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Human Movement Science 54 (2017) 24–33

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Applying an active lumbopelvic control strategy during lumbar

extension exercises: Effect on muscle recruitment patterns of the
lumbopelvic region
Jessica Van Oosterwijcka,1, Eline De Riddera,1, Andry Vleeminga,b,

Guy Vanderstraetena, Stijn Schouppea, Lieven Danneelsb,
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent University, De Pintelaan 185, 1B3, B-
9000 Ghent, Belgium
Department of Anatomy, Center for Excellence in the Neurosciences, Medical Faculty, University of New England, Biddeford, ME, USA


Keywords: Objective: Examine whether implementing an active lumbopelvic control strategy during high
Electromyography load prone lumbar extension exercises affects posterior extensor chain recruitment and
Exercise therapy lumbopelvic kinematics.
Lumbosacral region Methods: Thirteen healthy adults acquired an optimal active lumbopelvic control strategy during
Paraspinal muscles
guided/home-based training sessions. During the experimental session electromyography was
used to evaluate the activity of the posterior extensor chain muscles during high load trunk/
bilateral leg extension exercises with/without application of the strategy. Video-analysis was
used to evaluate thoracic/lumbar/hip angles.
Results: Implementing the active lumbopelvic control strategy decreased the lordotic angle
during trunk (p = 0.045; −3.2°) and leg extension exercises (p = 0.019; −10°). The hip angle
was solely affected during trunk extension (p < 0.001; +9.2°). The posterior extensor chain (i.e.
mean of the relative activity of all muscles (%MVIC) was recruited to a higher extent (p = 0.026;
+9%) during trunk extension exercises performed with active lumbopelvic control. Applying the
strategy during leg extension exercises lead to less activity of longissimus thoracic (p = 0.015;
−10.2%) and latissimus dorsi (p = 0.010; −4.4%), and increased gluteus maximus activity
(p ≤ 0.001; +16.8%).
Conclusions: When healthy people are taught/instructed to apply an active lumbopelvic control
strategy, this will decrease the degree of lumbar (hyper)lordosis and this influences the
recruitment patterns of trunk and hip extensors. Hence, the possible impact on predetermined
training goals should be taken into account by trainers.

1. Introduction

Lumbar extension exercises are widely used in training regimens to enhance endurance, strength and functionality of the posterior
extensor chain as this will enhance performance levels (Steele, Bruce-Low, & Smith, 2015; Verna et al., 2002). This chain consists of
the extensor muscles located in the thoracic, lumbar and pelvic region of the posterior side of the body. More specifically, the

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L. Danneels).
The first 2 authors contributed equally to this manuscript.
Received 10 August 2016; Received in revised form 14 March 2017; Accepted 15 March 2017
0167-9457/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Van Oosterwijck et al. Human Movement Science 54 (2017) 24–33

