of S. carolina in central Arkansas to elucidate
Before this study, we made Þeld observations on possible reasons for its low density in the Þeld. Vari-
populations of S. carolina in Faulkner County, central ables studied included egg development rate, nymph
Arkansas. Hatching appears to occur in April and May development rate, nymph survival in the Þeld, hatch-
ing pattern and success, and the impact of this pred-
To whom correspondence should be addressed. ator on the arthropod community in which it resides.

0046-225X/00/0064Ð0068$02.00/0 䉷 2000 Entomological Society of America

February 2000 HARRIS AND MORAN: LIFE HISTORY OF S. carolina 65

Materials and Methods Table 1. Egg hatch results from 31 oothecae collected from an
old field
Oothecae Study. S. carolina oothecae were col-
lected from several sites in Faulkner County, AR, No. % % % fail to Total %
during fall and winter of 1997. These oothecae were eggs hatching parastized develop mortality
kept in a refrigerator at 2⬚C until March when they 3,666 46.45 3.05 50.49 53.54
were removed and incubated at 22⬚C. They were
placed in individual 130-ml glass vials, misted occa-
sionally with distilled water, and observed daily for During the course of the experiment, we monitored
hatching. Oothecae are often infested by the wasp emigration of mantids by the number captured in the
Podagrion mantis Ashmead, an egg parasite (Rau and Tangletrap barriers. This is an effective method for
Rau 1913, Fox 1939). Therefore, we counted number measuring emigration of mantids (Hurd and Eisen-
of mantids that hatched and number of wasps that berg 1984a). Other species of mantids have exhibited
emerged. After hatching, we dissected the oothecae to behavioral effects on spiders (Moran and Hurd 1994,
determine the number of mantids that failed to de- Moran et al. 1996) so we also monitored the emigra-
velop. Using these measurements, we calculated per- tion of spiders out of the plots. Mantids and spiders
centage mortality for the egg stage of development. caught on the inside half of the barrier were consid-
Field Studies. To determine mortality for 1st-instar ered emigrants; any individuals on the outside half of
mantids and determine the value of asynchronous the barrier were considered to be immigrants and
versus synchronous emergence, we introduced man- therefore were ignored. At the conclusion of the ex-
tids at normal hatching densities to plots in a repli- periment, we captured all surviving mantids through
cated, controlled Þeld experiment. During March of a combination of suction sampling and hand search. To
1998, 15 plots (2 by 2 m) were established in a 3 ⫻ 5 determine the mantidÕs effect on the arthropod as-
array. Treatment plots (receiving mantids synchro- semblage, we used the arthropods captured in the
nously or asynchronously) and control plots (no man- suction samples. These arthropods were sorted ac-
tids) were systematically interspersed within the array cording to order and trophic level, counted, dried, and
(Hurlbert 1984). Each plot was bounded by a 0.5-m weighed.
black plastic barrier stapled to furring strips placed A 2nd Þeld experiment was performed to determine
around the outside edge of the plot. The day of mantid mortality, emigration, and survival of 2nd-instar man-
introduction, a 6-cm band of Tangletrap (Tanglefoot, tids. There were 4 plots (2 by 2 m) constructed as
Grand Rapids, MI) was painted down the center of the described above. Into each plot we introduced nine
barrier to trap emigrating mantids and other arthro- 2nd-instar mantids that had been raised since hatching
pods. Tangletrap was reapplied as needed to maintain in the laboratory. All mantids were introduced on 17
stickiness. Although many other arthropods are cap- June to the center of each plot. The plots were
tured in this type of barrier, the numbers have been checked daily for emigrants and their instar was re-
shown to be too low to produce statistically signiÞcant corded. The experiment was maintained for 15 d, after
barrier effects on the arthropod community within the which the plots were suction sampled and hand
plots, yet they are effective measures of emigration searched for surviving mantids.
To estimate growth rates of mantids under optimum
(Fagan and Hurd 1994, Moran and Hurd 1994).
conditions, we raised mantids in the laboratory at
First-instar nymphs were introduced into the center
25⬚C. Individual mantids were raised in 130-ml glass
of treatment plots within 24 h of hatching. The mantids
vials equipped with a cotton swab moistened each day
were introduced from 13 April until 11 May. This
to provide water. Mantids were fed Drosophila mela-
rather long period of introduction was because of the nogaster Meigen ad libitum and monitored daily for
high variation in hatching times for the oothecae. Each molting.
treatment plot received 150 mantids, which corre- Statistical Analysis. All of the data sets which vio-
sponds to the emergence number from a large ootheca lated the homogeneity of variance assumption were
(Rau and Rau 1913). The synchronous plots received log-transformed before analysis. Emigration, mortal-
all 150 mantids at once, and the asynchronous plots ity, survivorship, arthropod abundance, and spider
received 3 introductions of 50 mantids every 5 d. To emigration in the Þeld experiment were all analyzed
make these 2 treatment levels equivalent, we calcu- using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).
lated mantid days by multiplying each mantid by the
number of potential days in the plot. Because the
mantids in the asynchronous plots were introduced in Results
intervals of 5 d, these plots were maintained for 25 d Of the 31 oothecae collected, 8 oothecae failed to
whereas the synchronous plots were maintained for produce any hatchlings. Less than half of the eggs
20 d. This time table would equal 3,000 potential man- developed into viable hatchlings; most of the mortality
tid days for each treatment level (i.e., synchronous was caused by failure to develop and a small amount
plots: 150 mantids ⫻ 20 d ⫽ 3,000 mantid days; asyn- was attributed to parasitism (Table 1). Of the 23 ooth-
chronous plots: [50 mantids ⫻ 25 d] ⫹ [50 mantids ⫻ ecae that produced viable offspring, 11 (48%)
20 d] ⫹ [50 mantids ⫻ 15 d] ⫽ 3,000 mantid days). emerged asynchronously (i.e., had emergence on ⬎1
Control plots were maintained for 25 d. d). Average time from the beginning of incubation to

