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Last summer, my friends and I went on a holiday for few days in Italy.

I had waiting so long

for this holiday so when it started, I felt like I was dreaming.As I had never travelled by plane
before, I was a little nervous.
We preferred to spend our leisure time by the sea. On this trip I had learnt to swim
We swam a lot while we were on holiday.The sun was shining and a warm breeze was
blowing from the sea. So while I was sunbathing on the beach ,my friends were swimming.
One day in the evening ,when I was reading in my room ,my mobile rang.My friends were
phoning to tell me how the weather was at the seaside.After I had read for over one hour,I
arrived at beach just as the sun was going down and my friends were sitting on the shore
,when I arrived .We were talking on the beach when I saw on the sand a plenty of starfish.I
was amazed because Iʼve never seen so many starfish at once.It was getting dark when we
returned at our hotel after a wonderful day.
Another day we decided to do a sightseeing tour around city. We were touring by car around
the country, so we could see a lot of interesting places such as: monuments, museums,
shopping centers,department stories, statues,cathedrals. We travelled around the streets
and ate lots of delicious food .When we were walking on the streets , we met some very nice
We were felling very sad when the holiday ended.

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