posterior extensor chain consists of the Latissimus Dorsi (LD), the Thoracic Erector Spinae (TES) which is formed by the Longissimus
thoracis pars Thoracic (LT) and Iliocostalis lumborum pars Thoracis (IT), the Lumbar Erector Spinae (LES) which is formed by the
Longissimus thoracis pars Lumborum (LL) and Iliocostalis lumborum pars Lumborum (IL), the Lumbar Multifidus (LM), the Gluteus
Maximus (GM) and the Biceps Femoris (BF), which are functionally coupled via the thoracolumbar fascia (Vleeming, Pool-
Goudzwaard, Stoeckart, van Wingerden, & Snijders, 1995). Despite the fact that only some of these muscles directly attach on to the
lumbar vertebrae, a contraction of one of the muscles will influence the lumbar region, even if this is not the muscle its primary
function. Although many different modalities of lumbar extension exercises exist (Mayer et al., 1999; Mayer, Mooney, & Dagenais,
2008; Mayer, Verna, Manini, Mooney, & Graves, 2002; Plamondon, Serresse, Boyd, Ladouceur, & Desjardins, 2002) trainers often
implement modalities performed from prone position into training programs (Mayer, Udermann, Graves, & Ploutz-Snyder, 2003;
Verna et al., 2002). By extending either the trunk or the legs, lumbar extension and activation of the muscles generating this
movement is induced. These exercises are ‘high load’ as they activate the muscles from the posterior extensor chain at high degrees,
namely between 40 and 70% of their maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) (Clark, Manini, Mayer, Ploutz-
Snyder, & Graves, 2002; Dickx et al., 2010; Mayer et al., 1999, 2002; Plamondon et al., 2002). Because these trunk and leg
extension exercise modalities from prone position do not require expensive training devices they can be easily performed in the gym,
at home, and during field training.
However, it has been shown that lumbar extension exercises from prone position can cause high spinal compressive loads (up to
6000 N) due to excessive anterior pelvic tilt and hyperlordosis of the lumbar spine, which could diminish the positive training effects
(Callaghan, Gunning, & McGill, 1998; Granata, Lee, & Franklin, 2005; McGill, 2002). It has been advocated that these disadvantages
can be limited by applying active lumbopelvic control techniques during exercise (Oh, Cynn, Won, Kwon, & Yi, 2007). In normal
trunk function co-contraction of the deep lumbopelvic muscles, i.e. LM, transversus abdominis (TA), and the pelvic floor muscles,
precedes the activation of prime movers during movements which jeopardize the trunk stability, providing mechanical stability for
spinal loads exceeding 1500 N (Demoulin, Distree, Tomasella, Crielaard, & Vanderthommen, 2007; Panjabi, 2003). As contraction of
this lumbopelvic muscle corset contributes significantly to lumbar segmental control, the use of these deep muscles should be
optimized using training and implemented during lumbar extension exercises (Jull & Richardson, 1994). The lumbopelvic control
training focuses on teaching subjects to actively co-contract the deep lumbopelvic muscles and to maintain this co-contraction while
performing activities such as prone lumbar extension exercises (Cameron & Monroe, 2011; Oh et al., 2007). The continuous tonic low
level activation of the deep lumbopelvic muscles will form a cylinder around the lumbar spine providing functional control during
these activities and exercises (Cholewicki & VanVliet, 2002; Hodges, 1999, 2003).
Currently, little is known on how active involvement of this lumbopelvic muscle corset during lumbar extension exercises
influences the recruitment of the posterior extensor chain in healthy people. Several studies have demonstrated that contracting the
lumbopelvic muscle corset alters the muscle recruitment patterns when performing low load exercises or daily activities (Oh et al.,
2007; Stevens et al., 2007; Watanabe, Eguchi, Kobara, & Ishida, 2007). For instance, it has been demonstrated that an abdominal
drawing-in maneuver, used to facilitate activation of the TA, during prone unilateral leg extension reduces the LES activity but
increases the activity of the hip extensors (Oh et al., 2007). On the other hand, it has been shown that contraction of the lumbopelvic
muscle corset during active sitting enhances the activity of the LES and LM (Watanabe et al., 2007). As these studies have examined
the recruitment patterns during different activities or positions, are limited to low load activities or exercises, and have not examined
the activity of the thoracic extensors, it is difficult to compare findings and to conclude how recruitment of the posterior extensor
chain is exactly influenced when an active lumbopelvic control strategy is implemented to high load lumbar extension exercises. In
the same context, it is relevant to note that most studies investigating muscle recruitment patterns during lumbar extension exercises
have overlooked the contribution of the hip extensors. A trunk extension consists of a combined extension movement of the thoracic
and lumbar spine as well as anterior rotation of the pelvis and hips (Graves et al., 1994; Pollock et al., 1989), whereas a leg extension
is composed of an extension of the lumbar spine and a rotation of the hips and pelvis (Oh et al., 2007). From this biomechanical
perspective it is clear that lumbar extension exercises do not only require activation of the trunk extensor muscles but also of the hip
extensor muscles (Arokoski et al., 1999; Kankaanpaa et al., 1998; Plamondon et al., 2002; Sparto & Parnianpour, 1998). Furthermore,
it has been shown that the active lumbopelvic control strategy is able to reduce the degree of lumbar lordosis during sitting
(Watanabe et al., 2007) and unilateral leg extension exercise (Oh et al., 2007), but no studies have examined whether this is also the
case during high load lumbar extension exercises from prone position such as trunk and bilateral leg extension exercises.
To examine whether the implementation of an active lumbopelvic control strategy during high load prone lumbar extension
exercises affects the lumbopelvic recruitment patterns and kinematics, the activation levels of the posterior extensor chain during
prone trunk and leg extension exercises were studied with and without the implementation of an active lumbopelvic control strategy.
Since the LES and (the deep fibers of) the LM contribute to lumbar spine control (Cholewicki & VanVliet, 2002; MacDonald,
Moseley, & Hodges, 2006; Wilke, Wolf, Claes, Arand, & Wiesend, 1995), we hypothesized an increased recruitment of these muscles
and a reduced degree of lumbar lordosis when the lumbopelvic muscle corset is contracted during prone lumbar extension exercises.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Subjects

A convenience sample consisting of 13 healthy subjects (9 females, 4 males) of 22.6 ± 2.1 years participated in this study.
Subjects their mean height and weight were 172 ± 7.3 cm and 61.3 ± 9.5 kg respectively. Subjects were excluded from
participation if they; 1) reported previous back surgery or established spinal deformities, 2) had consulted a physician regarding

J. Van Oosterwijck et al. Human Movement Science 54 (2017) 24–33

Fig. 1. Dynamic and functional positions and movements during which the active lumbopelvic control strategy is performed during training.

low back pain (LBP) in the past year, 3) currently experienced LBP, neck or hip pain, 4) had a history of severe neurologic,
respiratory, cardiovascular, or orthopedic disorders, 5) were elite athletes. The study was approved by the local Ethics Committee and
all subjects provided written consent. Subjects attended three training sessions and three test sessions.