the initiation of hatching was 58.3 ⫾ 1.27 (mean ⫾ SE)

By the conclusion of the 1st-stadium Þeld experi-
ment, none of the mantids reached the 2nd instar of
development (duration ⫽ 25 d maximum). However,
in the laboratory, mean time to molt from 1st instar to
2nd was 15.25 ⫾ 0.30 d and no individual required ⬎19
d. The average outdoor temperature during the course
of the experiment was 24.5⬚C, very close to the 25⬚C
temperature maintained in the laboratory. In the 1st-
instar Þeld experiment, the number of mantids emi-
grating during the course of the experiment had
higher total emigration (F ⫽ 17.99; df ⫽ 1, 8; P ⫽ 0.003,
Fig. 1A), and lower mortality (F ⫽ 15.46; df ⫽ 1, 8; P ⫽
0.004; Fig. 1B) when introduced synchronously. How-
ever, the effect of hatching schedule on in-plot sur-
vival was marginally signiÞcant (F ⫽ 4.80; df ⫽ 1, 8; P ⫽
0.060; Fig. 1C) with the trend for higher survival in the
asynchronous plots.
There was a trend for reduced arthropod abun-
dance in both synchronous and asynchronous mantid
plots compared with control plots. However, this
trend was nonsigniÞcant (F ⫽ 1.801; df ⫽ 2, 12; P ⫽
0.207; Table 2). Mantids also showed no signiÞcant
effect on any order of arthropod, trophic level, or
spider emigration (Table 2).
Survivorship for the 2nd-instar experiment was low
(mean, 0.75 ⫾ 0.25, 8%). In contrast to the 1st-instar
experiment, emigration also was low (mean, 0.50 ⫾
0.29, 6%). Therefore, the majority of the mantids died
in the plots (mean, 7.75 ⫾ 0.25, 86%). We found no
individuals that had molted to the 3rd instar by the end
of the experiment, although in the laboratory it re-
quired a mean of 13.89 ⫾ 0.68 d with a maximum of 15 d
to progress from the 2nd to 3rd instar.
The combination of mortality during the egg stage
and 1st 2 instars results in very few survivors. A hy-
pothetical population of 3,000 eggs would result in 1.07
surviving to the 3rd insar according to the mortality
rates for our study.

