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"Be filled with the Holy Spirit" says Paul to the believers in Ephesus. (Eph 5:18).

When we allow the Spirit

living in us to fill us to overflowing , there are several benefits
1. Our heart is cleansed and our mind is refreshed.
2. Our own spirit is charged within.
3. Extraordinary power within to witness.
4. Fruit of the Spirit begins to manifest.
5. Power to live by biblical standards despite testing times.
6. God's mind is printed in our spirit.
7. God's compassion for people can be experienced.
8. Fresh revelation from the Bible.
9. Fellowship with the Father & worship with words from above.
10. Praying with authority & extraordinary faith.
11 Manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit begins to operate.
12. Spiritual eyes opened to see Jesus.... and many more...
May we pray and allow the Holy Spirit in us to fill us to overflowing for God gives his Spirit without limit
(John 3:34)

"Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you" 1 Peter 5:7.. The word cast has the following
meanings: to throw, to propel, to set in motion... Quite often we share our anxieties to Christ in prayer
but take it back with us as we journey in life and continue to feel the burden. That's why the bible uses
the word "cast". As we learn to "throw away", "propel" our anxieties toward Christ and totally let go and
believe in the Word which says, "because he cares for you", then the peace of God will rule our hearts
and minds.

"For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life " 1 Thessalonians 4:7 and "that our daily lives
may win the respect of outsiders " (ver 12). For it is the will of God that we are set apart to live for him
(ver 3). Living a life pleasing to God involves consistent effort with the help of the Holy Spirit and
encouragement from believers. Here is a word of encouragement from the Holy Spirit: "Do not give up,
keep climbing. The one who started a good work in you will bring it to completion. "

Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners
- of whom I am the worst -1 Tim 1:15 How was Paul able to declare this statement? The answer lies in the
previous verse 14 'grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly'. This means that there is no limit
to grace. A man or woman who consistently experiences the grace of God in abundance, will understand
the depth of the gospel. May we pray today that Christ will shower his grace even more abundantly so
that we may know him more and more.

Is Jesus Christ truly alive?

The women reported 'Jesus has risen'. But these words seemed nonsense to the disciples (Luke 24:11).
Jesus later appeared to his disciples to erase all doubts (Luke 24:38,39)....In the year 2016 , I was at lunch
break in office. While I was least expecting, someone opened my eyes and looked straight into my heart
and said 'I am the One' and quoted Mark 1:8. Immediately I realized this was Jesus...Later the Holy Spirit
spoke to me and said, 'Jesus wanted to meet you personally so that you can experience the risen Lord. You
must testify' . So here is a testimony for this Easter: 'For sure and beyond doubts, Christ has risen. He is
alive. He appeared to his disciples and continues to meet people today to offer an abundant life (John
10:10) '. This is the gospel that is being spoken all over the world. And here is a prophetic word of
encouragement, ‘Do not worry about your circumstances, do not be shaken. For I am alive, and I can
change your life.'
- A very happy Easter
'Good Friday' and 'Easter' are observed to remember Christ's death and resurrection. Yet these two very
fundamental aspects are the most difficult truth to comprehend for the world today. Did Jesus truly die
for my sin? More so did he truly come back to life? How can I believe? These questions are not new. The
disciples who were with Jesus and heard him mention about his death and resurrection several times,
themselves could not come to terms with this truth.Jesus himself knew the inability to believe and told
before hand to his disciples that they will desert him (Mark 14:27 to 30)... But the beautiful thing is this:
'He died knowing very well that our faith is weak. He died knowing fully well our inability to believe. He
died because he loved us. He died to nail our sins, weaknesses & inabilities at the cross' .... Here is a
prophetic word of encouragement for today: 'Your inability to believe is understandable. Your sincere
questions are well taken. The cry of your heart is heard. But I died for you because I love you. I want to
meet you and remove your doubts. Come to the cross.

'Eagerly desire' says Paul in 1 Cor 14 about the gifts of the Spirit and with an emphasis on prophecy. Yet
this gift is either ignored or carelessly used in some circles. Below are some insights about prophecy
referred to in new testament:
1. The goal is to "encourage & comfort & at times guide " and not share mystical revelations.
2. The message will most likely be in part. It will never be fully complete. It is given primarily to fuel
strength to a discouraged soul.
3. The message will mostly be a verse, or a content based on the bible and at times a revelation. But never
4. It can encourage and comfort. It may point to a possible future or a direction however the Bible will still
be the basis for decisions taken.
5. God can operate through simple believers with this gift with a simple but critical message.
6. The message should not be discarded but equally must be weighed with the Bible.
7.The one who has this gift may not always have a prophetic word. This is very important for the ones
who exercises
8. Eagerness or desire is the key to receiving this gift.
9.Faith is the principle to operate with this gift.
So Church, let's desire for this wonderful manifestation of the Spirit to be active in our midst so that we
can encourage and strengthen one another.

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