2.2. Training sessions

Subjects were taught to acquire an optimal active control strategy of the lumbopelvic region by participating in three individually
guided training sessions (40 min 1×/week). The subjects were instructed in accordance with the principles often used in training
lumbar control (Jull & Richardson, 1994; O’Sullivan, 2000; Richardson & Jull, 1995). In summary, the first training session was used
to inform subjects about the basic anatomy and function of the muscles which form the lumbopelvic muscle corset, to learn to control
the lumbar spine in neutral position in different postures (sitting, standing, and 4-point kneeling), and to learn to contract the
lumbopelvic muscle corset without substitution strategies of superficial muscles and with focus on the continuation of normal
breathing. Once subjects were able to contract the lumbopelvic muscle corset whilst maintaining a normal breathing pattern and
without substitution of superficial muscles, the duration of the contractions and the repetitions were increased so that subjects were
able to sustain each contraction for 10 s and repeat this 10 times. When subjects were able to perform the latter exercise, the active
lumbopelvic control strategy was integrated within more dynamic and functional activities. During the second session controlled leg
movements were added in supine and 4-point kneeling position. During the last training session, subjects were instructed to sustain
the co-contraction during more complicated exercises as presented in Fig. 1. All exercises were performed in 3 sets of 15 repetitions
and the researchers gave tactile and verbal feedback about the performance of the co-contraction. In addition subjects received a
leaflet describing the exercises and were asked to perform them daily at home.
At the end of the training program, the ability to optimally contract the lumbopelvic muscle corset was evaluated by two
independent researchers as this was a prerequisite to participate in the test sessions. This implied that subjects were able to perform a
10 s during isolated contraction of the lumbopelvic muscle corset in 4-point kneeling stance without substitution or compensatory
strategies whilst maintaining a normal breathing pattern, and repeat this 10 times. The contraction of the LM and the TA was assessed
through palpation lateral from the spinous process at L3–L5, and 2 cm inferior and medial of the anterior superior iliac spine
respectively (Gill, Teyhen, & Lee, 2007; Hides, Richardson, & Jull, 1998). After training all subjects were able to perform an optimal
contraction of the lumbopelvic muscle corset and thus participated to the test sessions.

J. Van Oosterwijck et al. Human Movement Science 54 (2017) 24–33

2.3. Test sessions

The first test session consisted of the indirect determination of the 1-RM. Prone trunk and leg extension exercises were performed
with and without the implementation of the active lumbopelvic control strategy at 60% of 1-RM during the second and third test

2.3.1. Indirect determination of the 1-RM

At least three days before the first exercise session, the exercise load, expressed as a percentage of the one repetition maximum (%
of 1-RM), was estimated using the Holten-diagram which describes the relation between the performed number of repetitions and the
exercise intensity (Danneels, Cools, et al., 2001; Dickx et al., 2010). Therefore all subjects were asked to execute the maximal amount
of repetitions of dynamic prone trunk/leg extension with the weight of their upper/lower body as the exercise weight (which is
estimated as 70% and 30% of the total body weight respectively). The total body weight was determined on-site on a calibrated body
scale. The number of repetitions each subject was able to perform during both types of exercises using this method was registered.
The exercise intensity was individually adjusted at 60%RM, calculated using the following formula; exercise weight (kg) = (upper or
lower body weight (kg) × exercise load (i.e. 60% of 1-RM))/exercise load determined on the testing day (% of 1-RM derived from
Holten-diagram) (Dickx et al., 2010).