This population of S. carolina exhibits high mortality
in the egg stage, mostly because many eggs fail to
develop and hatch. A minor component of mortality is
parasitism by P. mantis. While this low hatching suc- Fig. 1. Comparison of the mean (⫾1 SE of the mean) of
cess seems unusual, Rau and Rau (1913) found similar (A) emigration, (B) in-plot mortality, and (C) in-plot sur-
hatching success and attributed this to infertile ooth- vival in the 1st-instar Þeld experiment. Emigration, in-plot
mortality, and in-plot survival are measured as total during
ecae that may be deposited late in the season. We also
course of experiment. *, Statistical signiÞcance (one-way
speculate that the long egg developmental time may ANOVA).
cause some eggs to exhaust their energy reserves be-
fore hatching. After hatching, S. carolina nymphs sur-
vive for only 2Ð3 d without feeding (unpublished 1978, Hurd and Eisenberg 1984a), as do many arthro-
data), indicating there are few reserves remaining pod predators (Rypstra 1983, Wise 1993). This food
after hatching. limitation results in high starvation rates during the
We also found that a large number of oothecae early stadia. In the Þeld experiment testing mortality
hatched asynchronously and therefore hypothesized during the 1st stadium, we found that mantids intro-
that asynchronous hatching may be a mechanism to duced synchronously had higher emigration and
increase survival after hatching. Other mantid species higher in-plot mortality. However, in-plot survival was
are known to be food-limited during the early stadia marginally signiÞcant and low for both synchronous
and exhibit intraspeciÞc competition (Hurd et al. and asynchronous mantids (⬍2 per plot average). This
February 2000 HARRIS AND MORAN: LIFE HISTORY OF S. carolina 67

Table 2. Comparison of mean (ⴞ 1SE) arthropod abundance in the 3 treatment levels from the first-instar experiment

Taxa S A C F1,12 P Power

Homoptera 5.80 (1.88) 7.40 (3.19) 14.60 (5.07) 1.35 0.29 0.23
Diptera 2.20 (0.58) 7.80 (1.98) 5.60 (1.63) 3.44 0.07 0.53
Orthoptera 4.80 (2.22) 3.40 (0.75) 18.40 (10.76) 0.30 0.75 0.09
Coleoptera 1.80 (1.79) 0.80 (0.58) 4.00 (6.29) 0.91 0.43 0.17
Araneae 1.00 (0.55) 0.80 (0.583) 1.60 (0.748) 0.43 0.66 0.11
Hymenoptera 0.40 (0.25) 1.40 (0.24) 1.13 (0.31) 1.59 0.24 0.27
Herbivores 15.40 (4.12) 20.40 (4.30) 45.00 (17.11) 2.01 0.18 0.33
Carnivores 2.40 (0.67) 1.60 (0.75) 3.40 (1.29) 0.91 0.43 0.17
Total arthropods 18.00 (4.05) 22.00 (4.95) 48.40 (17.62) 1.80 0.21 0.30
Spider emigration 25.80 (3.29) 27.00 (2.26) 31.40 (3.64) 0.89 0.44 0.17

S, synchronous introduction of mantids; A, asynchronous introduction of mantids; C, control plots.

