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Question 1) name of photographer?

Answer: press association

Question 2) what type of photographs do they take?

Answer: news, paparazzi, sport and an old storage of pictures

Question 3) what media products are they used in?

Answer: news

Question 4) select at least 5 images for each which you think are good examples of their work and
save them to your area?


I like this one because we get to see behind the image of what the
people see in the news all of the people helping to make the celebrities
look good.

I like this one because it is one from the archive part of the press
association and I like the old picture due to it being in black and white
because they didn’t have colours back then.

I like this one because the man is in focus however the background of the
image is out of focus so the man in the only thing that you look at clearly
which makes people pay attention to him.
I like this one because the image shows that people are helping
others in the time of need.

I like this one due to it being a lovely as it shows the clothing of the
ironic event that everyone knows as the royal wedding.

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