2.3.2. Lumbar extension exercises

During the remaining two test sessions 4 different lumbar extension exercise modalities were performed i.e. dynamic trunk
extension, dynamic bilateral leg extension, dynamic trunk extension with the instruction to implement the active lumbopelvic control
strategy, and dynamic bilateral leg extension with the instruction to apply the active lumbopelvic control strategy. During each
exercise session 2 modalities were performed. The order of the exercises modalities was randomized by lottery. To prevent muscular
fatigue, only two different exercise modalities were performed during one test session and an interval of 30 min was obligated
between these two exercise modalities.
All extension exercises were performed in prone position on a variable angle chair with the trunk or legs positioned at 45° of
flexion and the superior border of the anterior iliac placed on the edge of the variable angle chair (De Ridder, Van Oosterwijck,
Vleeming, Vanderstraeten, & Danneels, 2013). For the trunk extension exercises the legs were strapped to the table at the ankles, and
subjects their hands were placed on the opposite shoulder. To perform the leg extension exercises the upper body was strapped to the
table at the level of the angulus inferior of the scapulae, and subjects their hands were placed under their forehead. The exercise
positions are presented in Fig. 2.
One repetition consisted of lifting the trunk/legs to the horizontal in 2 s and returning to starting position in 2 s. A metronome
(60 beats/min) was used to ensure appropriate timing of the contractions. To reach the horizontal position, tactile feedback was given
by a rope between two vertical stands. Subjects performed one set of 10 dynamic repetitions. Before starting the exercises which
included the active lumbopelvic control strategy following instructions were given; ‘Keep your lumbar region in neutral position and
maintain a lumbopelvic muscle co-contraction during the whole exercise’.

2.4. Measures

2.4.1. Electromyography (EMG)

The EMG signals of 8 muscles, were bilaterally measured using a 16 channel telemetric surface EMG system (TeleMyo 2400 G2

Fig. 2. Position of the prone lumbar extension exercises.

J. Van Oosterwijck et al. Human Movement Science 54 (2017) 24–33

Telemetry System, Noraxon, USA).

The skin was shaved and rubbed with alcohol to reduce the impedance and improve skin contact. Noraxon surface dual electrodes
with a fixed inter-electrode distance of 2 cm and an electric surface contact of 1 cm diameter were bilaterally attached, parallel to the
muscle fiber orientation, in analogy to Coorevits, Danneels, Cambier, Ramon, and Vanderstraeten (2008), Danneels, Cagnie, et al.
(2001) and Danneels, Vanderstraeten, et al. (2001) over the GM, BF, LM, LT, LL, IT, and IL. A single reference electrode was placed on
the angulus inferior of the right scapula.
Before starting the exercises, EMG reference data were obtained by performing 3 MVIC’s of 4 s against manual resistance for each
muscle (group) in prone position (Danneels, Vanderstraeten, et al., 2001; De Ridder et al., 2013). Each MVIC was followed by 30 s of
Raw signals were bandpass-filtered between 10 and 500 Hz, amplified (common mode rejection ratio > 100 dB, overall gain
1000, noise < 1 μV RMS), and analogue-to-digital (16-bit) converted at a sampling rate of 1500 Hz. The signal processing consisted
of full wave rectification and smoothing, using a RMS algorithm with a 100 ms time constant. Muscle activity was measured during
the whole exercise. The mean activity level for each muscle was calculated over 5 separate repetitions (repetitions 2–6) and used for
further analysis. Because the muscle activity during the exercises was measured on two separate days, which could result in
differences in skin resistance, the EMG signals of the muscles were normalized against their MVIC’s.

2.4.2. Kinematics
To measure the kyphotic angle reflective markers were placed on the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra, the most
prominent point of the thoracic kyphosis also described as the thoracic apex (approximately T7), the vertebral level where the spine
transitions from lordosis to kyphosis also known as the thoracolumbar junction or inflection point (corresponds with spinous process
of the 1st lumbar vertebra. To determine the lordotic angle reflective markers were placed on the infection point, the middle of the
deepest point of the lumbar lordosis curve also described as the lumbar apex (approximately L3), and the posterior superior iliac
spine. The hip extension angle was measured via reflective markers on the anterior superior iliac spine, the greater trochanter, and
the lateral malleolus. The locations of the marker placements were determined by one examiner via visual inspection and palpation
(Dolphens et al., 2012).
Video analysis was limited to 2D and recordings were made throughout the entire exercise using a digital video recorder (Sony
Handycam DCR-HC 37 capturing 50 frames per second at 1000 Hz) placed in a standardized position perpendicular to the plane in
which the movement took place and real-time synchronized with the EMG recordings within the EMG software. The 3 angles
mentioned above were calculated using the video frames in which the subject reached the horizontal position during the exercise via
the freeware motion-analysis software Kinovea (version 0.8.15, which allows angle calculation with a margin of
error of 1 degree. The mean angle was calculated from the measured angles during repetitions 2, 4 and 6, with a margin of error of 1
degree. The analysis was performed by a trained researcher who was unaware whether the exercise was performed with or without
the instruction to actively control the lumbopelvic region.

