Directional Astrology by V G Rele Read Description Without Fail

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DIRECTIONAL ASTROLOGY OF THE HINDUS as propounded in VIMSHOTTARI DASA BY Dr. V. G. RELE, L.M.&S., F.C.P.S. Part I: Theoretical Part Il: Practical “To stop short in any research that bids fair to widen the gates of Knowledge, to recoil from fear of difficulty or adverse criticism, is to bring reproach upon Science.” —Sir Wittram Crooxs THIRD EDITION Revised and Enlarged BOMBAY: D. B. TARAPOREVALA SONS & Co. Treasure House of Books Hornby Road, Fort. Copyright 1935 By D. B. TARAPOREVALA SONS & Co. Published by Jal Taraporevala for Messrs D. B. Taraporevala Sons & Co., at Hornby Road, Fort, Bombay, and Printed by L, M. Motee at Commercial Printing Works, East Street, Poona, PREFACE The first part of this book was published some years ago as an effort to find out the basis of Vimshottari Dasa which is mostly used by Indian Astrologers for predicting future events. The effort was well received by students of astro- logy and others interested in the interpretation of the Science. It was suggested by some that its applicability to the horoscope should be worked out in detail mentioning at the same time the principles of predictions, according to the Indian System, so as to save the trouble of hunting after them in the mass of Sanskrit literature on the subject. In due deference to their wishes, I have written the second part of the book taking it for granted that the first principles of Astrology have been mastered by the reader from any Indian or European text- book. I hope this book will prove useful to the student for whom it is intended. December 1934 V. G. RELE.

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