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What does the future hold for you? ANNA RIVA has the answers. /s there money, love, happiness, or good health coming your way? An ANNA Riva Personal Horoscope May Hold The Answers For You Send $10.00" for 12 months of ANNA Riva Horoscopes , and receive a free lottery number book and a free spiritual catalog! Name pisase pint aa Address Ss at City a State Zip Your Birthdate_month day ee Send $10.00° chock, cash, or money order with this page to ares Riva ina Hoiasper, P. 0. Boa 3521, Glen Peet MH 60138 Foreiga orders please send 315.00 in US. “*Fleare allow treo weeks for delivery of your Teas ¥Y U iT S 2 th & Ml ee 3 CONTENTS Introduction and Basic Rules of Candle Burning............. Golor Significance .... 2.22.2... cece cece eee Kinds of Candles................ Astral or Personal Male Gender Bayberry Marriage Beeswax Mummy Brand Names Reversible Cat Sabbatic Goat or Cross or Crucifix God of the Witches Devil or Satan Seven Knob or Wishing Double Action Skull Female Gender Snake Figure or Image Triple Action Witch Duration of Rituals 2.02... 2. eee eee Timing of Rituals ............0.0.... Preparing and Dressing Candles.....00...00..0.0..0.000208 125 Candle Rituals for every purpose... . 2... eee Candle Novenas ... 9.22... eee Prayers to the Saints........... Psalms and Candles—150 Rituals - _ Seals and Gandles—85 Candie Spells The Hand of Glory Controlling Candle and Spell... Ceromancy, or How to Tall Fortunes with Wax ..... GOnGlsion. 0.00... cece cece eee etna nena e ett eee ee .19 -21 22 25 27 . 60 63 . 69 . BF 93. -96

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