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Translation to English by: Don Alberto Saravia

To whom it May concern;

Volunteers in the search for EQUITY IN HUMANITY.

To the Custodial Leaders of Humanity.

The predecessors, left a recorded history where they express their concerns for the country they govern, whoever is to assume a
new mandate, know and know what collateral effects these historical records have on each decision they make. They have their
advisors' bodies, which share information that is closed to citizens. They also understand that they would unleash social chaos if
they let them appear in the editorials, the boxed truths that unnecessarily enslave us.

Preventing retaliation, preventing them from asking for someone's head. People need to get angry with someone; but the
Leader as head of command, simply cannot react without first of all.

For countries to work, there are basic needs to cover above all things, and in this lies in the hands of THE LEADRS the freedom or
slavery of citizens. People need The Leaders, to maintain their rhythm of life, whatever it may be. Before drastic events, always
think by inertia "is temporary, it will happen", surely all humans think that way, because by nature is believe in God or No, the
essence of hope is within our being.

It is expected that the solutions do not take many, but ... what is a lot? ... months, years, lives, what is the measure of the time
of dignified life and freedoms? ... we have a, yes, a single earthly life ... And when is the opportunity for quality of life for each of
these citizens? ... At first, by nature, we begin to blame ourselves that the opportunity to grow does not come because the
human is not efficient, and we begin to punish each other individually, some fall in drugs, others prostitute themselves, others
throw themselves into abandonment ...

More who is guilty of this happening?, and still continue to have faith that everything will change and everything will get better
... but the years go by and nothing changes, your efforts are greater, and the time comes when you say "there is no more where
to get resistance, to stay within the system of coverage of basic needs by your own effort", or when we prepare so much for
when the opportunity to grow arrives, you overcome who evaluates you, and they tell you that position is not applicable to you.

While you are seeing that, who evaluates you, is a person who has a pattern anchored to a book that was taught and does not
enjoy the experience of field work. They cross your resume giving as a result a shipment route of hundreds of emails, and if you
are very lucky someone takes the job of reading, and really chooses to meet the human who wrote his story.

You wait for answers that never arrive, and we become sad, we get bitter, we get angry with ourselves.

Then you begin to see that you are not the only one and that the same thing happens to many of you; then triggers the bad
mood, and continues with the collective anger and that is where the abusers or criminals take advantage.

We know that nothing a Leader does or does not do is a private matter. The decisions that you take as a Leader towards the
mediated, or distant, future; "They risk humanity unnecessarily" and it is "inadmissible".

There is a moment, in which certain limits must be set, and the person in charge of setting those limits is the Cabinet of the

Something that the PREDECESSORS had to transmit, one to another, if they had arranged the time and the nobility, which leads
to draw a "sustainable guideline in time", to complete the authentic knowledge for future Leaders.

The life time is running out, the forces are decreasing with the passage of time. The wills to "break the collateral injustices",
which leave the decisions taken by the Leaders in the name of Humanity, are a processing of human bites, leading to the
exploitation of man by man.

Forgetting that there are some humans who have sacrificed for others, in silence, subdued, incorrupt, taking time away from
their own growth and subjecting their environment to extreme needs, being discredited, persecuted, struggling with themselves
to make a hard decision between falling into the acceptance of being corrupted by one's own sustenance and the resistance to
deciding between the easy and the difficult. For all this great effort of those; who contributed their grain of sand, who prayed
that I continue in the search for equity, to those who saw that we did not have the economic means to continue and went into
debt to finance myself in order to continue; to those who encouraged me again and again to co when my resistance wavered. To
those who are there and to those who have left forever, to all of them many, many thanks!
New volunteers will arrive to continue, with the implementation of an authentic equity, I ask you to be strengthened in God, and
"to be strong" in your decisions so as not to be corrupted, to keep constantly in mind, that in every decision that take, they will
check someone's life.

For those new volunteers of humanity; I suggest you, pay attention to this desiderata I listened to, day after day in my
hometown, Comodoro Rivadavia.

"Walk placidly between the noise and the hurry. Think of the peace that can be found in silence. State your truth in a calm, clear
way and leave an official record of it. Listen to others, even the clumsy and ignorant. They also have their own history.
Dodge noisy and aggressive people, it is a nuisance to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you will become vain and bitter, for there will always be people bigger and smaller than you.
Enjoy your successes, as well as your plans. Keep the interest in your own career, however humble it may be. She is a true
treasure in the fortuitous change of times.
Be careful in your business, because the world is full of deceptions. But do not let this make you blind, for the virtue that exists.
There are many people who strive to achieve noble ideals. Life is full of heroism.
Be honest with yourself, especially do not pretend affection and do not be cynic in love, because in the midst of all the aridity and
disappointment is perennial as grass.
Docilely adhere to the advice of the years, abandoning the things of youth with generosity.
Last the firmness of the spirit, so that it protects you in the sudden adversities. Many fears are born from the fatigue and the
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.
"You are a creature of the universe," no less than plants and stars. You have the right to exist, and whether it is clear to you or
not, the universe undoubtedly goes as it should.
That's why you should be in Peace with God, whatever your idea of him and whatever you want your jobs and aspirations. Keep
Peace with your Soul in the boisterous confusion of life. Even with all its farce, hardships and failed dreams, the world is still
beautiful. Be careful. Strive to be happy”, and always seek the truth in the origins, since all the sustenance of the equity of
humanity, is created in the name of God and administered by custodians.

The years are weighed, and today I can close this stage, which thanks to all the volunteers from different countries allowed
today to have a file, such as Constancia and Proof of Life that the money is created in the name of God.

My humble wish and as compensation to all the volunteers; is that the content of the file "GIVE TO KNOW THE WORLD", and as
the last step of "THIS TRIAL OF LIFE", containing THE CONCRETE HOPE TO REACH EQUALITY IN HUMANITY, I will deposit a copy
of the File in the Presidency of the Republic Argentina, to be delivered to Mr. Mauricio Macri.

What Don Mauricio Macri will do, in his difficult position of being Human and Leader, only God keeps his answer.

For the moment I say goodbye with one forever, with the greatest of thanks and respect to all those who trusted in the search
for knowledge, without questioning. I am at peace with God and with myself; and when the ax of death, cut the tree of my life, I
will fall perhaps without noise, but knowing that I fight for life, good principles and freedom; as a tiny part of humanity !!!

"THIS PROOF OF LIFE" a present end of year 2017 for Humanity and contains


Name: Mirtha Liliana Walker
Passport Number: AAA 438769
Issue Date: 30 NOV 2012
Expiration date: 30 NOV 2022
Country: Argentine Republic

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