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In general, the individuals surveyed were found to be in support of the State of Public
Emergency (S.O.E). It proved to be beneficial in decreasing the murder rate and providing the
citizens with a sense of security and safety. However, its implications on businesses should not
be ignored as a vast majority of the business were negatively impacted (albeit at varying
Interestingly, no jobs were lost due to the SOE in the survey area despite a decrease in the
income of the businesses. The level of support for the SOE was also very surprising despite all
its shortcomings.

The main limitation to this research project was the small sample size. The Fairview area is a
relatively small business sector in St. James and so the results collected are not conclusive for
the entire parish of St. James.
Moreover, the Fairview area is very busy especially within the hours where the survey was
carried out which made it difficult to obtain individuals who where willing to participate.

The majority of the negative effects of the SOE stem from the reduced working hours. Thus, for
further implementations of the SOE, special thought must be placed on how the effects of the
SOE on the working hours of businesses can be minimized in an effort to reduce the
implications faced by both business operators and customers alike.

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