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Department of Earthquake Engineering

The Earthquake Engineering department (EQD) celebrated the annual tech-fest Cognizance at IIT Roorkee
with great zeal and excitement. EQD organized a two day program on 15th and 16th of March 2019. The
department witnessed the congregation of the best of the minds from all over the country, who
showcased their talent and innovation along with their technical skills at the departmental events held.

The day one of Cognizance kick started with the SPECTRUM event. This was the most intense event that
had everyone using their imagination, creativity as well as their technical knowledge. The event consisted
of participants making a bridge model using the materials given on the spot which included Popsicle sticks,
straws, strings, paper, rubber bands and glue. The models would then be tested on the second day for
structural capacity. The participation in the event was the highest the department had seen so far.

The bridge models were tested on the second day for gravity. The marking/points system considered the
structural capacity of the bridges, the aesthetical appearance, structural system and the amount of
materials used in its making. The Judges included departmental faculty with years of expertise in the topic.
The event was an overall success with excellent participation and beautiful sturdy bridges of very
innovative configurations. The execution of the event went smoothly with the help and coordination of
colleagues, faculty and departmental staff.

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