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Name: Anthony Cardenas Section: 10 Saint Denise

Teacher: Mrs. Ma. Teresa Casado-Ramos Date: April 2, 2019

TOPIC: Police Brutality


BACKGROUND: In today’s society the police abuse their power against people
who commit crimes and innocent bystanders. Some people think that the police
are protecting their community On the other hand, a lot of people feel that the
police are prejudice, and unfair. Police officers engage in unjustified shootings,
severe beatings, and other unnecessarily rough physical treatment in cities while
their police superiors, and the Justice Department fail to act decisively to restrain
or penalize such acts or even to record the full magnitude of the problem.

AIMS: This research paper aimed to give more information about police brutality
in order for everyone to be aware, explain the causes of police brutality, discuss
the effects of it and how it affects our society, and suggest solutions to this
controversial topic.

METHOD: The method of analysis is used to know what are the negative impacts
of it are and why police brutality is a widespread problem in our society. The
process of gathering data in qualitative research and by which the emergent
knowledge is applied to individuals problem. This data takes the form of records
of group discussions and interviews, but is not limited to this.

FINDINGS: The researcher gained knowledge from this research project that the
causes of police brutality mainly involves the neurological makeup of the police
officer. The researcher learned on what people should do about police brutality.

CONCLUSION: The effects of police brutality to society are corruption, confusion

and fear monger. People should follow the law, to report cases to the
investigating division of the Philippine National Police, to know our basic rights, to
have the government give constant seminars or neurological check-ups for every
police officer.

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