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जजजज जज जजजज जजजजज जजजज जजजजजज जजजजज जज जज जजजजजजजजज जजजज जज |

जजजज जजजज जज जजज जजजज जज जजजजजज जजजज जजज जज जजजज जजजज जज जज जज

जजजज जजज जजजजजज जजजजजजज जजजज जजज जज जजजज जजजजजज जजजजज जजजज जज |
जजजजजज जजज जजजज जजजज जजजजजजजज जज जजजजजजजजजज जज जजजजजजज जजजज
जजजज जज जजज जजजज जजजजजजजजज जजजज जज जजजजजजजज जज जजजजजजजजजज जज
जजजजजजज जज जजजज जज जजजज जजजज जज जज जजजजज जज ज जज जजज जज जजज
जजजजजज जज जज जजजज जज |

Why a soul has chosen a particular Moment on a particular day ,the month and year to incarnate in the
form of a human being ????. It is so because this particular Moment Or the Ascendant has to reflect the
very being of the Individual. The person’s his capacity to enjoy the pleasure and struggles of life ; his/her
style of functioning ;what is destined for him in this Incarnation as per the Wisdom acquired from earlier
lives is depicted by the significations of Planets Co-Ruling the Ascendant.

We know that other Cuspal positions are set, using as particular house formation system, in
accordance with the degree, minutes and seconds

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