2.5. Statistical analysis

Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 19.0 (IBM corporation, USA). Due to the symmetry of the exercises and the lack of a
side effect (left vs right), the EMG values of the muscles of both sides were averaged. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov was used to test the
normality of all variables and descriptive statistics were computed for the anthropometric characteristics and muscle activity. The
recruitment pattern of the posterior extensor chain (%MVIC) (dependent variable) during the lumbar extension exercises was
analyzed using a linear mixed model analysis, with the EMG values as the dependent variables and the following 3 factors: instruction
to apply the active lumbopelvic control strategy (exercise with vs without the instruction to actively control the lumbopelvic region),
muscle (LD, IT, IL, LT, LL, LM, GM, BF) and extension modality (trunk extension vs leg extension). Secondarily, because the influence of
active lumbopelvic control strategy depends on the moving body part (instruction to apply active lumbopelvic control strategy × -
body part), trunk and leg extension exercise were analyzed separately. Therefore two new mixed models were conducted. When
required, post hoc comparisons were made and adjusted using a Bonferroni-correction. Paired sample T-tests were used to determine
the alterations in kinematics between the lumbar extension exercise with and without the instruction to apply the active lumbopelvic
control strategy. Statistical significance for all tests was set at p ≤ 0.05.

3. Results

3.1. Kinematics

The instruction to apply an active lumbopelvic control strategy during dynamic bilateral leg extension and dynamic trunk
extension resulted in significant less lumbar lordosis (resp. −10°, t(3) = 4.7, p = 0.019, 95%CI [0.95, 6.23]; −3.2°, t(5) = 2.65,
p = 0.045, 95%CI [4.32, 21.15]) compared to the same exercises during which this strategy was not used. The thoracic angle showed
no significant differences between the lumbar extension exercises performed with or without the active lumbopelvic control strategy
(p between 0.059 and 0.082).
The hip extension angle during actively controlled trunk extension was significantly larger compared to the non-controlled
modality (+9.2°, t(4) = −15.78, p < 0.001, 95%CI [7.58, 10.81]). No significant differences in hip angle could be found between
the leg extension exercises with and without active lumbopelvic control (p = 0.061).

J. Van Oosterwijck et al. Human Movement Science 54 (2017) 24–33

Table 1
Mean kyphotic, lordotic and hip angle and standard deviation (SD) during prone lumbar extension exercise modalities.

Angles Trunk extension Leg extension

Without active lumbopelvic control With active lumbopelvic control Without active lumbopelvic control With active lumbopelvic control
strategy strategy strategy strategy
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)

Kyphotic 145.0° (3.6°) 135.0° (2.7°) 154.8° (5.5°) 147.3° (2.9°)

Lordotic 37.2° (6.5°)* 34.0° (5.9°) 39.3° (4.0°)* 29.3° (1.5°)
Hip 145.6° (2.1°)* 154.8° (2.5°) 152.0° (3.2°) 155.3° (3.6°)

* Significant difference at p ≤ 0.05 between the exercise modality without and with active lumbopelvic control strategy.

Mean angles and standard deviations are presented in Table 1.

3.2. General effect of an active lumbopelvic control strategy during lumbar extension exercises

No significant 3 way-interactions (instruction to apply an active lumbopelvic control strategy × body part × muscle) was found
(F = 1.997, p = 0.053). The trunk and leg extension exercises were analyzed separately (instruction to apply an active lumbopelvic
control strategy × muscle). A significant 2-way interaction for the leg extension exercises was shown (F = 3.73, p = 0.001).
Regarding the trunk extension exercises no 2-way interaction effect was found, but a significant effect of the main factors was
observed (instruction to apply an active lumbopelvic control strategy F = 27.17, p = 0.026; muscle F = 39.14, p < 0.001).

3.3. The effect of an active lumbopelvic control strategy during trunk extension

When the instruction was given to apply an active lumbopelvic control strategy during dynamic trunk extension exercise this
resulted in a significant (F = 27.17, p = 0.026, 95%CI [5.62, 12.43]) higher recruitment level (+9%) of the posterior extensor chain
(i.e. mean of the relative activity of all muscles (%MVIC)).

3.4. The effect an active lumbopelvic control strategy during leg extension

The mean relative activity of the trunk and hip extensor muscles did not significantly differ between leg extension exercises
performed with active lumbopelvic control (44.1%MVIC) and those without active lumbopelvic control (45.9%MVIC). However, a
significant interaction effect between leg extension with or without active lumbopelvic control and muscle was noticeable, suggesting
that the influence of an active lumbopelvic control strategy during leg extension depends on the analyzed muscle.
The LD and LT showed significant lower levels of mean muscle activity during controlled leg extensions (respectively −4.4%
MVIC, F = 7.03, p = 0.010, 95%CI [−7.75, −1.09]; −10.2%MVIC, F = 6.24, p = 0.015, 95%CI [−18.39, −2.04]). The
recruitment of the IT, LL, IL, LM and BF did not significantly (p > 0.05) change when the active control strategy was added,
whereas the GM was clearly activated at a higher degree (+16.8%MVIC, F = 14.57, p < 0.001, 95%CI [8.02, −25.65]) when
active lumbopelvic control was performed during the exercise.
The influence of the active lumbopelvic control strategy on the mean muscle activity during leg extension is presented in Table 2.

