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Question 1) name of photographer?

Answer: blend

Question 2) what type of photographs do they take?

Answer: food and advertisement

Question 3) what media products are they used in?

Answer: food and advertisement

Question 4) select at least 5 images for each which you think are good examples of their work and
save them to your area?

I like this one because the hand that is in air it not connected to anything so
it makes the shoe the focus of the image.

i like this one because the reflection of the earrings is on the bottom so it
makes it look appealing as it looks lie there is a mirror in the middle.

I like this one because the perfume is nice but the image is reflected as it
meets the surface so like mirror but the shape of it looks like a flower.
I like this one because the image looks like it is in the air but the structure
is interesting as it looks like it is flying

I like this one because the cutlery is shadowed.

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