low survival during the 1st stadium was much lower carolina would have to reduce its life cycle to ⬇100 Ð
than has been found for other mantid speciesÑMantis 110 d (including ootheca incubation) to acheive this
religiosa (Fagan and Hurd 1994) and Tenodera sinensis in central Arkansas, whereas our calculations indicate
(Hurd and Eisenberg 1984a). We suggest 2 possible the current life cycle of a minimum of 150 d under
explanations for this low survival. S. carolina has slower ideal conditions (i.e., laboratory).
development (Didlake 1926, this study) than the other The result of this strategy of slow development
mantid species. This probably exposes S. carolina to appears to be high mortality. We believe that mortality
higher predation because small mantids are more vul- is caused by a combination of predation and starvation
nerable to other arthropod predators (Moran and while the nymphs are small. It is known that mortality
Hurd 1994). We also found lower prey abundance at probability declines with size in the similar species T.
our Þeld site compared with the studies involving the sinensis, at least in part because of reduced predation
other mantid species (Hurd and Eisenberg 1984a, Fa- (Hurd and Eisenberg 1984a). We also suspect that S.
gan and Hurd 1994, Moran and Hurd 1994), possibly carolina suffers high starvation rates because they
causing higher starvation rates. were not able to reduce prey numbers signiÞcantly
Survival during the 2nd stadium was low in the Þeld, and prey abundance was low at emergence. Although
as was emigration. This contrasts with at least 1 other
the asynchronous hatching we observed may repre-
mantid species, T. sinensis, which exhibits high emi-
sent a bet hedging strategy (Partridge and Harvey
gration during the 2nd stadium and low emigration
1988), it appears to have little positive effect on mantid
during the 1st stadium (Hurd et al. 1978, Hurd and
Eisenberg 1984a). Mortality remained high, although populations and may actually increase mortality from
somewhat lower, than in the 1st stadium, as would be cannibalism between conspeciÞcs (Fagan and Odell
expected because larger mantids have fewer preda- 1996). Regardless, the high mortality in the early
tors, as predation in arthropods is usually size-depen- stages of development (egg and early stadia) results in
dent (Bartley 1983, Hurd 1988). very few mantids reaching adulthood, corresponding
Stagmomantis carolina seems to face conßicting se- to the low densities of S. carolina we observe through-
lective pressures in this portion of its range (central out central Arkansas.
Arkansas). The growing season extends from March This study investigated populations in a small geo-
through October. However, if oothecae are deposited graphic area (central Arkansas), near the western
too early in the season, hatching will occur in the fall, edge of the range of S. carolina. This may not represent
and the nymphs will be killed during the Þrst frost. We optimal habitat for this species, and indeed many spe-
therefore suggest that this species has a slower devel- cies exhibit regional differences in population char-
opmental rate to ensure the oothecae are deposited acteristics (Dingle 1981, Brown 1984). For instance,
late enough in the season. S. carolina also exhibits a this portion of the mantidÕs range often has a pro-
long developmental period for eggs; the mean time for longed dry season during the summer, which may
oothecae to hatch was 58.3 ⫾ 1.27 d at 22⬚C. This is increase mortality from desiccation (Hurd and Eisen-
much longer than other mantid species found farther berg 1984a). A comparative study from other portions
north (T. sinensis, mean 28 d, unpublished data) where of this mantidÕs range would demonstrate whether our
the growing season is shorter, and may further reduce observed pattern is general or limited to this small
the risk of emerging too early. During the course of our geographic area in Central Arkansas.
study, we observed 1st-instar mantids in November
and from March until June. Obviously those hatching
in November died soon after. This observation shows
the potential evolutionary pressure on the mantids to Acknowledgments
develop slowly, so that they deposit oothecae at the We thank T. G. Wallace for assistance with these exper-
proper time and hatching occurs in the spring. An- iments and the Hendrix College Physical Plant for mainte-
other option would be the evolution of a bivoltine life nance of the Þeld site. This research was supported by Grant
cycle, which we have not observed in Arkansas. S. No. DEBÐ9606880 from the National Science Foundation.

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