Table 2
Mean muscle activity (%MVC) and standard deviation (SD) during prone lumbar extension exercise modalities.

Muscles Trunk extension Leg extension

Without active lumbopelvic control With active lumbopelvic control Without active lumbopelvic control With active lumbopelvic control
strategy strategy strategy strategy
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)

LD 20.9 (8.8)* 30.5 (14.4) 12.0 (8.6)* 7.6 (3.3)

LT 52.8 (20.7) 59.8 (23.6) 61.5 (19.6)* 51.3 (11.8)
IT 51.1 (20.2) 54.9 (17.6) 48.6 (22.7) 51.0 (14.7)
LL 57.7 (22.6) 65.4 (18.4) 62.2 (22.8) 53.6 (16.8)
IL 58.4 (21.0) 67.5 (19.2) 56.8 (19.6) 51.2 (20.6)
LM 57.2 (20.4) 63.5 (21.0) 64.2 (27.5) 57.1 (18.1)
GM 23.8 (10.1)* 32.4 (21.6) 22.0 (7.7)* 38.8 (24.1)
BF 44.2 (20.3)* 64.4 (20.8) 39.9 (22.5)* 42.3 (18.1)

LD = Latissimus Dorsi, LT = Longissimus thoracis pars Thoracic, IT = Iliocostalis lumborum pars Thoracis, LL = Longissimus thoracis pars Lumborum,
IL = Iliocostalis lumborum pars Lumborum, LM = Lumbar Multifidus, GM = Gluteus Maximus, BF = Biceps Femoris.
* Significant difference at p ≤ 0.05 between the exercise modality without and with active lumbopelvic control strategy.

