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IEP Amendment Meeting Reflection

We have had a student with unsafe behaviors towards herself and others. She has had

an FBA and behavior plan in place, including a one on one. This meeting came because her

behavior plan was not working. Her behaviors had been getting out of hand and there was no

way to prevent them, control them or stop them that they currently had in place. Many people

were in attendance for this meeting. There were district behavior specialists, the student’s one

on one, her mother, and all other required IEP members.

It was a very large meeting and probably the most discussion based IEP meeting that I

have attended. They tried to problem solve what was causing the students behavior and

decided to try things that revolved around her desire to use technology frequently. It was going

to be hard to control this but necessary it seemed to help her behaviors be prevented. The

student was in attendance as well but she did not say anything about any decision that was

made. She struggles with her ability to understand what is going on around her and speaking up

for herself. She spent time during the meeting doing puzzles and coloring. Every so often she

would repeat things that were said in the meeting.

She was given the opportunity to use an iPad which she happily took. She began doing a

common thing for her, typing out her routine and schedule for the day. This brought up

discussion about how swaying from her schedule causes her panic and results in behaviors.

Ultimately it was decided to do a picture schedule which she took things off as she completed

them so that she was not constrained to times and could adjust to it changing daily.

However, following the meeting she had not participated in her regular school schedule

and her behaviors blew up, resulting in the two classrooms evacuating into one. I had never
been a part of a meeting with a behavior and I found it interesting to dissect what the student

is doing and why. It is hard to understand this when they cannot tell you why they do what they

do or figure it out exactly. You have to keep changing plans and working on behaviors until you

find the thing that is going to be most beneficial to solving the problem. This is what I learned

from this IEP. It is stressful but essential.

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