J. Van Oosterwijck et al. Human Movement Science 54 (2017) 24–33

4. Discussion

This study is the first to demonstrate that an active control strategy of the lumbopelvic region during high load dynamic prone
lumbar extension exercises affects the degree of lumbar lordosis and alters the recruitment patterns of the posterior extensor chain.
The finding that this active control strategy is able to limit the increases in lumbar (hyper)lordosis which normally take place during
the performance of lumbar extension exercises is an important element to consider in clinical practice when creating exercise
programs, as high load lumbar extension exercises in which (hyper)lordosis occurs have been shown to be associated with increased
spinal loads and thus risks for spinal injuries (Callaghan et al., 1998).
The EMG data of this study indicate that the posterior extensor chain is more active when trunk extension is performed while
actively controlling the lumbopelvic region. The increase in total muscle work during a controlled trunk extension can be explained
by a more detailed analysis of the moving body parts during the exercise. Earlier studies consider a trunk extension as a compound
movement of the thoracic and lumbar spine, combined with a rotation of the pelvis and extension of the hips (Graves et al., 1994;
Pollock et al., 1989). In the present study it was demonstrated that the use of an active lumbopelvic control strategy effectively
prevents excessive lumbar lordosis during trunk extension, resulting in an augmentation of hip extension. Co-contracting the deep
muscles of the lumbopelvic corset provides a higher segmental control and reduces lumbar displacement, which explains the decrease
in lumbar extension (Barr, Griggs, & Cadby, 2005; Brown, Vera-Garcia, & McGill, 2006; Vera-Garcia, Elvira, Brown, & McGill, 2007).
By integrating an active control strategy there is a decrease in lumbar extension. Therefore the trunk extension needs to be performed
with more hip extension in order to reach the horizontal end-position. As a result of the changed biomechanics, the lever arm to lift
the trunk will be greater in the actively controlled exercise condition, and thus more effort of the muscles is necessary. In line with the
altered lever arm, the muscles conjoining the thorax with the pelvis, have a more stable basis to lift the trunk when the exercise is
performed whilst actively controlling the lumbopelvic region. In this condition the muscles will be able to pull the trunk as a solid
mass upwards which could explain their increased recruitment.
Since the LES and, (the deep) LM in specific, are assumed to highly contribute to lumbar spinal control (Cholewicki & VanVliet,
2002; MacDonald et al., 2006; Wilke et al., 1995), an increased recruitment of these muscles was expected when the lumbopelvic
muscle corset was contracted during the prone lumbar extension exercises. While our study results could not specifically verify this
hypothesis, a previous study supports this assumption by showing a higher lumbar muscle contribution (i.e. 25% increase in the EMG
activity of the lumbar extensors) when maintaining a neutral lumbar position during a dynamic trunk extension exercise from prone
position (Mayer et al., 2002). The present study did not specifically show an increase of the LES or LM activity, but showed an
increase of the relative activity of the posterior extensor chain during a dynamic trunk extension exercise performed from prone
position while applying an active lumbopelvic control strategy. This difference between our findings and the results of the study of
Mayer et al. (2002) could be caused by three different elements; 1) the exercise intensity, 2) the type of control strategy, and 3) the
muscle evaluation technique. In the study of Mayer et al. (2002) the weight of the trunk was used as the exercise load, which is
probably lower than the intensity of 60% 1-RM used in our study. As a result of the high exercise load in our study, large levels of
lumbar muscle activity were already generated in the non-controlled condition. In addition, not only did the activity of the lumbar
extensor muscles increase in our study but also the thoracic and hip extensor muscles were recruited to a higher extent, whereas
Mayer et al. (2002) found no influence of the instruction to maintain the lumbar position on the activity of the hip extensors.
Subsequently, one could assume that the overall increased recruitment of the posterior extensor chain in our study could have
compensated for the expected higher lumbar muscle activity when actively controlling the lumbopelvic region. The combination of
both the high exercise intensity and the overall increase in recruitment of the posterior extensor chain could explain the rather
identical net contribution of the different extensor muscles during both exercise conditions seen in the present study. The
dissimilarities with our results could also be explained by differences in the strategies which were used. Whereas in the current study
subjects were learned to co-contract the deep stabilizing muscles of the lumbopelvic region during different training sessions and
instructed to integrate this strategy during the trunk extension exercise, the study of Mayer et al. (2002) only instructed to maintain
the lumbar lordosis without focusing on the deep muscles. To date, both strategies, without consensus about which strategy is the
most beneficial, are used in clinical rehabilitation and exercise programs. With regard to the evaluation technique, both studies used
surface EMG to capture the signals of LES, but while the study of Mayer et al. (2002) examined the global LES activity the current
study made a difference between IL and LL.
This is the first study to investigate the effect of an active lumbopelvic control strategy during bilateral leg extension exercises. It
was shown that although the use of this strategy did not influence the overall amount of posterior extensor chain, excessive lumbar
lordosis was prevented and the distribution of the activity between the muscles was altered.
When the dynamic high load leg extension exercise was performed with and without the use of an active lumbopelvic control
strategy, it was observed that the implementation of the control technique resulted in a decrease of the relative activity levels of the
LD and LT, whereas the GM activity increased. The present observation is in part confirmed by the study of Oh et al. (2007) in which
a decreased anterior pelvic tilt, higher GM activity and a decrement in LES activity was established when performing prone unilateral
leg extension during which the lumbar region was actively controlled. Although in the present study the lower lumbar extensor
activity levels also decreased, differences were not statistically significant. To complete the leg extension exercise the thoracic
extensors are activated, likely causing an initial increase in the degree of lumbar lordosis. However, when the lumbopelvic region is
controlled the action of these muscles is partly inhibited, resulting in a reduced lumbar angle. In contrast to the trunk extension
exercise, no compensation in the hip extension angle occurs in order to reach the horizontal. This can be explained by the fact that
even in the non-actively controlled leg extension exercise a large hip extension movement occurs. These changes in kinematics are
supported by the alterations in the activity levels of the relevant muscles. As a consequence of the limited lumbar extension, the

J. Van Oosterwijck et al. Human Movement Science 54 (2017) 24–33

thoracic muscles, particularly the LD and LT, contribute less during dynamic leg extension with active control of the lumbopelvic
region. Despite our expectations, there was no significant effect on the lumbar extensor muscle activity. As stated above this could be
due to the high exercise intensity in our study, which will automatically induce high activity levels of the lumbar muscles. Although,
there was no significant increase in hip extension, actively controlling the lumbopelvic region enhanced the activation of the GM, but
not the BF. A possible explanation is that a decrease in lumbar angle is associated with a posterior pelvic tilt, which is mainly caused
by the contraction of the GM (Kendall, Kendall, & Wadswoth, 1971), while the BF acts as prime mover and actually lifts the legs
during the leg extension exercise.
Our results concerning the relative activity of thoracic, lumbar and hip extensors between the exercise conditions, can support the
assumption that no trunk muscle is superior in controlling the spine during movements (Cholewicki & VanVliet, 2002; Kavcic,
Grenier, & McGill, 2004). The higher contribution of the large torque producing muscles during high load prone extension exercises
indicates that control of the lumbar spine is not only achieved by the deep lumbopelvic muscles but also by the large torque
producing muscles, which probably induce a more global stability. This co-operation between the deep lumbopelvic muscles and the
large torque producing muscles will assist in the control of spinal buckling and intervertebral motion via compression. In this respect,
the activity of the GM and LD will contribute to spinal control through the thoracolumbar fascia (McGill, 2002; Vleeming et al.,
1995). Moreover, the higher contraction of the GM in the actively controlled exercise conditions could help the deep muscles to
control the lordotic angle, by generating a posterior pelvic tilt in high load conditions.
Although it was not our main scope to compare both exercises, the degree of lumbar lordosis during a non-actively controlled
trunk extension exercise varied from 31 to 43.5° and from 35 to 43° during the non-actively controlled leg extension exercise. During
the actively controlled trunk extension lordotic angles between the 28 and 40° were demonstrated, whereas only small variations in
lumbar lordosis were demonstrated during the leg extension exercise (28–31°). This emphasizes that the effect of contracting the
lumbopelvic muscle corset on the lordotic angle is higher during the leg extension exercise than during the trunk extension exercise.
The large differences in the kinematics during a prone leg extension versus a prone trunk extension may be related to the freedom of
movement of the pelvis. Whereas the pelvis rests on the table during prone trunk extension exercises, the pelvis is unsupported during
the leg extension exercises and hence a larger movement range is possible in the latter condition. This is affirmed by the lordotic and
hip extension angles demonstrated during leg extension.
The present study has several limitations that need to be taken into account. The study was executed on a small population of
young healthy individuals. As altered muscle recruitment patterns occur in case of LBP and this condition is related to poor muscle
function, future research in these patients would be appropriate. After a short training program, the ability to contract the deep
lumbopelvic muscles independently of more superficial muscles was judged via observation and palpation since this techniques is
commonly used in clinical practice, although the use of ultrasound may have provided a more accurate indication. Similar, the
thoracolumbar and lumbopelvic angles were assessed using a clinical video set-up implying 2D analysis which is less accurate than
3D. As surface EMG was used to measure muscle activity, crosstalk from surrounding muscles cannot be excluded. In this light, the
utilization of fine wire EMG or mfMRI to evaluate deep muscle work would be more appropriate and allows to identify possible
differences among the LES and LM. Another consideration is that the type of training which was used in the study can be combined
with more extensive sensorimotor control training when indicated. The eventual goal would be to obtain an automatic activation of
the deep lumbopelvic muscles during activities and exercises. The current study design did not allow to exclude the possibility that an
automatic activation of the deep muscles took place during the exercise condition in which no instructions regarding the application
of the lumbopelvic control strategy were given. However, even if this would be the case, the differential results between the exercise
condition with and without instruction to actively apply the control strategy show that providing these instructions does make a
difference. Although it has been previously shown that when high-load lumbar extension exercises are performed with less lumbar
lordosis this reduces the spinal loads (Callaghan et al., 1998), the current study only examined how the implementation of an active
lumbopelvic control strategy during lumbar extension exercise performance influences the degree of lumbar lordosis and thus
conclusions regarding the effects on spinal loading cannot be drawn from this study.

5. Conclusions

The present study showed that the instruction to apply an acquired active lumbopelvic control strategy, existing of co-contraction
of the deep lumbopelvic muscles, is able to reduce lumbar (hyper)lordosis during high load dynamic trunk extension exercises and
bilateral leg extension exercises performed by healthy people. The observation that an active lumbopelvic control strategy, as used in
this study can diminish the degree of lumbar lordosis during prone extension exercises, is highly valuable for clinical practice. When
integrating these exercises in training programs, it is advisable to learn and instruct subjects to use the active control strategy of the
lumbopelvic region in order to reduce the degree of lumbar lordosis and prevent the associated risk of spinal injury. However, the
implementation of this active lumbopelvic control strategy affects the muscle recruitment patterns of the posterior extensor chain
during these exercises. In particular, when the active lumbopelvic control technique is implemented during bilateral leg extensions
exercises from prone position, the recruitment of the large torque producing muscles is changed in order to complete the lumbar
extension exercises. Moreover, based on our findings it can be assumed that both the deep muscles and large torque producing
muscles are working harmoniously in order to control and move the lumbar spine during high load prone extension exercises.

Funding statement

Jessica Van Oosterwijck is a postdoctoral research fellow funded by the Special Research Fund of Ghent University. Stijn

J. Van Oosterwijck et al. Human Movement Science 54 (2017) 24–33

Schouppe is financially supported by an Interdisciplinary Research grant (BOF14/IOP/067) from the Special Research Fund of Ghent

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest to report.


The authors would like to thank Marieke De Simpelaere, Janis Demeurisse and Bram Van Wittenberge for their assistance during
data collection.


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